2023-02-12 at

Coffee, Tea, and Alcoholic Beverages : optimised scheduling

Tea, about six grams dry, makes a pot or so of hot or iced stuff. Much more suitable for daydreaming, than coffee, as it induces less tunneling from caffeine.

Alcohol, is better earlier in the day, rather than before bed, as it provides more time for food and exercise to heal nerves, before sleep. This appears to imply that legal chem sex should also be scheduled earlier rather than later.

Coffee, as the main tunneling drug, is best reserved for verbal, musculoskeletal, and other spatially analytical endeavours, which do not require rule bending. That is why most wage labour requires it.

Later :

The effects of overhydration are coherent with parasympathetic activities, and the effects of dehydration are coherent with the sympathetic ... to some degree.

"More hydration while daydreaming, less hydration while tunneling, perhaps."

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