2020-03-29 at

Yawn #60

FEB26 - MAR28

Parti Pintu Belakang Melayu is just begging for it. Jokes aside, I've been more seriously waiting for this since 2013. (Also, now we can almost certainly explain how neither Anwar nor Mahathir managed to get a majority of votes with the YDPA :P.)


Friday dinner cancelled. More time for work, I suppose. I'm reminding myself of the work I have chosen. And the cost it must incur. It's worth it for the adventure, but still, I miss the people who used to be my friends. Also a good reminder to deprioritise networks with dodgy protocols - cost of maintenance is often very high. The algorithm is pretty simple - prioritise people who have clear protocols for asking for, and providing empathy; deprioritise people who expect empathy without clear requests, and deprioritise people who don't respond to clear requests for empathy; deprioritise rage-quitters.


The more I do to fit in with Malaysian society, the less I feel I have to offer the nation. :P


I'm not sure how political parties are internally organised. But if you were to rationalise their assets on a balance sheet, and to model a function of "party security" as the protection of those assets, it would be astute to have an entire division, or staff, devoted to the the function of "party security", thereby leaving other resources available for the administration of governments. In short, a political party should be organised like a mini-nation - it should have specialists separately devoted to military purposes (fighting other parties) and specialists devoted to economics (trading with other parties). The point is never "just to fight", but the ability to fight is required to defend the ability to trade, which is the teleological function of the party... to interact with individuals and other societies.
Yet all day, every day, we see politicians as cluttered generalists who have to both trade their energy to provide for society, as well fight other politicians. Looks like a horrible way to run party... or a nation...


These morons are not even reading the Constitution properly... here is what needs to be highlighted:

43.2.a : YDPA can pick any PM he wants, because Parliament is not currently dissolved.

43.4. the PM tendering a resignation of the Cabinet (including himself) is option A. The PM requesting the YDPA to dissolve parliament (condition B1), followed by the YDPA agreeing (condition B2), to dissolve parliament , is option B. There is no implied causality between B1 and B2... the YDPA doesn't have to agree with the PM.

40.2.a-c. reinforces all of this.

Aside: 40.3.a is cute... it provides room for parliament to enact a law requiring the YDPA to consult your mamak chef's grandmother before he does (anything) as long as it doesn't contradict other provisions in the Consti.

Aside: 43.3. never forget that the Cabinet (and therefore, the PM as its first member) is responsible TO parliament.


Who is Muhyiddin? I explained to my Indonesian friend, he's like the account manager who gets things done quietly, but no one knows his name. He is basically unknown, so people in the liberal bubble associate him with his allies... who are currently, officially... Islamicists and kleptocrats. We (the public) don't actually know much about his own morals. I think, there is always a chance that he will make a positive impact during his term.
Link: from 2013 when I first took notice of his work.
And a note to all the outraged, please stop crying! No-confidence is a DAILY security risk for EVERY Prime Minister under the Malaysian system. New PMs are not more secure than Old Ones!
Adding a note for people who are calling out the the YDPA's decision for lack of transparency: Parties are a casual fiction conjured up in the minds of voters to hold sway on their beliefs. The Constitution doesn't speak of such entities (parties), and so the morals of parties and how they behave... are "judgment call" territory, during the conduct of Constitutional protocol. That means, the YDPA can decide however he wants to, 40.2.a, who is to be PM, and it just so happens he chose to poll party whips, when polling individuals was inconclusive. He really does have the freedom to pick a PM based on reasonable beliefs... and the reasonableness of all beliefs among man is... reasonable (read: debatable).


Well, now he has that on his CV, he will rest more soundly when he finds his peace. Don't hurry, old man, just do a decent job if you will...


Go ahead. I dare you. I'll bet a piece of cake, that fresh polls will result in Bersatu winning the election. Jist for shizzle.


No holiday for new government installation:

"Fucking Malaysians... one-track mind je... economic problems, want to blame government, then want to pretend got holiday sarmoh... #yougetwhatyoudeserve"


I just noticed that at the 1MAR press conference, half of Tun's Q&A involves explaining to reporters what is already plainly in the Constitution. Given how low civic literacy is, I still do not think... that Malaysia deserves democratically elected leaders.
Yes, reporters ask questions to get the subject to say what they want to report. My point remains.


