2019-12-17 at

Reflection: on Limits of Speech, Sensitive Demographics, and Safe Spaces

I find the following pattern amusing. Among people, P, who become upset when their preferred norms are not practiced by others... P tend to believe that other people, OP, become upset when OP's preferred norms are not practiced by P.
But generally it is the case the OP doesn't really care about P's practices. P may imagine that any reminder of OP's preferences are a reminder that OP are upset... but as OP are not actually upset, it turns out that P are frequently startled by imaginary antagonism.
Of course, it may be the case that the reminder of OP's preferred norms are a form of antagonism to P... even if P do not imagine that OP are upset. Within designated safe-spaces, it is a good idea to avoid this form of antagonism to P. But outside of designated safe-spaces, I suppose P must unfortunately deal with reminders that OP are not P, whereas both OP and P exist in the same space.

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