2018-08-15 at

Yawn 39

13 July - 15 August


Plastic surgery?

Breaking: Jho Low reported to have been hiding in plain sight for three years, posing as a barista in Damansara.


It's often said that human babies are particularly weak* among mammalian babies, and you get reminded of it almost every time you do a comparison of how much whinier the humans are. In tandem, it's interesting to watch how adults express genes that have been adapted for involuntarily reactions to whining. Today for me, it's most interesting because I've spent too much time counselling people in the past few years... and I swear by the gods of anecdotal account that it's the involuntary whinging, and involuntary [susceptibility to / compassion for] whinging, that makes adult humans such back-assward headcases.

<* The common theory is, we adapted to such unusually large adult brains, to the point where it was hard for moms to grow hips large enough to [birth big skulls] as well as [survive other evolutionary pressures - perhaps, such as the need to run/ forage], that we adapted instead to have very long childhoods. Or something like that.>

What these observations suggest is that we have evolved to have such rich emotional and spiritual experiences as a result of the chain of selection pressures mentioned above (assuming of course, a purely physiological definition of emotion and spirituality - which I happen to already have from my undergraduate research). Now... patting myself on the back for narcissm... I haven't read this proposition before, so at least now I know what thesis I would work on, if someone paid me to do an M-phil. tomorrow. Of course, no one's going to... so i just published it on Facebook. 😝


Maszlee: How long before the far right screams for his blood? I give it a year, if he implements policies close to his heart. More line if he tracks Mahathirist populism.


Most minutes of the day in food service involve one of two activities:

(1) facilitating death
(2) facilitating life

Occasionally, you find someone who is surprised by this allocation of labour, and the minute responsibilities involved in deciding how things should live or die.


Finally finding time to read up on recent history (over breakfast: Napoleanic wars).


Energy policy.

My comment on my favourite comment:

"Mr X, I think WTE is good for the environment. Since the Minister has already addressed the bureaucratic concerns, let me try and highlight a political one which may be more controversial.

All governments (past and present) in Malaysia have run on campaigns of cheap energy for the masses - this may not be good for the environent. All citizen-driven campaigns to reduce the waste footprint in Malaysia need to be aligned with (and actually include) messaging that such improvements are naturally coupled with increases in cost of living - if citizens don't acknowledge this up front, then policy makers are forced to rebut with this information, and it makes them look defensive: in order to maximise the probability of cooperation from policy makers, we should be reducing the burden of risk for policy makers, by stating the costs of our proposals also.

We can go into detail on this in PM or a separate forum, I suppose. The conversation you started with the minister looks like a good start. "


Reminded of a lot of misdirected hate in conversations on child sexual relations. Pedophilia isn't a crime; child pornography implies statutory rape; statutory rape is a crime. (Pedophilia doesn't imply child pornography, or any other form of statutory rape.) Rebranding "pedophiles" to "pedosexuals" is pointless. For the record, I prefer older women, but I don't think the older women prefer me. :P


Plan is: no day off today. Catch up on work, instead. Plans rarely work out...


Putinschka did a brilliant job. Literally got Trump to carry his balls on TV. Is it supposed to be Putschka? My Russian is nonexistant...


Ministers of Defense: LCT+Sabu: Holy shit. The tag-team can talk the enemy to death liao...


Someone reversed into my car today. Is this the end? Is it goodbye? My car? 🤔


In a forum, we were discussing how men can be evil. Some say, evil is loathsome evil, the end. For others, there is an intersection between that which is loathesome evil and that which is giggly hilarious. Someone compared giggling at evil, to kicking puppies. Please. One does not simply kick puppies. One lifts them aside with tippy toes, while allowing an audience to imagine that they have been punted with fortitude between the minarets of injustice and terror. Goal


Can anyone recommend a car workshop in/near Damansara Jaya, that processes third-party insurance claims? (Someone's car hits me, I want to claim damages from their insurance policy.)


Commented in a forum:

"Anything posted in public is really open for interpretation by the public. If a content provider wants to post content in public, it would be nice if they could tolerate being presented with honest reactions to their content.