It's so quiet today. Can someone stage a coup, or something? Crash the Ringgit? Arrest some activists? Oh, yes... COVID-19 cases are spiking, that's right. I guess we're good for now...


Saw someone bragging about how much they know because they are a generalist. Ok, actually, I think it's more like this:
- architecturing a software system on four levels of complexity
- designing a consumer product including supply chain
- eating, sleeping, and physical conditioning
- love, sex, and intimacy
- financial engineering, bookkeeping
- knife, blow torches, electrical wires : manual dexterity
- civil society: participatory democracy and nation-building
- talent management
In any week, pick four, and don't expect to be any good at the others until a week after you put down the first set of four :p


I just went to the barber. I think that COVID-19 risk is higher there, than on my trips to Jakarta on public transit.


AWS IAM documentation is shit... is there a community built Permissions Finder tool?


Did that asshat with the green hair just say, "deconstructed hashbrown"?


Still amused by how (for various reasons perhaps) I don't feel sad about stress, but how my body reacts by producing tears when I'm both tired and relaxed for short periods, during long periods of narrowly scoped work requiring high degrees of concentration.


Not even sure why people think this is a thing. Plebes all look like retards on someone else's spectrum. Etc. Etc. Yawn.


Next in Fashion doesn't disappoint, as the spiritual successor to Project Runway. The format remains the best of what I think reality TV has to offer in representing the entrepreneurial thought process. I was wondering if I don't put enough heart into my work... and then I decided, I am probably more of a liver. Well, I guess that's rather Malay of me. Irrelevant details: Alexa Chung appears to be both my age and height, and born on the same day as one of my favourite people (who doesn't talk to me any more, so I can't check that last one...). LOL


/earlier today/ Every time I hear a request for empathy, I dread to think that someone might actually believe that they deserve it. Empathy is a privilege, not a right. Empathy allows a group to develop a competitive advantage, but it is morally corrupt to teach individuals to demand empathy from other individuals - because that is precisely antithetical to how empathy works. You can't reasonably dictate it, unless it is the variety which is formalised in protocol; and yet that is not what most demands for empathy allude to. A civilisation that demands empathy without clear protocol is one destined for failure. (One could argue, of course, that empathy is the antithesis of protocol, but that is not the point of this essay. :p) If you are the sort of person who expect other people to strew around empathy for its own sake in order to preserve civilisation, you are a nazi. I will call antifa on you! And I will vote for your ultimate destruction! This is a holy war! (Do you not find this funny?)


TLDR, Mahathir lost the plot. Fraternised with the avant-garde but didn't keep house. Outflanked in the resulting chaos, leading to a TACTICAL, not strategic swipe by PASNO (granted, from the underdog's point of view, any victory subsequent to disarray is a strategic victory). Kudos to the winners, once more. On to the next round.


/ oil prices surge /

#oc Everyone's worried that this will make Malaysia's imports expensive. But it structurally reduces the cost of supply for all domestic production, and thereby produces a deflationary incentive in lockstep with real wage growth... such as has not been seen in years. Malaysians need to outgrow their dependence on trading, and actually refocus on producing primary goods. #ihavenoideawhatiamsaying #iamverysmart


I was castigating a friend and colleague yesterday, for filling my inbox with sentimental drivel which I have repeatedly rejected explicitly as being of no interest to my work. I'm like, look, I only have one pipe... it's not like I work on multiple unrelated projects at the same time with separate resource allocations... rather, anything you put in my pipe backs up ALL my work. A two hour dinner meeting and debate over pointedly material concerns which turn out to be matters of the heart is going to mean that after two hours, I am right back where I started with my day, and now I need another two hours for my head to forget the noise it just accumulated while coaching all relevant counterparties on how to use an inbox. Yet, I remain keenly aware that I am often on the other end of this charade varietal, being in excommunication from various peers.
(PS, all these socially inept people who hide their private lives from society because they cannot stand to present themselves and their sine qua non thought processes in public ledgered verbal representations... I need to remind myself that they must receive a very limited quota in my schedule.)
I was also asked why dating in Jakarta counts as work - here's a brief explanation: I don't receive a lot of support in my work, often enough the people who are supposed to be helping me are going around causing trouble where I am building equity. If I have to travel a 2,000 mile roundtrip twice a month to hang out with someone who can contribute to my well-being, then it is an asset in the supply chain of my work. It costs less than dinner and drinks around town anyway, and I don't particularly enjoy eating or drinking. I work tactically with any opportunities. I've met lots of people in the city where I am based, and business being business, either the counterparties find me inadequate, or I find them so. No one is betting that relationships which work today will continue to work tomorrow.
The only thing that matters is that they work now. Tomorrow we are dead. This is daily truth. Meanwhile we only pass our days making the world a little less like the shit we despise it to be. Or we pay a tax of boredom.
It is better to live in a world of boring people, and to make fun of them, than the alternative.


