2022-12-29 at

Rest & Recreation as Supply-chain Management

In optimising rest, I have to check my definitions of rest. Muscles below refer to both skeletal, and non-skeletal muscles such as those of the iris.

Passive rest : muscles are not active, conscious imagination is not active. Least productive form of R&R.

Active recreation, psychic : day dreaming : conscious imagination is active. 
- bad posture : muscles are tensed
- good posture : muscles are relaxed

Active recreation, muscular : 
- first form : relax muscles
- second form : intuit (refer to subconscious) and consciously test for movements which increase pleasure (bouquet of somatic sensations, thermal, haptic, etc. coupled with NE, DA, 5HT release ... figuring out which of the latter is which, is tricky)
- third form : as with second form, but to decrease pain
- generally, one iterates through the forms, in order to maximise the welfare derived from time spent in R&R

As children, many of us intuitively learn to do this. But over time, some things are forgotten, so I am learning to retrain myself in a soldierly fashion.


Operational metric :
After 21 years, I still don't have an efficient way of quantifying my gym workouts. Next, I'm trying "total mass manipulated" without regard for the distance manipulated ... so like today, first data-point ... 5,000 lbs. This results in a single numeric output. (It's not a lot - if you're doing low-mass with high-reps, moreover where not all of these are free weights. A 40 lbs press 20 times is counted as 800 lbs-manipulated.)



Studying dopamine serotonin difference.

Probably I skew towards Sensory Processing Disorder, Sensory Craving

My observation of self : more haptic activity (kinesthesia, proprioception) ... increases my overall cognitive rate of processing; maybe not a disability in this sense, but if I am sensitive to this dimension, I would complain more easily than others about a lack of such stimuli.

Relative to many citizens, I'm relatively insensitive. I offend people and have to check myself from time to time, to respect their preferences.

This is ... me trying to figure out a practical metric to ensure enough exertion towards various outputs ...

- haptic stimuli for dopamine, serotonin, perhaps the main cognitive booster
- general heart health
- body building to make partners happier


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