2023-08-02 at

Driving Anti-patterns in Malaysia (2023)

 A few common patterns that JPJ could clean up nation-wide with an annual campaign costing under RM 200,000/ year. And maybe a citizen-reporting app summons-flow for under RM 100,000/ year.

1. How to behave when you hear emergency sirens?

- Immediately slow down in ALL lanes, and move to outer edges of the street.

- If stationery (at light, or in jam) START moving to outer edges of the street.

2. Pedestrians jay-walking?

- Needs to be clear who has the right of way, and even if the pedestrian jay-walks, should the car slow down or not.

- If this is fixed, the zebra-crossing issue becomes a non-issue.

3. Parking / stopping illegally

- white lines

- yellow lines

- inner lanes (especially in urban areas)

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