Some authors may prefer to live in a bubble. For example, if someone writes, "eating babies is wrong," and someone else says, "but I don't mind eating babies," it's not an invitation to argue about the merits of either point of view. But if one party cannot tolerate the existance of different points of view, they may prefer to block all opposing points of view from their feed {Hide Post, to train the algorithm; Block User, to stop seeing all content from a user - of course you'll know they're around when people mention them by name, or reply to invisible commenters in a familiar style}.

I have this general problem with people who have public social media profiles, who can't tolerate replies to their public content.

I think it's either naive, or disingenuous. But I don't hate these people much beyond the facetious level. There are many weaknesses in the world, and you should never inconvenience yourself just because someone is being difficult.



1. Lack of material ambition.
2. High risk appetite.
3. Strong preference for quantified processes.
Yup. Pretty much sums up the axioms of my post-secondary school career.


OMG. Writing algorithms with automated bid adjustment rules... -_-


Malaysia should unify its access-ages to all civil liberties: sex, voting, vice... they should all be one age, say 18-years-old. Right now we have a mess, it's 16, 18, 21, and when you go to [updated: examine rights to work], there are limits on 14 year-olds, and 15-year-olds, and it differs if you are male, female, wtf.

One access-age means you either have the rights of a citizen, or you don't. None of this partial rights nonsense. In fact they should test you at the age of 18, and if you fail the test your full citizenship is deferred for a year - Remove Class.

There should be compulsory national service for one year at the age of 17. And there should be a test that covers your high-school syllabus in how the legal system governs the nation from top to bottom. Doesn't sound familiar? That's because they need to change the high-school syllabus to be centrered around this in the first place...


Extensively updated 10:30am, 20 July.

Taking notes as I read, Act 792, Sexual Offenses Against Children 2017, gazetted July 2017:

- I.2.1 : the act applies to any sub-18-year-old [x-ref: Child Act 2001's definition of a child]; the item of note for public interest then is, in combination with [ IV.14 : physical sexual assault on a child ]... it doesn't matter if [either one or both] intimate partners is/are above the age of consent [see * footnote], AND fully consenting to intimacy... nevertheless, each counterparty to a sub-18yo becomes guilty of physical sexual assault on a child... *;

- II.4.a : child pornography includes written media. Basically writing sentences describing [real or fictional] [children or adults that appear to be children] [doing or pretending to be doing] [the display of body parts, masturbating, etc.] - this part appears rather conservative: technically, for example libraries and bookstores in Malaysia CURRENTLY contain all of these elements in collections of classical and contemporary texts; the scope of the statute begs to be called an attempt to police conversations in general;

- III.11 : communications are banned with sub-18yos, on sexual topics, directly or indirectly [excepted functions: medicine, education, science] [NON-excepted functions: humour, discussion of art or any media, discussion of lifestyle preference, discussions of logistics, discussion of current affairs... unless you count all chats about news and TV shows to be "educational," which cannot be the case because then any speech is also then "educational," by virtue of transferring any information at all.] The language here is so broad such as to allow, it would seem, criminalisation of speech to a broad audience [e.g. in artistic performance, in discussion groups, in matters of project operations, or administrative bureaucracy] on any subject "related to," sex. This, in my opinion, is very loose legalese.;

- VII.24 : requires extensive further reading on the Criminal Procedure Code. Will do later.;

These four items seemed particularly unusual. The rest did not raise any flags upon reading.


