2016-07-12 at

Yawn 6

A thoroughly uneventful day. Does that mean it's time to write or draw again? Perhaps one day I'll be smart enough to do serious math in my spare time. That hasn't been possible yet.


Privilege is such sweet sorrow. The $10 million man feels tragic about the $1 million man's efforts. The RM40 man feels tragic about the RM4.75 man's lot in life. Oh, what a pity. And yet the markets clear... businesses come and go, but business never ends.


Writing a strategic priorities brief. Perpetual success is hypothetical. You can only provide evidence to support that hypothesis, never actually achieving it.


I just wrote a management manual. I feel like a useless smartass. :P


So this made me think. The first AR dating app that gets put out is going to be interesting. It should look kinda shimmery like the holodeck. It's not even that hard as long as you get dates to stand up against a green (or other flat coloured) screen.


If I empathise sufficiently with strangers, then the benefits of being my best friend... effectively drop to zero. No one wants such assholes in their lives, do they? That's what I'm thinking about, as I record some spoken words, and send them to a friend who hasn't read my messages in a few days.


Deploying to the trench.


Run time.


T minus 61. Team6 will engage with Team5.

All units on yellow alert for 11 days and counting. Hope for a clean handover and relief. Wait for it. Drum dum di dum. I have some other thoughts to pen in the meantime.


Unreadiness for speech is professional suicide. Huhuhu.


I just lost the outsoles of the shoes I use for running on crap roads in the rain. I'm a mechanic - I get sentimental about my tools; by extension I view teams as toolsets, and I get sentimental about people also. A staff asked yesterday why I was being nice; I said it is because it my job to be nice to people: it is my job to manage the resources that have put themselves at my disposal. Moreover, we work in hospitality - we are the tools of comfort. If you forget this, you forget what it is to be hospitable, and that is a contradiction of the business case. A team that is capable of higher-order thought has a clear separation between its actors and their roles. As actors we may care about actors, but that is not to be confused with the roles we play. Our roles do not care about actors; our roles care about roles. Failure to distinguish the two leads to folly, and sometimes, laughable grief.


"He bought me a toothbrush."
"AW. There's something really cynical I could say. But you don't want to hear it."
"Toothbrushes are cheaper than prostitutes."


Many of these are guesses:
ISFJ uninstalled.
INTJ installed.
ENTJ... installing...
INFP... looking around furtively...
INTP... focusing on exams...
The other INTP... still on permanent standby. Did I get everyone?
Oh... the two ENTP customers have been introduced and are starting a philosophy class. Excellent...


Over the weeks, I have had so many suggestions from some party to fire another, that I am seriously considering firing the next person who asks, on the spot. Lol.


I've set myself a reminder to talk to her in three months:
Divestment, on clear guidance. Enforced silence. Chores, breakfast, and sleep.


Time to buy protein powder - budgets are tight. Scheduling a message to touch base with loved ones in a quarter. On to chores!


Team6 briefings - first 24-hours: Deal with incoming aggression as a cohort, with strategic planning. Anxiety and aggression are both medical conditions, so treat them as such... therapy is important; seek professional help if necessary; allowing it to become the _status quo_ is a no-no. AVOID falling in love with your work, or colleagues, as it may result in utter confusion and a mismatch of priorities. Enjoy the ride. Stay as long as you can be happy. Leave as soon as you have exhausted opportunities for happiness. Broadcast your trajectory MONTHS in advance, preferably. Don't block the door. :)


On aiming for rejections, as practice: "It's the same with customers really, if you're not making someone sad, you can't possibly be taking enough risk. Of course, that's debatable. :P"


Walky walk in the beautiful weather, new food to try out. Waiting for the team.


Department on fire: Day 13. Initial feedback indicates that the learning curve is steep. Oh well.




"I didn't know you to be playful. You used to be a curt conversationalist."

"Well, I would like to be running an army. But I have lucked into a kindergarten instead. So here, I argue with children about why pants must be a certain way, about why toys should not be stolen, and why poop must go in special places. I can't say it is enjoyable, but it is the nature of the job.

Of course, we all end up sleeping with burdens that are not our own - most of my hourly concerns are intrinsic concerns of our people which I make a point to remember - since most of those concerns are non-verbal, one can only store them in non-verbal memory, for the sake of accuracy. Remembering what everyone dislikes is a matter of remembering how each one's fears are triggered, and how their resultant fears are experienced - experienced, in the first person.

Again, that is just the nature of anthropology in a society that is unlike oneself. One has to become closely, if obviously not exactly, like a local.

I feel it can be similar meanwhile, dealing with investors. Many fear that the business will go under. While I frequently (if not constantly) hold that it is probable that the business will go under, I mostly attempt to not fear that fact - fear only gets in the way of being able to execute on the risks we are here to take."


Am I a bad communicator, or am I clearly communicating things you don't want to hear? That's usually the thought at the back of my mind, when you hear me speak. Not always, but usually. All I study of the world, is how it is communicated, after all.

I suppose I must then draw a distinction between communications and rhetoric, the latter being the business of persuasion.


Boredom is a knife sharpener. When it does a good job, everything gets better. When it does a bad one, the results are dull.


Priora Robotics. Just because.


Weeks upon weeks. (On doing nothing, improving work.)


Snaking a toilet all day. Now we're gonna just rip it up.


Now we have two departments on fire. Oh well. Today was rather uneventful - though I did end up bringing us RM200 closer to burn out, covering myself in sewerage, and helping to orientate the new procurement officer.


Hmm. I am in online meetings with staff. There is an emergency 9am task to attend. It is 1am. I need to get dinner. This could result in another night on the couch in the office... the surest way to not miss meetings.


Injecting influence on brand management today:
- Dreamy. No dreamers.
- Taste. Only the minimum.
- Fame. Avoid it.
- Boredom. Seek it.
Can't wait to retire and let the team reinvent the brand in any way it deems fitting. If we survive.


"We have problems, A, B, and C!"
"I know, I set up the..."
"Don't say you know!"
"i know the problem is there. I just choose to do nothing about it. It's there by design, because no one provided an economically viable alternative. With the addition of new resources (such as yourself), the opportunity cost of any comitment of resources changes. Do what you can, that is the mandate... natural selection will show us the future of the organisation."


Are we dead yet? No? Back to work.


Same shit, different day. Wondering about spending the night out, or going straight to bed.


Flirtation in the age of comet: two spaces followed by two backspaces.


I spend much of my life wondering if I am too snobby for my own good. The early decision to thrive on dust is too easily forgotten. I must often remind myself, that nonchalance is key. That is how I seek to be a better person.

Thank you for your random thoughts.

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