2019-12-11 at

Do Invite Me to Legal Suicides - I will try to make it

Three messages I posted on Facebook.

As a general rule, I avoid most weddings, as they take up far too much time and carry far too little significance in society. However, someone asked me if I would attend their suicide, and so I have decided that yes, if you're committing suicide in a LEGAL fashion, WHERE IT IS LEGAL to do so, yes, please DO invite me, and I will try to make it.

On suicide: You can't choose to be born. You can choose how to live and die. Suicide is a legitimate tactic in war - there's no reason to discount its utility to the individual. Don't reject it on impulse, as an evil ideology. Be reasonable. Think about it. Then decide. One way or another, freedom is illusory. You are the choices you make. We all are. Some people will never accept suicide as a norm. To others it is normal. Judgey, judgey...

Update: Ok folks, if this account suddenly disappears, it would probably be due to my expressions about the moral virtue of sui**** / sui**** positivity, and my support for the members of communities which hold such views. I have requested review of two posts removed by Facebook (probably flagged by other users). I submit to the rules and mods. But if the account disappears suddenly, you know why! Meanwhile I wonder, how large the actual community is since it faces deplatforming and general castigation from various parties. Every few years, I delete and restart my social media accounts to purge data. Perhaps this time, it'll happen by itself... poof.

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