2024-05-11 at

Formalisations for Meditation

Thinking about thinking ( and how it would trouble my friends in college, when I  said I was taking a day off just to think ). It's just memory management.

The Form 1. Physical conditioning should be as advanced as possible, to reap the maximum benefit of hormonal cascades compounded over longer periods. Immediately after all of exercise, sleep, and a meal, but not necessarily in that order, ideally.

The Form 2. There should be no higher-priority tasks, than grooming the subconscious. This is for traffic management.

The Form 3. The grooming of subconscious memory, relies on a manipulation of conscious memory/processing/samething. More technicalities present themselves here. But roughly, if the Forms 1 and 2 are adhered to, the Form 3 is less important, and the total output of all forms simply relies on how much time is devoted to the exercise.

I guess it's basically garbage collection ( as software engineers understand it ). Operation of the computer involves periodic garbage collection ... Sometimes minor maintenance, sometimes major refactoring.

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