2021-08-14 at

Yawn 75


To-date : Standardised installations of JupyterLab on Anaconda on Docker, connectible to Google Colaboratory. Next, study of exploratory data analysis (EDA) on Google Data Studio.


There are two kinds of people.

One believes that all relationships are disposable.

One believes that some are not.


I'm rarely impressed. So when disciples of the Branson-esque "I'm impressed," have come up to me over the years, I generally have no intuition about why that is important.


"Confirm your appointment" and

"Cancel your vaccine appointment"

Are 3mm apart lol on touch screen. #wtui


PWTC AZ vaccine dose2 crowd flow is a lot smoother than dose1. Reminds me of an event I worked on after college 😛

There is no biometric identification, so yes, forging identities is not hard.


It's been an excellent year for me, personally, I have no complaints. This does not at all detract from the suffering of colleagues and countryfolk, as I speak only for myself in this moment. My quality of life has only increased since the first lockdowns began, and it probably has not been higher since I was in college (almost the highest paid gig ever). My understanding of the world has only increased, and now I command the respect of peers who deem it useful to include me in their societies, and for that I am eternally grateful. No experience is expected to persist, but in the frame of the game, one plans only with the next frame in mind. On we go.


on UEL : Sekadar ikhlas ... termasuk saya sendirilah, saya tidak berapa suka dengan orang yang suka menangis. Lebih lagi, sesiapa yang suka dengan orang yang suka menangis, saya paling taksukainya. Selain daripadatu, sampai satu harilah yang belum berlaku, tanpa sebarang bukti yang menyatakan sebaliknya, saya anggap sahaja penangis ini sebagai seorang yang ikhlas. InshaAllah saya tidak akan terbukti salah. Ptui.


Admin of Malaysian heritage group : "I have deleted some posts due to the sensitivities of certain people, apologies, please carry on. "

Me : "Spoken like a true Malaysian. May you live long and suffer."

I have not had the opportunity to exhibit such clarity of wit in many a year.


Scuzi : am about to think aloud about female processes.

TIL : menstruation's hormonal dynamics may cause mast cell activation ... so if you're on your period, and you get a vaccine, and you experience "heat" or other indications of mast cell activation, and you're not sure if it's from menstruation or the vaccine ... alamak, maybe it's the same mechaniam after all?

(Having no direct experience of menstruation, but many years of monitoring my own immune reactions to a wide variety of rubbish.)


Currently we're at around 10 million vaccinated, 4 million plus double-dosed, over 50% delta variant, and the death rate is still pretty conservative. Good reasons to be optimistic. Also, any recent rise in case counts appears to be purely due to increased testing (data is about a week late).


Shameless plug: I think one of the things I am happiest about in life is deciding to decategorise myself from "shame". In societies like Malaysia, where I live, people use the concept of "shame" a lot, as a tokeniser of negative social currency. It basically functions as a mechanism by which each individual system activates a brake whenever it receives a token of shame from some other individual system. Deciding not to accept these tokens is a really simply hack. It basically gives you an unlimited bank account to do things that people try to get you back for in terms of shame. LOL


Replying to an art-zine asking about how to create demand for the arts :

<<< By definition, any activity which doesn't appeal to others is "self-indulgence".

Individuals are free to be self-indulgent. There is no shame in this.

As for getting people to like things, that is a question relevant to the art of seduction. Also, this is called marketing. Who is the artist now? >>>


So-called T-shaped career is really weird this week. 

Pipe : I have a rough mandate to set up a data science team that delivers business impact within a year, on one hand. 

Dash : On the other, I'm writing introductory manuals for manufacturing quality control, recruitment interview strategy, and coaching folks on how to route (n-to-n) nine people from one meeting, to six emails, across two priority levels. Nevermind the miscellaneous chaos of talent management across a multi-premise operation under lockdown duress.

