2019-11-09 at

Reasons to say 'Startup'

/mood: sick of the cacophony on growth and funding metrics - figured there is a lot more diversity out there, so posted a poll - participants can pick one answer only, and participants may add their own answer/

This is a survey on motivations. The primary reason YOU call your current company a 'startup' is...

* The problem we are solving has an obvious solution, and we're in a race to dominate market share (or sell to the dominator).

* There is a lot of cheap money on global (or local) markets, and we are mainly here in order to take as much as we can.

* We are working on a known problem, with an non-obvious (or just unknown) solution.

* I woke up, with a start, and found that somehow I had shares in this company...

* I am mainly looking for a way to get rich / retire / achieve financial freedom which I can't do without making money.

* We are working on a known problem, with a known solution, but no one else wants to do it. (My answer.)

* We want to develop the best-in-class solution for a well-defined problem. (Possibly my actual state.)

* We have some assets (technology, or IP, or land, or talent, etc.) which we want to monetise. (A solution looking for a problem.)

* We are growing fast (at least 2% per week, or 280% per year)

* We are growing fast (at least 4% per week, or 768% per year)

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