2024-07-16 at

Reflection : Domain Axes, Valued Goals

I guess everyone who isn't just dead, competes along some axis of their interest. Most people pick axes like "professional employment", "the love of friends and family", "sporting leagues", etc. Having a bit of a red ocean aversion, my risk management strategy over the past few decades has generally been to avoid anything that most people are hot about. I suppose if I had to describe my strategic directions along axes of my competitive interest, they would be something like :

- in a room, be a less remembered person 

- in a room, don't be the least lethal 

- in a market, have some movement capability

- in a market, have the most comprehensive understanding

- in a domain of knowledge, don't know nothing about it

- in a society, don't depend on it

- in a society, be ready to be destroyed by it

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