- study (ACaaS/IAMaaS)
- study (EC2 burstable instance surplus credit costs)
- payments (corp)
- executive coaching (corp: brewers)
- transport of art (framed prints)
- executive coaching (social: corp comms)
- swim (shortened)
- anxious to get back to work
- eating (miscellaneous )
- study (EC2 EBS IO costs)


Ballpark fractions of nations dead to CV19 ("official"):
- Italy 1.69333333e-5
- Iran 5.3625e-6
- China 2.29637681e-6
- Spain 1.79166667e-6
I'm just happy to have stopped sniffling after a day full of ingesting allergens... I think...


"The entire market is derisking." - No, it's panicking. Buying opportunities 13Mar-20Mar. I want to see where this ends up 30Apr, 31May.


On one of those longish drives home I was thinking about all the people I encounter daily, and how much time I spend helping emotional cripples to move along. Maybe I'm just lucky. I always havs to remind myself that one day I'll probably be drugged up with my limbs sawn off somewhere and I will feel just like they do about the world. Until then, I should make more efforts to ignore them, as their deficiencies are not always immediate to my account. Ah well, we gamble with and indulge in society...


- corp: payments
- corp: executive coaching - brewing
- corp: quality alerts - hygiene
- study: cloud computing pricing - databases
- study: swam - 125m only
- infra: JS graph server now has tree extraction... but not insertion... :-/ ... many hours this week just moping about syntax design decisions. Just kill me now...
- time for dinner... 4:08am

- enforced waking, washing, eating
- corp: bean transport
- study: convalescence
- food
- corp: audit report distribution
- study: refactoring a class
- study: cleaned the bathroom
- reflection: I am sick. Not yet very sick. All I have to say to myself is, don't get worse you fuckin piece o meat.

Summary of some notes I read supposedly by a Seattle ICU physician.
Many Googles later... my TLDR:
- people start to experience respiratory duress 7-10 days after infection, then seek hospitalisation (0hrs); expect high fevers on and off for ten days
- after that, onset of respiratory failure can happen pretty quickly; typically at admission they get 24% oxygen via cannula; within 0-12 hrs they may be on non-invasive ventilator; within 12-36 hrs they may need to be flipped face down, or intubated for ventilation (which is recommended as soon as high O2 flow is needed - expecting the worst); vasodilators help with oxygenation - seems this is easier to fix than the same with H1N1
- after the eventual respiratory failure recovery (no sepsis, no shock), you MUST observe patients because they tend to experience surprise worsening of cardiac function after another 12 hrs (so weird), and death within 24 hrs, and this seems to be a leading cause of death
- upon hospital admission, there are signs of liver stress from infection, not so much kidney stress, or heart stress (which comes later as above); higher transaminitis correlates with eventual progression to acute respiratory duress; liver function metrics tend to improve two weeks after hospitalisation
- they talk about the Gilead anti viral drug; and also how HK has another new drug in testing
- they talk about how China's SOP for respiratory duress is steroids to suppress the immune system, but they are suspicious that this is correlated with increased secondary infection...


Boris on herd immunity: the math is quite clear, if 60% of the population must have immunity from infection and recovery, to achieve target... presuming a 2% kill-rate, he is expecting about 1.2% of the population to die. Have fun intubating 800,000 people... sorry, have fun burying 800,000 and intubating a few million... (calculation corrected, thanks Eugene Chiu )


TIL: JavaScript arrays can have string keys... which can be operated on with any operation that applies to objects. Hypothetically this is the case because Array is a sub-class of Object. In fact, non-Array objects and Array objects will both behave exactly the same with respect to their property keys... string keys will be enumerable and non-iterable, numeric keys will be enumerable and iterable. Geez.