* Footnote:

... not amounting to rape, which is defined in the Penal Code, Act 574, Section 375, such that

- [375, women may not commit rape], and that

- [375, only men may "rape" (women cannot); only women may be "raped" (men cannot, so there is effectively no "age of consent for men" in this section, i.e. it APPEARS that NO CONSENT IS REQUIRED FROM THE MALE for an adult female to have sex with a male of any age)], whereas

- [women or men may commit "gang rape", 375B, and again only women may be "gang raped"], whereas

- [377A, (anyone putting anyone's dick) in (anyone's mouth or anyone's anus) is "carnal intercourse against the order of nature", and can therefore qualify as rape only if it is M offending F], whereas

- [375 qualification: there is no rape in marriage], whereas

- [375A, a husband may be criminalised if he "(causes {hurt, fear of death, fear of hurt} to {anyone}) in order to (have sexual intercourse with his wife)"... whereas yet again, the wife is not guilty of the same offense if she does it to her husband, so presumably she would be charged with a different law if she forced her husband to have sex]

- [376A.2.b, this one is especially weird: any M below 13yo, or any F below 16yo, cannot be guilty of incest even when they are the inciting party in the act of incest...
- - so a 12.999yo M can initiate and have sex with his 16yo sister against her consent, and he would be (guilty of rape) but (not incest)... and
- - a 15.999yo F can initiate sex with her 13yo brother, and whether he consents or not, she would be {not guilty of rape, not guilty of incest} whereas HE WOULD be (guilty of incest, and statutory rape) ]

Phew. What fuckery. 😂😐


Everyone was doing token sales, but we couldn't afford the right people. So we tokenised our receipts instead... monetary value expires daily.


Comments from a forum:

"The Malays want Malaysia to be French. All other Malaysians want Malaysia to be United States of American. Go figure..."

"I probably want Malaysia to be German or at least Swiss. have always said China's and Singapore's autocracy is preferable to waddling through extended adolescence as a country. Feel free to ignore this comment or rail against it, in the comments. 😛"

"So there are generally two three steps to how many cultures are shaped. First there is a guidebook, the Constitution, then second there are public policy interpretations and implementations, and thirdly the behaviours of the people are modified accordingly.

Malaysia has a constitution that's pretty conservative. It can be interpreted more liberally or less... interpretations and policies prior to Mahathirism, may have been more to the left, but then our dear friend tightened it up from 1970 onwards, retiring in 2003.

I believe at this time, if we want to liberalise Malaysian cultural values for all time, we actually need to modify the constitution to move it farther to the left.

Not anticipating quick changes."



"Mr. A1, Well, I have only lived in {UMNO, PPBM, PAS}, dominated Malaysia for most of my life, so yes, in that context, I think the dominant trend is as such. This is empirically valid - I believe so, but we can debate it. Of course not all Malays exhibit X preference, and as a matter of pedantry, the boundaries which determine who counts as Malay are porous. But if you look at the voices who speak for the Malays in Malaysia, then the Mahathirist position remains front and centre.

I also believe that this is undergirded by the constitution, and that is why I have no problem accepting a Malay-dominated economy or superstate - I don't really care who's in charge, as long as they are ruthlessly efficient. (I actually am more prejudiced in terms of civil rights, along ablist lines, rather than racial lines - I do think weaker contributors to the economy should be penalised, but that is a huggeee subject of its own for another forum/thread maybe).

Aside, I'm not sure where you got the notion that I "want United States of Malaysia." Lol. As for going to SRJK(C), I assure you, my parents asked for my vote when I was six, and I vehemently voted against it, then they sent me anyway, so I have resented their governance ever since. However, being raised in such an authoritarian environment, you may be able to see why I am tolerant of public policies which I don't agree with as long as there's money to be made for oneself along the way... haha."

"Mr. C1 The original article is pretty abstract :), and makes only a few references to concrete policies - mostly it regards cultural history; you're right that my caption was furthermore abstract. I was referring to what has already happened, not what I prefer."

"Mr. A1 the only thing I need to correct you on is outside the scope of the discussion on race. Lol. I don't really curate friendships with all my Facebook friends, it is more of a giant contact list of anyone I have met online or offline. I haven't even met some of these people ever before. You should not assume that any of them (a) like me or (b) are familiar with me.

Back to discussions of racial identity... may I ask why you allow other people's comments on your racial identity to affect how you feel? I think this is one of the core concerns I have with Malaysian society today. Feeling discomfort becomes a major issue. I disagree that this is a healthy component of a pluralistic society. One should be able to normalise discomfort. If we cannot, then there is no point in pretending that we want a pluralistic society, as it would exclude those people who didn't want a pluralistic society. (Of course, this is a contemporary theme in political discourse around the world. And throughout history. Fun stuff for a dissertation.)

