2020-09-15 at

Rant: Autism, Abnormal Labels, Sickness, and Statistics

Was discussing this set of social phenomenon, { 

1. "the assertion that some behaviours are normal, despite being implicitly present, rather than explicitly defined", 

2. "the assertion that people should demonstrate sociability by assuming the first assertion, then complying with it", 

3. "the assertion that non-compliance is a disorder",

4. "the assertion that disorders are to be made compliant with the norm"


Haha, high-context cultured people who believe in common sense sensitivities are welcome to castigate rule-oriented people as "disordered", and rule-oriented people are symmetrically welcome to castigate emotionally sensitive people as disabled, I think 😛

I just happen to have chosen to believe, years and years ago, that sensitive people are cripples. I don't think there's an objective right or wrong, it's just a preference for what sorts of societies we each want to build out of the world that we are collectively given.

Well, my personal view is that high-context cultures are degenerate and I am generally opposed to endorsing them.

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