/reposting an appeal on government stimulus for restaurants / Hmm. Where the entrepreneur groups which won't delete this as "off topic"?



Directive 6 "runcit & bekalan makanan", is not a guarantee restaurants can open. But it should be clear by 6pm tmr lol


TIR: Malaysia's minimum [daily wage for a 4-day-week] is calibrated to equal a 12-hour work day... this drops to a 8-hour work day for a 6-day week...
... I think if you work more than X hours per day, then bonuses are mandatory, I have to check the EA.


I am generally a fan of letting difficult contests go their own way. Given the multivariate stress of running a small business without new support over four to five years, it's a good month to take a paycut. Less pay, less stress on the business, less stress on the business, less stress on me. Just let it go. Lol. I have a decaying body and mind to drag along besides all that. On with work. Hehe.


/commented on whether 4.31 MYR:USD and the most flaccid KLCI in a decade were good enough buying signals, or if we should wait another month/

Frankly, at any time, I think we're only a month away from turning the corner on CV.

It's already scared the globally branded economies shitless. We know the systematic containment measures have predictable results. I expect first world death toll to hit 30,000 max, before the death toll decelerates.

Markets will will recover with the first world. New cases will still be exploding all around developing nations, particularly the continents which haven't hit the news yet...


If only that asshole who published an opinion piece in the news telling everyone to buy two weeks of supplies hadn't done that. Geez, man you're a doctor. You don't need two normal weeks of food to last two weeks in a emergency... you need like three normal days rationed very carefully. Because Malaysians and their obsession with food... ohmaigad, they're going to go buy like three normal weeks of food and throw a party for their friends...


/18 March/

Looking at the heavier traffic on the LDP, and hoping this isn't like when 10,000 Italians "escaped the redzones".


(Guestimate) Malaysia's second CV19 fatality:
- earliest infection : Feb 27
- latest infection : Mar 1
- febrility : Mar 5
- death : Mar 18
Reminds you, you have about three weeks to enjoy the sunrise, less once you're intubated and prone in a ward somewhere.


- Panic grocery shopping
- Panic interstate travel
- Panic cancellation of interstate travel police approval requirement
This is still a shitshow. It will be reclassified as a clusterfuck if COVID cases spike nationwide as a result. All eyes on the project manager, and if you can't name a name, look higher up on the command chain.


It's four hours into the partial lockdown. Does anyone want to go for ice cream? FamilyMart is open, and they have soft-serve...


I am having a very painful time figuring out some work I previously did. If you're reading this, and you're worried, you shouldn't worry, because I don't think it's challenging to work on things that are less difficult :P


Approximately 19 hours up. Got the reactive, graph-backed, datastore working... just barely.


Ex-Tablighi new cases are growing quickly. Today, Tablighi cluster is only 80/117 of new cases.


"Tiada salahlah, balik ke kampung. Tetapi..."
- Direct quote, PM8, 8pm live telecast
Nice change of pace tho. First PM in my lifetime, who can speak, who isn't Tunsplaining...


Just one of those days when the code base has been stablised, but you need to refactor a man-week of work, because of some design mis-step from a week ago. Let's see if we can do this in one sitting... (caught up 32 wall-clock hours later)


Solo work is hard. Body breaks apart. Certainly getting uglier, and smarter, and weaker. Not sure if the end game will be richer or poorer, we'll leave that to the market.


Imagine thinking that civilisation is the result of a group project where everyone started with an end in mind.


Done with tactical running around. Back to desking...


Today's trending topic:
yOu CaNnOt JoG tO tApAu FoOd La FuCkFaCE


So I went to the office, and bought out most of the leftover stock, and took it home to cook. Now it feels like a party. -_-


Also please stop dreaming - there is no way this is going to be over before Ramadan. You need to first develop a vaccine then shoot up a majority of the population first.


Why isn't there a sim-nation game that's close to the complexity of reality? :P Someone should make one...


And what's the official line on homeless people during lockdown?


I need to eat :(. Ate. Not sure if 1.4kB gzipped is a good thing, given how much more code I will need to add later.