Thirdly, no one has actually commented on your particular beliefs. It would be disingenuous or naive to interpret the sentence "people are kind," as having specific existential import to every single person you could think of on a case-by-case basis. What I'm pointing out is that "Malays," don't exist as a discrete object, nor does "everyone else," nor do "Chinese," "French," "United States of American," "Swiss," "German," "Singaporean," "humans," "persons," "minds," "hearts," but that doesn't mean we don't use those words at all to describe states of affairs in the world. (Perhaps also of relevance to the thread from Mr. A2. Also the next point.)

Fourthly, you seem to this that my initial caption on the article says anything undesirable about Malays. Do you notice that it simply compares the Malay narrative to the French narrative? I didn't mean to write a book on it... but if it is really that confusing, and insulting, I may now have to put it on my to-do list, to demonstrate how (whosesoever)'s narrative is just a point of view, and there is nothing commendable or repulsive about it.

Fifth, can we discuss the underlying subject first, on whether you prefer a French or USA-n model, as decribed in the article which the post is about?"


Masalah utama manusia, seumpamanya di kalangan orang Malaysia, adalah ketidakterimaan terhadap penyinggungan hatinya. Kalau seseorang bolehlah menerima sebarang penyinggungan, senangje kehidupannya. Kalau sesebuah masyarakat terdiri daripada manusia sebegini, banyaknya hal-hal yang tidak perlu ditawani lagi. Baiklah kalau manusia mendapati lebih banyak masa untuk mengejar kerja lain. Tapi tak bolehlah. Orang ini selalunya tidak terima terhadap penyinggungan. Kelemahanje.

Masalah utama saya: I never know if I actually managed to say what I thought I said in BM.


Just tired myself out figuring out how to regex-extract AdWords historical Max-CPC-per-Keyword... zzzz... it doesn't take much these days.


Tunneling alarms didn't go off early enough today. Restored oven redundancy (two of three units failed, moved to storage for future testing, one new unit procured). And dropped my credit card somewhere, almost certainly at the toll booth. Not sure if it's lack of sleep, too much caffeine, or both.


Forum comment, on Malaysians who whine about Malaysian Governments pandering to a conservative Muslim majority electorate:

" The only reasonable way to alter theological positions is to deploy theological positions.

It's like trying to get activists (of all kinds) to deploy in Malay to win votes.

Hard and slow."


After Malaysia's two famous deep state / black ops civilian disappearances in recent years, I wonder what the unknown total number is in MY, and in CN, and in SG.


"Some 620,000 LGBTs (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) are turning to social media to promote their “services” and lifestyle, claims Datuk Ahmad Nazlan Idris (pic) (BN-Jerantut).": I suppose this is the minister's way of pointing out that the demographic is large enough to be mainstream. Just like that other minister's way of pushing the issue to the spotlight with the dramatic appointment/ unappointment of staff.

(correction: MP not a minister)


#Malaysia: Govt to table Bill to protect ‘religious and racial sensitivities from insults’" Fuck off, snowflakes. I guess I'm looking at jail time. That's if the social extremism unit doesn't disappear me first.


It's funny when people group together {all humans}, and {certain animals based on species} in their privileged in-group.

I tend to group {only some smart humans} and {only some smart machines} in my privileged in-group. There are almost no non-human animals, and maybe 80% of the human population in my de-privileged out-group...


Wow. That's the first time I've forgotten where I parked my car and had the cops TELEPHONE me. Thanks.


Too many AdWords data dimensions in my head


Bed time?


