2019-09-02 at

TL;DR: Javascript has matured. What shall next, be born?

JavaScript may have always been complex, under the hood, in its early incarnations - but the commonly used surface was a rather small general purpose language. In recent years, the addition of features which make the language more robust have also increased the number of commonly used keywords and concepts... to a point where I can no longer refer to Javascript as a "small" language.

This is good for engineering professionals, and bad for artisanal users (small timers / noobs). In light of this, I have some context for appreciating the complaints and debates on language politics in Javascript framework communities.

I will continue to study Javascript as an ongoing concern... and I expect that more language features will be added into it, as it turns into a high-level cross-platform glue language like C and Java before it. (I am familiar with the difference between compiled, and interpreted code.)

However, I think, at some point we will find that economic pressures will encourage people to seek/design smaller languages (which may or may not compile down to Javascript) for introductory-level computing projects.

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