Good challenge. While on one hand I've recently introduced the concept of imposter syndrome to some colleagues, I am not sure if I am supposed to be feeling it yet. I guess I'm supposed to. And when I'm supposed to do things, I'm good at doing them, so let me assume the form of imposter syndrome. Hm.

Also started meticulous logging of hours across both jobs today. Going to need to do this for sure, especially since I may have to raise weekly hours by another 50% in November. Hopefully geolocal consolidation to the flat is done by then. I may only get a loan approved in August, due to the volatile nature of my wage history, making it likely that move-in will be no sooner than October.


Aside, the missus has been preoccupied with the anti-vax fairies this week, so that has been interesting. I suppose remaining avenues of productive communication are gardening, grocering, massages, and meals together. I am going to minimise unproductive bickering and just go back to work. We'll see if this works out.


Cleaned up Wikimedia CSS - since it looks like I'll be doing a lot of reading this year. A delighting bit of housekeeping.


[someone else wrote about UEL's virtue signalling - lol - this is now a year on my radar; i could only caption it thus] Pandai hang Melayu ini. Aku tau pasal lebai sebab seumurhidupku ibubapaku sewenang-wenangnya berkerja gereja. Hanya tingkatan kewarganegaraan saya yang tidak tercapai ... membebankan keselamatan saya dalam perihal mengutuk penuntut agama lain ... jadi saya gak slalu mengutuk ...


By and far the biggest turn off in conversation, is finding that a conversationalist is encumbered in their ability to converse, by the fact that they care about the subject of conversation. Heartfelt moral outrage ... is best ignored.


Category Theory terminology : So glad I made myself sit through this in home-gradschool nine years ago :P. My intuition was correct, that given my low effort and limited mental resources, it would take my subconscious mind a long time to internalise even just remembering the names of these damn things. I didn't get it nine years ago, but I'm starting to get it now. Also now the first job in 14 years where I'm officially supposed to focus on math and stats, so this is why I'm back on the subject.


Housekeeping kinda day!

Did laundry, and tallied up grocery receipts - then sent feedback to the missus.


I'm discovering parallels between my two jobs. One company is corporately pre-literate ... so I have to introduce business concepts and best practices in natural language. The other company is somewhat corporatised, so at least I can introduce subjects by just linking to the "functional practice" articles page on McKinsey.com, and pasting key infographics in email.


Shokubutsu + citric acid


very interesting results


Here's one big mistake to avoid RIGHT NOW, if you actually know how to cook. NEVER buy an air-fryer UNLESS it has a glass viewing panel / body.


Girlfriend got me to actually turn on Clubhouse. I still can't find a room I want to stay in.


Hm. Entertained too many distracts and didn't eat enough over the past 24-hours. Need to fix. Probably means eating all day today, in between work.


Sila duduk dan jangan berbohong. - 2021



All the fuckers : "wah vaccine side effect so scary, I feel sick"

Dude, that is the main effect, not a side effect.


Beyond the two-page media statement, there was a four-page letter to the Cabinet, detailing the grievances. Someone posted it in private, and I read it, but I've asked them to share it.

SO yesterday the palace ( read : HRH the King ) issued a legal criticism of the Cabinet. This is excellent. I like how Malaysia actually gets better as time progresses ... it's just very slow. But then, we're a poor, little, developing country, right?


Malaysia data to-date :

Delta variant share of cases : 70%

Share of test which are positive : ever increasing!

Case fatality rate (7DMA): dropping since 18 June

~ 0.8% at MAY12 when MCO3 started

~1.7% peak at JUL18

~1.4% today JUL30

So, basically, this is great. It seeeems to indicate that we'll be back at 0.8% around the end of August, roughly as expected based on (previous, unrelated arm wave-y calculation).


Enforced waking and feeding. Back to moving. Not free to do national service today, but if you are not working, please #keluardanlawan.



#freeSarah Good effort, she should have known better than to find this surprising. Keep it up!