A 14+ hour nap, with potty breaks - following that, two hours in the dark, observing volatilities along the pathways of:

- aural data recognition (accompanied through thin walls, by restaurant workers putting themselves to bed, chattering in South-East Asian languages, likely to be from Thailand or Myanmar, playing ballads on lo-fidelity speakers, likely to be mobile phones, singing phrases, eventually the light switches click, and the datasource grows quieter)

- reloading into conscious memory: ongoing tasks, counterparties, and risks (shuffling through temporal buffers of the past day, week, month, quarter, year, three years, 20 years, 35 years)

- considering performance issues in the visual alignment of macarons, unscoured tiles stained by rust from rainwater, the maintenance of gas pipes, the production of bottled beverages, tax reporting, road accident claims, realestate maintenance, personal investment mandates, labour compliance, musculature, sex, talent management, social media operations, the case management of lovers and their mental states of affairs, the functionality of the air conditioning in my room

- thinking about the bloke who got drunk, raped, and murdered a stranger, then optimistic about his chances at being fed while in prison; and wondering, given my generally nonchalant outlook, if my social cohesion will deteriorate to such quirks

- tracking the relationship between various pathways of cognition, their performance volatilities, versus the consumption of food over the past 24 hours, how the body reacts by sensitising various sense modalities including the analysis of conscious objects in memory as well as the objects' share of conscious memory

Well, just another day. Quite an ordinary day, except for the psycho-somatic stress levels. Even this period was interrupted by staff asking for help with their work.

Quite the ordinary day... and now, back to work... in the flesh...


"An open letter to Mark Zuckerberg from the parents of a Sandy Hook victim

This is a relatively well researched and thought out civilian article - well, the civilian has been in the line of fire for six years.

It also suggests how Facebook (and similar services) may gradually gain political clout as a form of global governance. I should drill down and spell this out perhaps in another post.


Discussing "social imprinting" in a forum: I often get people complaining that I haven't learnt how to make people like me... that I should learn charisma. If they bother to stay for conversation, I usually get around to enlightening them on the notion that I make active efforts to have the people around me dissociate from me: forget me, or dislike me. My motivations for this are simple: I simply don't enjoy clingy people, and I prefer to limit my interactions with them. I had already figured out how to work a room and get people to like or work with me when I was fifteen. I just don't think most people are worth my time. 🙃


An anti-pattern of customer service is to give more attention to customers who are louder. That, whining, is an infantile survival mechanism. Some people subconsciously expect that the louder they yell, the more attention they will get - so to interface elegantly with this, the louder they yell, the less attention you give them. For adults, one may respond to loud cries such that the subject is temporarily contained, and then you permanently contain the problem by categorical removing the cryer from any business association. :) Of course this presumes a strategy of betting against such customers. It's certainly not for everyone. I find it crops up most often in the economics of love and sex.


National debt repayment before arts funding:

The problem with this line of reasoning is that artists are by nature, inherently good at inventing ways to stretch a budget. I would completely agree with a policy of gradually increasing budgets for arts the, over a five-year period. A protocol of annual budgetary review and dispensation should also be established before the programs begin.


Forum comment: "... as a person who believes that most moral and ontological preferences are fluid, I haven often preferred to frame ethics in general as a subset of aesthetics. I find Humanists/spiritualists can be terrifically religious... some people, find that human beings are undeniably wonderful, and deserving of inalienable rights: this is a mere preference. It's not a lot sturdier in axiomatic terms than the belief in a hyperdimensional deity/matrix. 🙃"


There's something minimalist about giving troublemakers enough rope to hang themselves, but it doesn't fly well in a society that seems to promote opportunities for the weakest of its members. Perhaps the solution is to focus on the propagation of specific traits, not specific people. Ah, there we go, right back at, "save the sinner, hate the sin." 🤔


I really hate having to deploy fake emotions as a communications device. But many people don't understand pure concepts... :P

Which brings me to the foregone conclusion... that if you find me to be emotionally stimulating, there are two possibilities...

(a) we are genuinely compatible

(b) I classify you as some kind of dumb fuck that requires a special language interface


In the long run we are all dumbfucks. 😘


Stephen Miller's bio: Every now and then I'm comforted that some people actually understand me.


From a forum comment: on how discussions of regulating pedophiles regularly run awry.

