2019-07-18 at

The Essence of Speech (a model of computation, and scientific inquiry)

Language is in a competitive environment, E, the environment is a set of minds, M_(1,2,3...n), or computers in the symbolic sense. You model an idea, D, as a sentence, S1, based on what you believe how E will react.

Then you launch S1 into E. All sorts of other sentences become associated with it... by Ms in E... call that the set of sentences S1A. If you dare to look into what each of the Ms in E understood of S1A... we can further refer to that as the set of DS1A*. That is the end of the first iteration.

Now you have to check and see how the meaning of S has changed as a function of time, based on the data in S1A.

So you remodel D, based on S1A, and come up with a new sentence, S2, and you relaunch it into E. Then you see how E treats S2.

And then you repeat.

This is the essence of speech.

* DS1A... if you keep tracing the semantic chain, at the bottom of it you just end up with sensory images in memory buffers. All conscious sensory images are pre-processed by the imagination, defining their structure. The imagination also pre-processes inputs from long-term memory, but that's another story altogether.

By the way, in case it's not clear, you're M_0, and you are in E.

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