0-40 : prep

40-80 : attac

80-120 : protec

No rushy. 37.7/40.0 ...


IMO : If you're making CKT, and you're looking for the smoke and maillardisation ( "wok hei"), then use an air fryer. #21stCenturyCooking


My friend, interpreting the past from the point of view of the Constitution is not kacau talk. Kacau talk is when we start talking about what kind of future the Constitution allows.

The future I want: HRH Proclaims a new Emergency. Removes the Cabinet. Installs a bipartisan (polypartisan ... Malaysia where got bi-?) Cabinet. Fixes the COVID reponse. Prints money and drops the USDMYR to 4.5 or 5.0. Removes the Election Commission. Organises fair and free elections. 

Help us, your Highness, you're our only hope.


Long week of emergency moving almost done. Still gotta squeeze in some desk work tonight, but first a nap.


#hambaMohon #YangMulia #TurunPadang


Can I ask HRH the Agong for two prime ministers?


Did they make the base Yaris warty just to make the GR4 look better?


There are at least three sources of data for ops in an e-commerce company.

1. The most norm-scale variety is fraud and information security. Cat and mouse, player versus player. Yet the scale varies greatly.

2. HFT or its slower quantitative trading siblings may be found in the mundanities of pricing automation.

3. On the longest-term, there is the HCI concern from sub-second to seasonal psychology, sociology, and habit.

From an interview chat we had today.


I've been postponing the study of R since 2007. LOL.


To do : reset bed at home, now that moving is complete.


Looking forward to a massive cleaning day.


She : do you think my rabbit is happy?

Me : existentially?

She : yes.

Me : probably?

She : why?

Me : because it hasn't tried to kill itself yet?


Reviewing the set of INFP friends I have, it seems to be a common pattern that they exhibit a sort of bipolar fluctuation between happiness and unhappiness. The sad side is often a dissatisfaction with disorder, or meaninglessness. In reaction, they are driven to escape the former by any means necessary, usually until they reach the other extreme of chemical, humorous, or orderliness euphoria. 

On the other hand I guess INTPs are comfortable with a perpetual monistic ambiguity about the non-duality of meaning and meaninglessness. We are going to make fun of you anyway, especially if you assert a clear duality.


Article 150.7 paraphrased. If the Proclaimation ceases to be in force (it has explicitly expired on 1 August), you wait another six months before subordinances expire.


Conclusion : the only reason to buy a home electric "dehumidifier" is, if you want to dry "clothes" at an efficient wattage.

1. Split unit 1HP air conditioner with inverter, RM 800 + labour.

2. Portable 1HP air conditioner, RM 800. (Probably noisier than 1.)

3. Portable 0.5HP dehumidifier, same parts but you are forced to recombine the hot and cold air for a net increase in temperature, RM1,200. (Also, probably noisier than 1.)

Note that 2. can overperform 3., including HEPA filtration, but without ionisation capabilities.


Back to a desk (hopefully).


Daily cost update : 

- more than RM 20 each : rent & residence associated, essential food, non-essential food

- more than RM 10 each : transportation

- more than RM 1 each : toiletries

- less than RM 1 each : mobile data

The optimisation targets are clear.

- rent is supposed to move to investment

- residence associated is supposed to drop to under RM10

- essential food should move under RM 20

- non-essential food ... is a black-hole as long as things are up in the air, but hopefully this will get chopped down also

- toiletries is moving under RM 1 after the current trial period for some new SKUs


Realised that signalling while driving is easily a six sigma concern. There are a million cm in a km. If you're over the lane line without signalling, moving forward 1cm in 3.5km, then you've failed six sigma.

Things I learnt from watching 3-4 sigma signalers.


Weekend tasks : do claims, and possible write software, depending on what colleagues tell me.


Anyone who depends on others for their own happiness, is destined for failure. 🙂


Horrible start to the weekend. 1632h on a Saturday and work hasn't begun. Need to be stricter about deprioritising weak partnerships. Time to attempt lunch and drugging up with caffeine.