Productive-ish day. But sad to see so many plebs bullying the health minister. Shall leave off the subject for a while... arguing with stupid people is tiring when there are so many of them. Let me think of something productive to do. Perhaps, to remind myself that the pandemic has a silver lining, increasing the evolutionary pressure on the species. Mass death has a cleansing effect on the population. Off with the weak. Is it my turn, today? Is it yours? You probably don't want to know.


So how do you like it now that Wuhan is probably the safest modern city in the world?
Personally I'm looking at a 60-day window for each infected to pass on the virus. It's going to be slow...


All my business's major creditors have been informed to plan for the contingency that emergency (small 'e') lockdowns in Malaysia may be extended from two weeks, to four weeks or eight weeks. Have you planned your movements in those contingencies?


"It will be sad to hear of your demise."
"Please pray for me."
"I don't work with God. Lol."


Fuck me... did you know there are coliving condos in KL where 90+ people are sharing common areas... right now...

It's come to my attention that some coliving space operators have not tightened facilities operating procedures to firewall residence from contact with each other. If you are aware of any coliving spaces where more than 15 (residents) have no choice but to use common facilities for: cooking, OR laundry, OR still have shared access to gyms, swimming pools, and recreational areas, please highlight it to me. I will pass your contact to a Straits Times reporter who is interested in stories of living in the time of CV19. Thanks.


Been wondering when this would mobilise. Wanna sign up depending on requirements.


/notes on a contact tracing app architecture / We can architecture it so that servers only manage a blockchain of pointers... just thinking out loud:
- {
userPublicKey, (RSA or other)
publicLowResolutionCoordinateList [ {timeID, placeID} ],
privateHighResolutionCoordinateListEncryptedWithUserPublicKey [ warningList [ {urgencyLevel, timeID, placeID} ]
userIDEncryptedWithUserPublicKey, (presumably locked to device)
- the users don't have to submit contact information beyond the device the software installed on (everyone can see that a user exists, but can't find the user unless the user steps forward)
- the onus can be put back on users to log in periodically to actively query the server to check their warnings (everyone can see that the user has warnings, but only the user can read their warnings, and self-report their real identity to the server)


This is libelous.

ATM has already issued statements denying fake [Whatsapp voice recordings of orders to harass citizens].

So in the interest of encouraging the public to cooperate with the military personnel, I do not think this post is a good idea.


A day begins. Food and cleaning first. Then work, perhaps exercise.


Surrealism in refactoring:
when you're overhauling class architecture of an app, and all your tests are still passing...
extend a class... OK...
extend another class... OK...
make the first class a subclass of the second... OK...
wow... I really suck at programming...
I don't understand half of what is going on LOL...
and now I have +0.2kB gzipped...
but that's probably due to wordy error messages...


As future civil servants of Malaysia, we should probably all learn how to say this properly.
(Arabic greetings)


Actually, I don't understand the theological position of the MY/ID Tablighi fellows (those who resist being checked before/after meetings). The religion's characteristics elevate the value of physical cleanliness. Doesn't it occur to them that going around without checks on disease is a contradiction in terms?


"Wait, wow... people are actually surprised that this pandemic is happening? So much for education."
"What pandemic"
"The coughy diey thing."


Javascript epiphany... it is NEVER safe to READ a variable.
1. Any variable may refer to an **object's property**. (Passing the buck.)
2. Any **object property** may hide injected dependencies - **object getters** CAN have side effects. (Lying.)
3. With the new proxy feature, any **object's getters** may be further buried under a @**proxy handler's getters**@ - and @**proxy handlers**@ can be layered indefinitely. (Infinite misdirection is possible.)


Market outlook: There's no structural reason to expect a steady recovery, and there is a clear structural reason to expect increased healthcare costs for the whole world for several months. Of course, you could have a white swan, but we will have to see. I think an example to look forward to is a growth in logistics and workflow across the entire service sector... so there might be surprisingly quick growth in that sector as there is now a large mass of disrupted actors searching for new equilibriums. I would buy services that facilitate logistics, communications. Tech, pharma, logistics, basically. On the bright side, oil prices are down!


All religions agree on one thing. Religion is a beautiful narrative. Religious individuals however, are morons - that's why humans need religion. (I categorise atheism as a religion too, FWIW.)


Personally I am happy for plagues and moratoriums on business. Death and destruction are great equalisers. But still, a job is a job, so work must keep going.


