2021-11-14 at

Yawn 78

 from 2021-10-10

to 2021-11-14

1. Still severely missing 42% sleep target.

2. Considering a stand-in 42% offline target instead. This might be raised to 50%-66% when sleep returns to 42%.


Oops. Lost another INTJ : but this time, at the office !


Found an 700% waste item.

"Token of appreciation" => "gift”


Brunch time. I forgot what else I wanted to say. Sleep maybe.

Oh yes. It's time to shoot more caffeine. Now i remember.


Berita terkini :

1. I ended up in a TVB situation tadi. Have to buat tak tahu when some woman confronted her boyfriend or something. Omg.

2. My friend told me, "entrepreneur means unemployed", because earlier I said, "yah, it's all the same fuckers on Tinder" (c'est moi?).

3. Zzzz


I ... was trained in primary (?) school, to plan my hours in five-minute chunks, while getting homework done.

I'm 38, and realised the current job set needs me to plan hours, and weeks. 

So here is my new desktop wallpaper.

Maybe I will print it out too.


OI, people ...

Melbourne is not a flavour

... 🤬😎


Condolences to restaurateurs who do not find PMF.


KL Phase 4 on Monday. 24-7 is back?


Old me : five-year plans are abstract

New me : five-year plans fit in five columns on 52 rows - a single sheet of paper


I don't really know if people who look for perfect paint jobs have really bad taste, or if they are just rather stupid. Ah well - take their money. That is business.

Like, the people queuing up for trendy pastries, immaculate fried vegetables, persuasively rotten grapes, beautiful men and women, et al ... learn their cultures, take their money. That is a capitalistic anthropology.


Common fallacies I have encountered while hiring a data team :

1. Your human experience of the world is fundamentally different from a computer's experience of the world. It's not. The algorithms of data science are the same sort of process that enabled you to learn how to walk, talk, and discover your hobbies.

2. The biggest opportunity in businesses today is data management. It's not - it's knowledge management. Most businesses suck at knowledge management because they don't understand 1.

3. Becoming good at data science means learning data science tools. It does not. This is by far the most frustrating issue I encounter in young executives. Becoming good at data science requires you to figure out 1. 



Troll tip #2jd7h : instantly sound wiser by writing in grammatically correct form, and by signing off all pieces like this.

(As demonstrated by Mak Khuin Weng - マク .)



Every now and then someone wants to quibble about how seeing a sunset is different from seeing a digital representation of that sunset. From time to time I bother to spell it out. If you've ever had the joy of listening to music, or of looking at a photo ... perhaps you may have considered how everything you see and hear without exception can be reduced to marks on paper, or a stupid little piece of plastic, and then reassembled and put back into someone else's head. Set aside your feelings for just a second ... and contemplate this fact, and that these problems were solved DECADES ago. Reload your feelings, without their visual and aural accompaniments (including those in your mind's eye) ... you see, the feelings also have a shape, and that is an introduction to how you can eventually send those over the wire too.


How is controlling a responsive vehicle at high speeds more interesting than controlling an unresponsive vehicle at low speeds? (Confused nerd noises.)



First, a 42" FHD/1920x1080p television is a really good tool for group work. The technology is mature, and on a desk, it's basically more effective than a projector for a small number of people. This one just happens to be six-years-old ... it was the CCTV from the first Sudo Brew cafe. ( You can basically get a crap brand one now for MYR 800 new - just slightly more than a basic 24" monitor. )

Second, nowadays ... at 43" ... 4K/3840x2160 TVs offer as much as 214% more pixels-per-Ringgit than FHD ... however, I don't think I will be upgrading soon as I don't even have a computer that can support this. LOL

Third ... new past-gen T-series 14" ThinkPads ... can be had with Ryzen top-spec 5850U, 16GBx1 (thus expandable), backlit keyboards, fingerprinted touchpads, and 5y NBD-OSS for under $1154 BEFORE bulk discounts.


Alright - kinda done for the day. Time to reset and gbtw soon.

Things I lack empathy for:

1. Fast cars in small cities.

2. Rules without enforcement.

3. Identity that depends on others' approval.

4. Powerful computers with small screens. 

5. ?

Hm. This is the third time I've had to build a tech team at work. First two didn't turn out so hot, but I'd blame the CEOs. This time the boss seems sane, so if it fucks up, I guess it's on me.


Enforced feeding. Maybe WFH today. Maybe WIO tmr.



1. F&B operations are isomorphic with dev-ops.

2. Data science etymologically refers to computational science within the domain of commerce and industry. Data science literally refers to pure mathematics, but no one actually means this. Ignoring the latter, and under constraint of the former, it is therefore meaningless to pursue data science without a business goal.

3. Some people don't think about work outside the office. So this is OK as long as they don't overbill.

4. Some people think about work outside the office, but don't send a bill. This is bad at scale, but may be tolerated in younger companies. For infantile companies it is often de rigueur.


It appears that for desk work, protein and caffeine supplementation are sufficient.

But for muscle work, adding B12 and creatine has greater utility. Using these for desk work has reduced net benefits.

2228h : minuted the days' meetings; perhaps time to enforce feeding

I think I have to avoid sugared whey powders.

Yay. Happy with new stuff.

Previously went through two tubs of 5g carbs/ serving - so much regret


Note to self : don't misread e-sports as escorts #toomanynetworkings #justkillmenow


I think I misinterpreted my own model.

In a segmentation of capital, the data office contributes human capital to enhance human capital.

However, in a segmentation of stakeholders, the data office is an investor champion, not a staff champion.

Crap. Now I have two models.


