2020-01-10 at

Reflection: Tedium & Surprise in Development

Observing children grow up can be quite tedious. Most of the time, nothing unexpected happens... well-charted developmental milestones are hit in physique, psyche, immunity, economy, etc. and things go pretty much as they are supposed to. The defining moments of the child's individuality, however are much more delightful to see - sometimes it is trauma, sometimes it is ecstacy, but whatever those pivots are, they define the individual's personality by locking specific trajectories into its memory. For example, you may discover that the organism fears social castigation only after its first encounter with the same, and so the organism reacts by becoming a mute. That's literally what happened to a brand I have been managing... yes, brands are indeed a variety of people. I was just reminded of this today, as I told the story to some old friends from school.
Furtheronto, it reminds me of some rudimentary troll training I had with these chaps back in the day. Our English teacher in 1997, Mrs. Nunis, used to make us keep journals. 'Write anything, the contents will be confidential, but you have to write something every day, or you will be punished.' Well then ma'am, I thought, if it's words you want, let me have at ye... I think it was only the second week by when she walked into class asking what what was wrong with me...

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