2024-01-18 at

Career strategies and biases

\\Career strategy and ethical bias

Say we each begin our careers with a preferred end-game of what the state of the world will be in fifty years.

Some of us see an end-game where grey market activities are rife, so we spend the early parts of our career in the black, because we can tolerate the risk.

Some of us prefer and end-game of white market governance across the economy, so in early life we allow ourselves to study the grey. 

Myself, I align with the borg and am more of the latter variety. I might even get into black markets but the end I prefer is a total enforcement of the economy by centralised government.

\\ Career strategy and financial bias.

Many of us do not plan to accept a state of poverty.

Some of us accept poverty, or being penniless. The result being such that ... we can take ridiculous risks with money. It doesn't matter much if we lose the game, but it will matter if we win.

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