2023-09-11 at

Referers & Job Applications

I was having coffee with friends of friends. One person was applying for a job - they asked a colleague if they could provide testimony, WHILE falsifying their working relationship. Here's what I opined as a list of scenarios ordered by preference :

1. You get a positive or moderate reference, without falsification of facts.

2. You get a negative reference, without falsification of facts, but you were already able to tell the potential employer to expect it, because of XYZ reason.

3. You are unable to provide a referer.

4. You falsify a referer - because it gives the employer grounds to fire you if they find out.

Let me put it another way. The whole point of asking a candidate to suggest a referer,  is to TEST the behaviour of the candidate with regards to political capability. Of course, the employer knows that suggestions will be biased. If the employer wanted to get real information about the candidate, they would just have done some research and called down the related parties without asking the candidate for suggestions.

Geez please, it's not rocket science.

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