2020-09-17 at

"Getting Sorted 2020" : item 7, reestablish daily quiet time

Following up on earlier steps of operations tuning, in this cycle:

Group 1

1. Set up general storage facility and interior architecture.

2. Set up sleeping quarters, washroom, laundry, pantry, and physical conditioning assets.

3. Set up electronic workstation, with large planes perpendicular to line of sight, to buffer verbal and visual memory.

4. Set up vehicles of commute from home office to production floor.

Group 2

5. Establish social ties with familiars, for physical and conversational intimacy/infrastructure.

6. Establish tracking of desk time as a precursor to partitioning time between desk and non-desk work. Software development, bookkeeping, public intelligence, visual design, etc. versus building maintenance, talent imprinting, logistical fulfillment, ground intelligence, in-person networking, etc.

Now, 7. I am planning to reinstate daily quiet times. (In the Christian tradition I was raised in, these would be once- or twice-daily events lasting a few minutes each, with a process of rituals for memory management, ethical review, and emotional recalibration against in-memory models of external entities. I am not here interested in the in-memory model of a deity, but all other components of this sort of daily event are revelant to the strategic layer of any operation.) Plan, daily:

7.1. Review any business priorities dangling in short-term memory.

7.2. Dredge up business priorities from mid-to-long-term memory.

7.3. Rewrite forward-8-hour execution path/priority-list.

7.4. Repack S/M/L-tM (7.1.-7.3. are the mental conditioning part.)

7.5. Check physical condition, social condition, financial condition, and tactically recondition any requirements antecedent to the success of 7.3.

7.6. Zoom out of the business context, and review the prioritisation of 7.1-7.5. against broader ethical considerations, in general. Reiterate back through 7.1.-7.6. as needed to reduce incoherence.

Group 3

8. Administrative debt: to be addressed in the future ... I do have a number of personal obligations such as quit rent which I need to pay, and tax declarations, which have not been addressed of late.

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