"I'd generally avoid [using] the text "decriminalising pedophilia" because it doesn't carry the nuance of various behaviours which may be called "pedophilia." In most cases "criminal pedophilia" only covers {"physical abuse of a child, including capturing their imagery", "possession of content deemed to be child pornography"} whereas it doesn't (and can't) actually be enforced against the basic meaning of pedophilia, which is simply to be sexually excited by younger people. 😂🤔 "


She: X asked me why I didn't bring you as my plus-one, to the baby shower. It just never occured to me to bring you to a baby shower.

He: Oh, you can take me to baby showers. I don't mind. As long as people aren't offended if I get bored and start to do work on my phone or laptop.

She: See, people don't think that way. They'll just ask why you're like that.

He: Well #notallpeople are offended by that kind of thing, you know, some people will just be like, "oh ok, sit over here while you work, we'll get you a glass of champagne," or something.

She: No...

He: Well you can just tell them I'm a special needs kid. I don't have an interest in their familial dandies, and I actively pursue a focus on projects, which are referred to as work.

She: Oh. Maybe I'll try that next time.


Repairing a fridge today. PM if you're near SS22, and want to observe/advise. 😊


Capitalism is not inherently bad. Communism is not inherently bad. Straight, gay, bestial, pedo-, or pan- sexuality, is not inherently bad. What is bad, is people performing acts of violence outside their own heads.


Gambling dens and the new government: there are a half dozen on my street in DJ, oi


On bottling up emotions being "cool": yas! Except that disassembling and repurposing emotions works better than bottling 😛


I beg to disagree with MoF. A risk consultant should be hired to creating a pricing model for the guarantees such that the National Debt can be reported independently of National Value at Risk. Or they could just set up a Risk Valuation Office under Parliament... the same way they should have an analog to the USA's Congressional Budget Office.

Come to think of it, MoF should have an RMD. And Parliament should have a Parliamentary Risk Office, and a Parliamentary Budget Office.

This sounds like a job for... tatata... Azman Mokhtar. I can haz Binafikir2.0?

(It turns out that our analog to the CBO is the PAC...


I don't think I will live to see the day that heartfelt moral intutions are wiped off from the face of this earth. But, like all other people with hopes and dreams, I can be the change I wish to see in the world. And so can you.


Cryptic emails! So dodge. I seem to have pissed off my favourite NPO - also the only one I ever put time into lol.


Operation 100 adgroups commences...


I guess, if 18-year-olds find me a little strange, it's not simply because I'm 35. It's probably because when I was 17.9, I'd just landed in college, looked around, and decided that most of my peers had plebian motivations and then resigned myself to independent studies until the age of 22.5. Lol. I wonder how many people decide that the optimal utilisation of a full scholarship at university... is to study the survival of solitary confinement.


I can delete/recycle my own emotions. But in other people, within the limits of current technology, I can only delete their entire person. 😛


Officially out of underwear. Laundry time. It's been busy...


US Pension fund bailouts: i don't feel so bad about my work after this headline. but hey, tokens.


Enforced bedrest ends. Now enforced feeding, enforced work, and repeat.


Malaysian National Cars: I'd support this if we managed to pull an AMD and switched from a manufacturing business model, to an intellectual property and branding business model... outsourcing the manufacturing back to China. Good for trade relations too. - What do you think?


I think the biggest paradigm shift for monogamous people migrating to polyamory is: there's no race to get married; there's no moratorium on emotional or physical intimacy; the products are no longer facing monopolies, so regulatory policy is not what it used to be; antitrust suits will happen; it's not a zero-sum game - and if you don't get that, then you've lost the plot...


How do you spend your work days? This past quarter, I'm pulling about:

- 27 days/month, of which
- 6 days are on cleaning floors, fabrics, and dishes
- 6 days are on marketing R&D
- 4 days are on production line and customer service
- 4 days are on repairs and regulatory compliance
- 2 days are on bookkeeping and payments
- 2 days are on procurement
- 2 days are on coaching human capital
- 1 day is on investor relations protocols

(Actually... more on repairs, less on marketing... perhaps)


Good sleep. But much work remains undone.