Related :

"My friend's definition of a pleb is someone who lives in a high-density KLGCC apartment."

"My definition of a pleb is someone who worries about money, and avoids working on weekends."


SAT1806 : coffee and desking. Looking for six hours of vendor review and customised coding, but expecting to disappoint myself.


TIL: Insulin increases amino acid uptake ... besides just sugar.

2021-08-08 to 2021-08-14

SAT done : 

- bookkeeping, personal

- claims, brand management docs, j1

- checkpoints, payslip admin, j2

- helped partner who just got vaccinated

- counselled new contact on academic career

- prepped birdfood

SUN todo :

- annual charity event

- bank statement for loan

- email data collection kits to hods, checkpoint on onboarding format, j2

- add feature for procurement software, maybe drop in to coach, maybe get to testing vendors, j1


Standing by for Zafrul to gerrymander Klang Valley into Phase 2.


GS froshers now a $110k. Well it was $60,000 base in 2005, for kids from my school. Slight inflation. 100-hour-weeks! (For the working class, not the well-connected hires.)


Gmail needs to implement ML auto-labelling ... just run it in the client's browser already.


Did Ghandi underpromise or underdeliver?


Project terbabas. Rasanya lega je. Lain kali cuba lagi ...


When you tell a vendor that their output is inconvenient, and the vendor tries to argue that their output is convenient ... it is usually best to withdraw consent for the vendor's engagement, on account of the vendor's incompetence.

Edit : for clarity, since some messaged me, this wasn't about software, but about a friend. It's all business, k.


All I want is that this forces Malaysia to digitise voting once and for all.


If you can modify your appreciation, you will always be happy. If you can bask in the beauty of a dark room, you will sleep soundly. If you can be amused by the fury of your oppressors, ans neighbours, and peers, you will never lack for pleasant company. Such are the benefits of personal mastery which are sorely lacking in the teachings of our country.


You laugh. Tomorrow he will be PM. (Facists in PAS, causing police intimidation of critics.)


Schedule is much clearer this week. Looking forward to the final third of the work day. Wondering if I can draft an entire HR management data structure in 3 hours.


Mahiaddin's gambit : 

I support the motion.

This is why I support the PM. (Dark Knight, Agent of Chaos vid.)

(Always pick the outcome which is less predictable, because the predictable outcome is less progressive.)

This isn't even "just" Robert Fucking Frost. The proposed bills are ALL likely to fail. But the gain in publicity of those issues, and establishment of precedent on those issues alone is worth the JFDI. We haven't even gotten to the explicit reasoning of the PM's speech.


The problem with 1-book-a-day people is they seem to have only just discovered reading and need to catch up. The number of words parsed in a straight line by your head is irrelevant to n-spatial models generated in your head. But I shouldn't complain without context, having had the privilege of being in speed reading competitions when I was seven- or eight-years-old. Technically I might have cheated - I didn't read every word, and I'm not sure if I lied on the book summaries.  (I lost to the first-place winner, but they decided to award two prizes, I got $15, and bought a skateboard - totally on-brand.)


Awake. Showered. Dressed. Put socks on. Took socks off. Got some yoghurt and instant coffee. Caught up on messages. Time to model some data.


A great mistake I just learnt to avoid - proper relational database normalisation means that column headers should NEVER contain a semantic distinction between singular and plural. At the STORAGE layer, each cell should contain only singular entities, and at the NAMING layer (columns and tables) you should either use ALL SINGULAR or ALL PLURAL tenses within a single database, for parsimony. Of course, singular terms are usually shorter, so I recommend those.


Redditor : do organ transplants ever get used to slow down the aging process of the recipient? 

My stupid face : can you name an instance when this is not the intention?


Advanced a week of work in sector1. Need to move to sector2 to catch up on backlog.


The strongest society is a consensus among a long tail of minorities.

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