2022-10-31 at

Yawn 89

13 sep

Time to feed / breakfast

Enforced feeding again / dinner

Time for enforced rest

14 sep

Enforced waking

TIL undersea fuel pipes are flexible and laid either in J or S styles

15 sep

Enforced etc.

Ah shit, public holiday tomorrow. Got to be extra productive today

16 sep

Three months living here, first time in the gym

RM8 diet cokes at Tiffin : my new co-working pass

17 sep

Slept in a little. I have been worrying about friends, old and new. I hope they are well.

Absent of further information - perhaps a good day to focus on work - there remains a lot to done.

Hm. Where's the SOP ... oh yes, the day ex-bed begins with washing ...

I need a Fibonacci backoff timer CRM to manage all my social comms. Being an efficient extrovert is so complicated.


Some updates are promising. But we shall see


Iterated on one set of work. Time for a brunch of sorts, I guess ... probably random rice stuff ... Astill looking for a good translation for chapfan.


Perhaps I can afford to spend the rest of my day on personal paperwork.

The mourning of the queen : an intersection of nationalism and filial piety. Two areas in which I lack much identity. Probably appeals to the sort of people who miss their mothers.

18 sep

Trying to wrap my head around the facts : newer Fairfield Marriot, business class, is priced double of older AC Marriot, lifestyle class.

And five-star hotel prices in KL range from 190 to 1000 MYR, but at the top end the St Regis (Marriot) has to load two double beds in, while the Hilton across the street charges 66% for one double bed. And the Le Meridien. (Marriot) adjacent to the Hilton sends two single beds for 45% ish.

More laundry

What I'm coming to realise is that slow cooking is great, but I need a bigger slow cooker.

Now, having a sort of permanent housing, learning how to sit in the car reading at various locations, without ordering anything.

OMG BBTV is now in HD. Feels like such an upgrade, since I last followed this.

The one on-brand thing we never managed to do at the last 24-7 cafe was to install a Bloomberg Terminal. I think this will be the defining feature of any next establishment under the brand.

Why is everything closed at midnight 🙁

 20 Sep

If they raise 75bips, markets will surge. If they raise 100, small sell-off. If they raise 50bips I get two beers. But I don't think I'll get two beers, so I'm having one by myself.

This is approximately half true.


I'm on a business trip, my fourth this year. I never had to do a lot of these in my 15 years of work before this - maybe one every 2 to 3 years. This year's trips are mundane gardening exercises. The nature of the work is gradual, and any complexity involved is stretched thin over the waiting times, between tremors of execution. A job that is expected to take years is ... simply what it is, reflected a thousand times over upon itself, like the sunrise over the earth : a nothing, made into something by the fact of a subjective historian. So far on average I've managed to involve one junior hire, having one to three years' experience, on each of these trips. To some degree they are helping me get work done, and in another view they are gifted with fundamental business experiences at a younger age than I had access to. I hope they each make something of it. To pass the time, I pause for beer by myself, fried chicken over looking a small town intersection, and long walks to and from the hotel. Boredom will always be available, but if you can get paid for it, while helping people, it distracts one a little from the fundamental quaintness of it all.

22 sep

Off to do the business things

23 sep

Nap time. 0222

Roll out 0924

24 sep

Miscellaneous social work, and some reading on financial markets today.

Many, many, strange counterparties to negotiate this week. Rather a mixed bag. More to come.

Home DIY level : toilet cisterns : modifying both flush volume and flow rate.

Can anyone recommend a place to shop for kopiahs / songkoks / haji hats / Malaysian beanies where the design and construction and cutting has been modernised, but where it isn't marketed as a premium product with stupid prices?

Comprehension of the law, is not gazetted as a citizen's right.

I got duvets from Ikea. Wanted big, cheap ones, two to stack inside one cover as a test substitute for a waterproof mattress protector.

Ended up getting 4 queen sized duvets to stuff into one king size cover, as stocks were not available.

Then huge cluster fuck of buying wrong sku, paying, realising, getting new skus, losing original receipt, printing replacement receipt, then getting refund for original receipt. I think at the rate I am running myself, I should be senile by 70.

Figured the convenient 2022 price of people watching is RM30 drinks. In 1999 it was what, RM8 Coca-colas, in Telawi.

One thing doesn't change : the music is usually too loud and intellectually disruptive, so insulation and cancellation will help.

Today's study over drinks.


25 sep




Spent most of Sunday afternoon testing out the new office claims system and haven't done anything really useful yet for the company. Did chores at home tho


When there is a lack of intellectual stimulation, physical exercise provides an intellectual pursuit. So off for a swim.


Quite a ways off from 70 hours of sleep a week, I think.

And credit card expenses are already on the high side for mid-month.

Roughly : Every 100 per week spent on food today, is 3000-8000 less in your investment portfolio (or retirement fund) 10 years from now (depending on whether you average 5% or 10% returns).