Weekly HFMD breakouts: new cases still accelerating. lock it down, kids.


If I was Government... all the Numan and GTF Portrait hooha would be just part of a communications campaign to raise awareness of the subject. But I'm not sure what the actual government is about...


X: LGBT+ preferences are like gambling. They are sex addicts.

Y: Why did you leave out the straight fuckers?

X: I wouldn't actually.

Y: But you did. So the morphology of your public statement has inherent bias.

X: What about #notallmen and #alllivesmatter?

Y: Same shit, different campaign.


Forum comment:

"I'll *be an apologist for religious conservatives (RCs) for a moment.

Ethics is contingent on metaphysics, which is to say what anyone believes they should do, depends on what they believe exists.

It turns out that some people actually believe in supernatural laws and beings that prescribe a bias against LGBTx. Now consider the possibility that these people are rather selfless, but rather convinced of those supernatural entities. (At least a subset of RCs, RC1 qualify here.)

Granted, it is a lot to ask of someone who doesn't believe in supernatural systems (which may be detailed, and tedious to learn), to enagage fully with someone who does believe in those systems (like members of RC1).

Nevertheless, calling RC1s self-righteous is incorrect, and it completely fails to engage with their worldviews. 😛😶

(* Originally "pretend to be," but after writing the note, I figured it had feet as a proper apologetics concern.)"


Adulting ftw


Human rights fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism have at least that much in common. Failure to acknowledge these as equal and opposing forces precludes the possibility of progress.


Human rights fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalism have at least that much in common. Failure to acknowledge these as equal and opposing forces precludes the possibility of progress.


Much work remains undone. But it is time to nap. Recently have had fewer channels for productive social work, but one continues to rut around for intelligent life.


But this is why it's easy for me to go around playing Hobbes and saying that epistemic quality doesn't matter - political urgencies simply involve trying to kill the other guy first.


Standing by for more pissing contests between the outraged moralists and the outraged moralists.


Xi-editor: Been waiting for code editors to normalise to this standard since Google Docs' collaborative editing launched in 200x.


Back to work.


Competitive work work work. Have you done your SWOT today?


Not sure about you. I grew up around sundry shops and neighbourhood restaurants. I have no aspirations to look good in life. I'm just making a living, while I discover what life has to offer. most of the time, I presume life may end on any day. 😛 I tend to regard people with higher callings as flightly.


If intentionality is not a real thing, then disease and crime might as well be treated as the same kind of thing :P


So far my exposure has been to partners up to 13 years younger, and up to 6 years older. Never dated anyone below the age of 19, as far as I know. Only started having sex when I was 24, due to pre-planned study priorities, and my first partner was older. I'm still pretty much the same person I was when I was 14, so all the "changes in personality," stuff just goes over my head. I think it's important to know the legal limits, and engage with people on their own terms. Sure, there's potential for massive backlash, but where isn't there? I still prefer older women. But I don't always attract them, I suppose. Nowadays I'm less judgy: as long as it's legal, I don't avoid relationships.


Totally missed today's alarm. I guess that's a sign I should be skipping the offday to catch up on work.


Elite financiers: Took my chances and decided to learn about other stuff before commiting to that crowd. Not averse to reapproaching it, but no betting on it either.


I have a tendency to believe that I am generally careless with life. Accordingly, I regularly create arbitrary targets for myself in order to gamify my life-long activities. Today, this article is a reminder to phase back a bit and delete stressors, in order to modulate control.


I suppose there is "white guilt" and "straight guilt", and that there are "incel bros" and "incel asexuals", alike...


Blockchains can be used to innovate Islamic finance, and property rights vs usury in general. Instead of renting out arbitrarily small artifacts, time-limited equity stakes can be sold and tracked centrally. This requires tons of infrastructure, of course. But what it amounts to is, for example, instead of merely paying $100/week to rent your car/ room/ boyfriend... you will additionally become entitled to a tiny fraction of all rents collected on that entity for say, fifty years.


I have my eye on Mujahid and Maszlee for long-term effects. All the others are just tasked with playing catch with the economy.

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