2023-11-28 at

Money as a Sign of Faith

I often meet people who don't understand money. Many people believe that money has fixed value - but that is false.

MONEY at any time has value, only in terms of the PRICE OF GOODS AND SERVICES at any point in time. When goods are expensive, money has less value, and when goods are cheap, money has more value. So the value of a unit of money fluctuates, constantly.

Now, people buy insurance against these fluctuations - instead of holding money, which has no intrinsic value, people sometimes buy ( property rights / contracts over ) actual goods and services instead. This is why hoarders hoard things, learners learn things, and people get into relationships where they can control their supply of social services without resorting to exchanges of money.

The tendency of a person to hoard money is a direct indication of their level of faith in society. People who trust in the stability of other people hoard money. People who do not trust in other people, hoard other things instead, which do not depend on other people.

I just happen to be of the latter variety - I am very rarely impressed by other people, and so mostly I hoard information, which provides me with direct access to goods and services, regardless of society.

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