2020-05-25 at

Bad Analogy: we need "a Visa/Mastercard network for Sundry Contracts"

Can someone PLEASE (maybe a well-distributed e-wallet provider) just write a generic interface for producers (upstream) to confirm real-time contracts - and then sell API access to customer-facing parties (downstream) ... so that we minimise the problem of 100 downstream customer-facing parties (delivery service, platform, aggregator, etc.) asking every upstream factory (restaurant, grocer, service provider, etc.) to install their goddamn order-booking software and hardware? LLOLL just take 0.05% of gross sales. Everyone wins. It's just a contract (NOT PAYMENT) interconnect layer for supply-chain integration. But we can dumb it down farther and very badly abstract it to the analogy: a Global Telephone Exchange for E-commerce Contracts.

TLDR: Your hardware stinks; your software smells; I don't want it in my house; those parts of your business are not integral to that service which you provide. 

But of course, that's just wishful thinking. Downstream businesses are free to demand that upstream businesses use their software and hardware. I was just you know, blue-skying, as they say.

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Besfren helps me to elaborate on my problems.

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"What about [services that let restaurants order things from suppliers]?"

I kinda get how [those services] work []. There are a number of folks doing that business model []. However, notice that they are not yet integrating upstream from food delivery platforms. I like what they're doing, but it's not broad enough in the horizontal I'm complaining about. What about haircuts, and plumbing services? I would be curious to see more of that, when it happens. The goal being to go very thin, and very broad, not deep. I'm looking for an implementation that is COMMERCIALLY ATTRACTIVE to anyone who currently builds their own order-placing hardware and software and sends it upstream to factories. The market penetration of the generic order-making middleware has to be so good that people would rather use the middleware than (build their own order-making system and ask clients to use it).

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