I'm running about 7 RM/d in gas, 40 km/d, and so car ownership works out to 10 RM/d in rental. Not sure how to cut this finer.


I need to exercise more patience for senior colleagues.


Instant decaf coffee, from waking till mid-afternoon, then breakfast, seems to work - as long as protein goes in closer to bedtime.


There are two sorts of people in the world.

One is ok with being perceived as ugly, painful, and awkward.

The other is not.

This results in different sorts of companies.


Got a loan offer. Doesn't mean I'll get a flat - we'll see about that later. But it does get one five-month issue off my to-do list, so back to risk-on mode. During that period, got confirmed at both jobs, but I don't really see it as a safety net. Just checking boxes. Back to work. Enforced bedtime.


Got a second mortgage two days later. Not to be confused with home ownership.

Too many people confusing owning a mortgage with owning a house.


Vehicle glass tinting : Nth example of shitty law enforcement in Malaysia.


Malaysian rules :

Exhibit 1 : always use the National language

Exhibit 2 : except if it offends someone, then use any other morpheme


One type of person believes that we don't hurt other people because we all agreed not to. 

The other type of person believes that we don't hurt other people because we care about them.

Each type is terrified of the other ... because they don't follow each other's rules. 

This is one of those things which makes life interesting.


Beta thoughts : if we let the Alphas do all the work, we can just sit back and buy the results later. 

Beta insomniac thoughts : we think we are smarter than the Alphas, but what if it turns out they are actually the smarter ones?



Need to ratchet bedtime back by six hours. Hah.


Uptime 52 minutes off on d1.












Translation : is bad poetry in ching chong


👋🧑‍🎓by the way ... I'm looking for a study buddy on "complex numbers" and "complex random variables", and would be happy to network with students who are working on the same. Please intro, if anyone is doing math/physics at the Form 6+ level.


Over-activate optic nerves and memory today. Enforcing darkness. Watching the optical processors paint swirling clouds, in the absence of both recollected and peripheral signals.


Hm. I need to park knowledge management under HR. So I need to finesse my model of HR.

- discipline / PMO, performance management, etc.

- happiness / C&B, ambition alignment, etc.

- fitness / health / resilience, agility, variance reduction, longevity, growth rate, etc.

- - cognitive / knowledge L&D

- - emotional L&D

- - physiological L&D


Improvement of work rituals :

Mode perform :

- drive at peak m/s/L fuel consumption

- stimulate SNS / sympathetic nervous system first, then calibrate PNS / parasympathetic nervous system to match

- find shortest paths to maximise output during the current timebox

- curate tricks to maximise power output ( energy / time )

Mode rest :

- drive at peak m/L fuel consumption

- stimulate PNS first, then calibrate SNS to match

- find shortest paths to maximise output for all foreseeable timeboxes

- curate tricks to maximise total output ( energy )


Eternals :

- Malaysia censored ALL kisses, gay, and straight; progressive!

- most of it holds up OK

- the actors weren't stretched well enough, and some of the gags are resultingly flat

- it's 5000 B.C. and the sign-language for "time" points at a wristwatch


Dune conditionings : Not sure many people realise that all of these methods apply in real life, to a lesser degree.


6.5 h to target. Lights out.

I generally think of staff as children.

Raising a family has previously been an interesting problem.

This year, raising two families concurrently is a new and more interesting problem.

DNA is a loose tool, and meat is a slow medium - propagating minds is much quicker.

Also updated dating profiles to say "workflow designer" - full job titles are too cumbersome; generalist is too vague; coach is too hoary; IDK. Calling myself a designer seems like the cool thing to do. Ask me if it works, later.

Still late by 3-4 hours.

Can't seem to optimise car costs much more - the only thing left seems to be season parking access.


One of my religious / spiritual aspirations is to reduce my conscience to zero. This is probably unattainable. That is why it makes for a good target, under this category of targets.

Some people worry about the reason for their existence, and their afterlife.

Some people want good selfies.

We each have different ideals of civilization.


Ok. Time to get up and lay another brick in the old wall. #orientationDay


Food stuff.

1. Popped into Sage for a meeting. This is where all the dressy tai-tais hang out, apparently.

2. For relevance to industry, I should probably set aside a fund for dining at places at $20-$200/cover. My goto dinner place is around $3, office lunch goto is $5, home prep rations are around $1-2. Maybe I should model this as taking 10% of income, and assigning it to food in general, including all this social, commercial, industrial stuff. I'm already averaging 6-8% as it is.

3. In a few months, having a kitchen at home for the second time in a few years should be an improvement of value. Target : all meals under $2.


One of my best friends was asking me how we are different. I think my perception is that I make exponential returns on my time. I spend most of my life studying, so as a 25-yo making $400/mo, a 30-yo making less, and a 37-yo making $800/mo and not getting paid half the time ... it isn't exactly apparent where my asset growth is. Whereas I have this strange perception that the knowledge I had at 21 was more than what most people acquire in a lifetime, and I've been just rolling it and investing in boring stable spaces for the last 17 years or so ... what the hell, as much as I like my friends, we're probably just wired differently.


Cankil is Kancil spelt sideways. I was looking to make it sound dirty, but now that's just violent. ::( #thekanc


New rotors! Brakes, don't fail me now ...


Postponed computer networking studies since 1998. Now taking time to learn it as I am in a role where we have a shortage of technology leadership, also because I want to train all data team staff to brain the entire stack, across kernel containerisation, and every transformation across the HTTP lifecycle.

Next item on optimisation list : girlfriends

Seven weeks left, till the end of the year.


5pm. Two hours till theoretical bedtime. 🤔


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