2016-08-22 at

Lost Loves

One day, I may find the strength to pursue out lost friends. But that does not seem like today.


The day ends finally, with minimal drama, apparently.
I miss you.
And you.
And you.
But it's all in the past, for now, because we don't miss us.


My short-term financial goal is to make enough money to be able to take a casual stroll in New England without having to think about the pricetag :P

Such simplicity.


4am runs through the streets of PJ and Taman Tun. Old, broken, body cutting through the cool air. No cars. The shadows of trees make tunnels of light on long streets. The intersections once filled with cars will fill again. In the traffic, I asked for a kiss, and you gave me your cheek. Nearby in police lights, we drowned our sadness in touch and tears. Making out till the days ended. Here, now, I'm running through these very empty streets, very much without you.


The obvious problem when all your close friends are a subset of your lovers: you turn to your lovers and your lovers turn away, and then you have no friends for a while.


4am runs through the streets of PJ and Taman Tun. Old, broken, body cutting through the cool air. No cars. The shadows of trees make tunnels of light on long streets. The intersections once filled with cars will fill again. In the traffic, I asked for a kiss, and you gave me your cheek. Nearby in police lights, we drowned our sadness in touch and tears. Making out till the days ended. Here, now, I'm running through these very empty streets, very much without you.


Can't believe I managed to hold off for eight months. It passed in a flash. Hey girl.


Communication resumes, albeit briefly. Fencing.


A more complete ending.


Honesty destroys many relationships.

The typical discourse about this is that you're supposed to balance it with empathy. When you fail to maintain a balance, the relationship fails. It's a major context-switch to drop into maxed out unlosable friend mode - in the years when I am more materially wealthy, I have fewer overheads and it is easier. As always, to some degree, money maketh the man.

"I want to know what you're thinking."
"I want to know why you do X."
"I hope that the space I've given you was beneficial to your well being, but I want to know now."


Making the category of close friends a proper subset of the category of lovers, leaves one mostly lonesome... but then the intention behind that strategy is that it maximises time for work... :)

Strategies don't always match operations.

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