2019-11-23 at

What Good Strategy Implementation Looks Like

What I believe a stable job looks like:
- eat, sleep, exercise, groom, and grocer at set times each day
- put staff meetings on a schedule, follow up carefully
- read about software, write software, publish coherent documentation on software
What I end up with, optimised:
- eat, sleep, exercise, groom, and grocer at different times daily
- parachute into operations when staff call mayday
- schedule coffee and software architecture sketches, but get sidelined with a business development meeting, and do absolutely nothing software related on day-one; then spend the first half of day-two coaching staff on basic repairs, then get coffee and sit down to sarch sketches, then go for a swim, then bring forward partner's birthday celebrations to get it out of the way, and still have zero code written by the end of day-two
No really, that is optimised...

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