2016-07-01 at

Yawn 3

Meeting minutes.


"We're concerned that you're overworked."
"And how would you wish to remedy that? I can only work until I'm exhausted, and then, the end."
Every day is a good day to die. :)


"Can we not put my photo on the company page?"
"But you work here."
"Yes, so where are the indepth profile write-ups of staff who matter? I built this place. You're in my world now - no one needs a reminder."


Too many conversations, on things that don't matter, so perhaps, soon it will all be over.


Running simulations and standing by for more trauma. Not sure if these are good simulations.


If the organisation isn't relaxed enough to change models on a weekly basis, the organisation is probably too stressed and should do less work.


A day of absenteeism and trivia; and a smidged of analytics and proposals. Back to bed.


Reflection on operations: it's important to stagger the release date of our dramas so that we don't get clusterdrama.


Are we there yet? :P


And then she's gone.


Well, today's job is done. I'm surprised that I'm this calm about it - but I suppose that's what a couple of decades of training are for.


Top candidate is LUD.
Staying up late to explore all possible futures... despite limitations on rate of computation.


"Are we in danger?"
"We've been in danger since I talked about it in February."
"No one believes you because you're still walking."
"Well I'm still walking because I believe it's still dangerous. Otherwise I would be sleeping."


Attempting to load previous day's memories...


All said and done, trying to be normal and to focus on commercial profit is going at a "normal" pace, which is slightly comforting. Year 4/10 now.


Flushing memory.


Too much corporate finance, not enough marketing :P


On salesmen:

Every other day or so, I run into someone with great talent, whose feet I may worship at in the future. And I must tell them that I have nothing to offer them. It is simply not our time.


I grew up in my dad's office, and I still haven't watched The Office.


Plans provide foresight. Implementation provides certainty. Never shall one be inferred from the other.


While I seek a normal, uneventful, commercially viable life... I remain unstimulated by the notion of casual friendships, piety to families which I do not love, and amassing great wealth. Perhaps it is time to focus on the former, and to avoid the latter. And perhaps it is time to stick with the latter because the former is too easy.

I am reflecting on a recent lack of sleep which has precluded fine thought. I operate through the days, mostly in fight or flight, and can no longer look my lovers in the eyes - their faces have then been removed from my devices, as it pains me to contemplate their possible emotions.

Perhaps one day soon, I will seek their minds again.


Let us find out what the new day brings. Havoc? Catastrophe? Those are always safe bets. Joy? Boredom? Peace? Also easily contrived. The only way to find out, is to open one's inbox... though nowadays, every app has an inbox, so we are on the order of inboxeS, daily.


Using traditional Chinese concepts... coffee will be heaty when concentrated, but it can be cooling once it reaches a particular dilution. It's just the brew ratio.


!@#$%^&* grenades...




Documentation for office. Hand holding for staff. And if nothing new crops up, maybe get enough rest ex-officio to start designing better roles in-officio on the weekend.


So people have this notion of "some one I know, who is close to me," like a parent, or a sibling, or friend. This knowledge of other people is a fluid model. Now people don't often believe it when you first suggest that their knowledge of other people is something similar to some other physical phenomenon they have modelled on a spreadsheet. It makes them feel less human - and that is an incorrect approach to the facts. The better approach is to acknowledge that your knowledge of most things is actually very similar to your knowledge of your closest human relationships. And if you don't feel close to anything, it simply reflects on your approach to that thing.


Time for breakfast.


Should I make Star Wars slides for tonight's staff meeting?


Accountant installed. Check. Still having a good time. Front of house staff meeting. Check. Kids still having a good time. Kitchen hasn't walked off yet. Check. OK, I wonder what's going to break next. It's been an unusually peaceful day.


Accounts: I have yesterday's numbers.
Me: I've updated the directory.
Accounts: OMG
Me: Are we dead yet?
Accounts: I still see yesterday's...
Me: OK phew. Press F5...


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