2019-11-16 at

Political Activism: reflections

The scope of my political activism mainly covers process awareness. Malaysians, for the most part, aren't familiar with the FORMAL methods of local government, let alone the formal and informal methods of other older, more efficient governments throughout history.

These past 1.5 years, I've found myself touching on (1) the functional distinction between branches of government, (2) the nature of organised lobbying as due process (all grassroots, corporate, etc. interests), (3) the availability of simply double-blind protocols for information gathering including whistleblowing, (4) the availability of simple technologies which can aid all of these things.

I don't think my efforts are large or broadly significant, but that is what I can afford to do, and nowadays, this is the only charity I afford. (I used to be more involved in some tertiary-education concerns, but demand has reduced there.)

I look forward to seeing how things pan out from year to year.

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