2024-07-25 at

Uncommon Moralities

"monetising anxiety is the great game"

Becoming unafraid to die, to lose, or to suffer.

It's amazing how little emotional intelligence Malaysians have. I am not referring to sentimentality, or passion ... we have that in spades, it disgusts me, but that is a separate issue from the first.

When I talk to people about motivations, some seem uncertain of what I mean. Getting anyone, to do anything, on Earth, depends on presenting incentives to the subject. All action is a matter of carrots, and sticks - if the subject feels comfortable, it is a carrot, if the subject feels uncomfortable, it is a stick. But many people do not have this understanding of themselves, or of society in general.

Absolutely nothing gets done, if someone is neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. A content person does not breathe. Mostly, we can capture the sticks using a language of anxiety.

* Parents are anxious about the experiences of their kids, so parents do things, and whinge about sacrifice to make themselves feel better.

* Singles are anxious about their future experiences, so they do things, and whinge about passion as if it is something to be proud of - gold-plated anxiety.

* Carbon dioxide makes you anxious, so you breathe.

Many common anxieties lie in fear, which is a great motivator. Fear of death, kiasi, fear of losing, kiasu ... two memes from Singapore. Perhaps I have been overly conditioned by my parents who made fun of kiasu and kiasi people.

If you suggest to someone that they begin their moral belief system with two rules : you are not allowed to be kiasi, and you are not allowed to be kiasu, then you get some interesting outcomes.

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