One thing I was reminded of recently: as a person who builds a business that isn't designed to provide myself with job security... I tend to expect zero external aid in times of crisis because we have been receiving near zero, possibly negative aid over years of running normally "in crisis mode". As a result, I'm just sipping tea and continuing with what work is available (a lot) while others are scrambling to meet greater expectations for themselves and their dependents.
My business has been frozen for the time being, and I have cut my monthly fee of 3.5k to zero with effect from 1 March.
This is a general offer of help, if we match. If you need/want someone to help sorting out minute to minute management/ administrative/ ops/ strategy/ tech/ backlogged plans/ current emergency, onsite, or offset, feel free to message me. I do not think I have to charge.
My shop will be shut until the end of lockdown, so I have a bit of free time. Just a bit. Lmao


Time to snack. Then to implement caching... and thereby enable a reactive graph, perhaps.


Working surrounded by morons is so boring.
Working by myself is so stressful (because I am not that smart).
QED: life is suffering...


Reminders to self:
- "Problem that is solved by money is not problem."
- "Problem solved by one person is threat."
- "Problems that are solved by ten people are nothings."
- "Problems that are solved by a thousand people are opportunities."


Good grief. Tested a microsecond logger for every datum update and read... at 0.25ms per log entry... (250ish microseconds).


Lockdown day 9: my landlady and I are at an impasse. All the knives have been removed from the kitchen and put in a secure location. If she attacks another baby gecko, I will eat her cat...


3 BILLION on lockdown. A remarkable, historic feat. Never before has our current civilisation inconvenienced so many individuals in order to save the lives of a fraction. Are we better, or worse of, for these efforts? Why do we care about human lives to this degree? Doesn't really matter. What's important is that it's phenomenal.


A government that imposes a stay-at-home order without plans for the homeless, is ridiculous.


If I had the bandwidth, I think it'd be really interesting to design makeshift ventilators for temporary use from hardware store / common appliances. Then open source the designs. In principal we need filtration, sterilisation, temperature control, humidity control, positive gas pressure, gas mixture, and some good-old-fashioned bell alerts (pulls on a string rings a bell, sorta shit)... and that's about it, isn't it? What the hell do I know. But anyway, if we were making these for an emergency involving high-quantum demand... we'd probably want to build something that was rather splittable...


As all of this goes on, in the months to come, it will be informative to get the entire population's IgG readings to see how many of us have been silent vectors for CV19.


God I hate eating. Lol. But gotta eat, so work gets done. It's a timely reminder that I also really hate people who make a fuss about food. But you can't escape foodies, so you might as well make a living off them. That's why I work in food. In general it strains me to watch all these people getting enthusiastic about the meaningless pursuits which they call their family and friends. But again, you can't escape most of'em, so you might as well keep'em somewhat close, and try to make something of your time around them. And then we move on, beyond such boring life.


Bill Ackman makes 2.6 B betting on a crash, nets -6.5% including exposure to stocks: TLDR he's buying Horeca stocks, next.


Asking intuiters to follow instructions can be like this, sometimes:

x: "There is a goat in the sea."
y: "That is not the right message, you should say that there is a chicken crossing the road."
x: "Hello, terdapat seekor kambing di tengah laut."
y: "I don't know how do fix this, except next time, I will make you rehearse."


I need to set up vim to take voice commands...


Two notes before bed. First, I was studying the structure of tear ducts, due to a personal affliction in one eye. It reminded me of the hypothesis that crying as a social reflex evolved from an earlier immune system structure... that of allergic response. Emotional reflexes... so cute.
Final note: I spent a few days schmoozing with a few hundred restaurateurs in WhatsApp and Telegram. Then the subject of my corporate ban from social media was questioned, and rather than debate the regulatory compliance with those friends, I decided to unjoin the conversation. More pressing matters to attend to - I don't think networking there is non-compliant, but I really should shed the risk, at the first sign of antagonistic parties.


/On the deputy security minister demanding that NGOs reroute all food donations to JKebajikan distribution centres/

It's better to organise a clearing house of DATA with the federal government coordinating it, and NGOs in a client capacity, with full transparency for public appeal. The Soviet Union failed because it tried to centralise logistics of goods; that is wrong - you are efficient if you centralise ONLY INFORMATION.

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