2020-06-05 at

Extinction is Progress

I am reading about people facing depression because businesses are closing down, just like how people are passing away, from illness. I just want to write this note to remind everyone that death is part of evolution. It doesn't matter if you die, or you live, extinction is progress. We can celebrate it, whichever side of the living we are on. I often read about people who only identify with the survivors, and I find it a bit strange that people are sad when something dies. I think, whether people and businesses live or die, most of them are individually worthless anyway. Only civilisation proceeds, so we should identify with that.

Addendum: I also read about people referring to football (soccer) as the beautiful game. I kinda get it, but really, I don't think it's also just a bunch of people doing gymnastics with a bladder. I find business and politics in general much more stimulating. Those are truly beautiful games.

Reflection: So much to do. I grew up with an interest in technology, but always found that the problems with squeezing value out of technology always have to do with technology's interaction with human layers. Later in my studies, I figured out almost in entirety how the individual human cognitive apparatus is structured as a information system. Over the last two decades I've moved back and forth across the divide ... twice, tech to art, then tech to art ... for tactical reasons on the secular timeframe. It's always been about patching up my deficiencies of knowledge on one end, while leveraging what I've learnt on the other. This past year I've been back to tech again - very specific, very tactical reasons, just trying to get a small business to grow on a single executive input. I look forward to the next ten years, and to the ten after that ... I wonder if I will ever catch up in basic competency, or if other people will have figured out the things I thought they would ... or if, as it often happens, I get bored of waiting, and just go take swings at it on my own.

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