2020-06-03 at

Stay Classy.

I shit you not. One Singaporean publication today, published a piece on the virtue of discrimination purely between wealthy and wealthless people. Their argument was roughly that 'the avoidance of neighbourhoods with concentrations of expat manual labour was not at all racism, but simply an avoidance of poverty'.

Well I thought they were approximately half right, in this set of assertions, but I wasn't sure how to say intersectionality in Singlish, so I just commented, 'theoretically, we can't separate classism from racism; fun debate'. And then the editor (admin) replied with something along the lines of 'maybe people just imagine discrimination', so that was a kill opening, and I posted the common template photo above.

I also said, 'personally I'm happy to call myself a classist of some sort. Racism is just an unpopular variety of classism. It's classism for the lower classes.'.

How do I even come up with this shit? 

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