Under some circumstances, it turns out that I am the designated CEO whisperer.

sep 26
Did you know ...
Roughly : Every 100 per week spent on food today, is 8,000-13,000 less in your investment portfolio (or retirement fund) 10 years from now (depending on whether you average 5% or 10% returns).
Penang research complete. Probably time to go back to work.
Quick stock-take to kick-off Q4 ...
- the epoch is 3.6 months old (new base)
- day jobs : 1.5
- critical jobs : none
- busy jobs : 1.0
- busy but mediocre work ex-jobs : hiring partners / swiping quotas, diet, exercise, investment
- neglected areas of work : parked cafe company, personal taxes, math, software development, beautification of residence for the purpose of seduction
Good to have set time aside this week for reflection (bus rides are good for that). Much to dwell on, as resources are to be calibrated as usual. Dwell, dwell, dwell ...
2 oct
After 34 years in Malaysia, little has changed and public transportation is still a shithole. Lol. Hundreds of parking bays at a major bus terminal, and parked car tickets must be paid with cash, only small notes. Electronic bus tickets are automatically dispensed here, but at the hub in another state it takes longer than it did in the 1990s ... as instead of individual ticket conductors, there is ONE little desk with two clerks using the website system on behalf of everyone who walks up. Lol
Leo Grande is actually scripted like a stage-play, and should be produced as such.
4 oct
Most of yesterday was consumed by a draft of how all the job grades fit together.
Today I might as well go for a draft of how the whole company should fit together.
6 Oct
Need to adjust SOPs for sleep management. Less than 70h/w sleep results in a significantly reduced capacity for subconscious threat management. So, I need to design and install a conscious protocol to supplement that.
1. Threat vector identification
2. Threat identity encapsulation
3. Threat mitigation budget assignment
4. Surplus budget review
5. Opportunity budget allocation
So far it would seem, using SWOT lingo, T above can also apply to W, and O can also apply to S.
7 oct
Time to keep a sleep tracker. Super underperforming my 70h/w target
Did Moscow just false-flag the Kerch?
Cutting down weekly work commitments by 33%. Only 66% to go 😛
13 oct
6 day record nets 10.8 hours underslept
Business trips can be slow and boring. One tries to make the most of opportunities to nap.
Oh, Superdry is British.
I was about to make a tshirt reading Slightlywet. Or Littledamp.
The next four weeks, ought to be very busy, relatively short on cash, and extremely sensitive. So with that in mind, today, I should prepare myself for this havoc.

18 oct
Drove up Jalan Kepong and Jalan Pahang last night.

20 oct
Mess, and more mess. Yawn. And waiting for lines to move.
Thursday night drunksitting ftw

I should do more journalling in Malay and Chinese for practice.
It turns out that iconoclast is translated literally from the Greek into 偶像破坏者.

Finally getting around to reviewing my SOPs.
Also fixed up resonators for my mid-room speakers. Usually with speakers by the wall, this isn't a problem - but here the bass has gone for a holiday.
Light car problems : 
- 30.5 PSI / 210 kPa feels leaden
- 31.9 PSi / 220 kPa is wobbly
- 31.1 PSi / 215 kPa handles nicely
Treadmilled for the first time in ages; a light work out.
- jogged 140+ BPM for a few minutes
- overhead dumbbell pressed 7.5kg/arm
- dumbbell half squatted 25kg/arm
- pushups
- decline bench situps
I'm not sure the treadmill BPM monitor is accurate. I will xref this with my miband2 next time. (treadmill reads around 200 for 140+ on the miband)

What is the best place to do some work? 
- cafe : RM10
- lesser cafe : RM4
- car : not bad
- home : a cheap as it gets
- office : NA

Sunday meditations :
10 years since my last sabbatical, and 8 since I took more than a few months off from managing people. Perhaps it's time to take a break from management, and switch to being an independent contributor again. However, that will depend on market forces somewhat.
Doing a napkin : I started work in 2005, and started avoiding large employers in 2007, recovering to a run-rate of 0.18 million/y in 2011. I remained on-track, swapping higher cashflows for learning experiences. From 2015 to 2020 I swapped out a cashflow of 0.9-1.4 million Ringgit for the business experience of operating an SME, first-hand. Few people I know manage their lives this way. I suppose, it's a small town ... and so people are used to simpler ways of life. As to what one can learn from this sort of approach, that is a longer story than this.
I think the guiding principle of my entire commercial career, has always been that this is training for BOD jobs. All other jobs are temporary inconveniences.
By the way, do you know how "board and lodging," are related to BODs? I guess tables are a recurring theme in my career. haha.

Oct 26
I'm not so clear on why luxury car makers mix plastic and leather. Just pick one?

28 oct
A slow season of waiting.

30 Oct

It just occurred to me there's a market for 5 minute washer-dryers. If anyone wants to fund R&D, hit me up.

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