2023-03-30 at

Yawn 91

 19 Jan 

Market's moving again! Let's go!

A big part of my training in 2022, 2023, seems to be : learning how to stay productive, when productivity is constrained by parties beyond one's control, that are stonewalling. First, undermine walls as quickly as possible. Second, immediately invest in other opportunities which have uncorrelated factors of production, to maintain capital acceleration. Avoid constant velocities.

Checking my glycemic loading, and targeted essential amino acid doses today. Sigh.

There are so many shitty papers (citations don't check out) on leucine vs. mTOR ... but I think I found at least one that's viable https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2075348/

For those of you who are just starting to get interested in AI because it's trendy this month, bear in mind the following. If ChatGPT is a little silly about factual things right now, it's probably because they're using a mainly unsupervised learning model. All human knowledge is supervised - once they adjust the model in that dimension, the AI will sound a lot smarter.

20 Jan 
Today I must study diabetes, perhaps before my thrice a day 100g dry grain diet kills me.
Probably time to get a pill box.

21 Jan 
Short-term trading studies.
- I should get out of low volatility assets
- I should hold fewer assets
- I should then focus on asset allocation, within the fewer high volatility assets
- I should also use the price, of the most greatly capitalised asset in each asset class, as a denominator when reviewing the price of lesser capitalised assets in the same asset class
Also when the market knows there's a cliff in four weeks, it'll take profit for 3.7 weeks, then dump everything before 4.0.
While people are off doing communal celebrations, I guess I can catch up on studies.
I can't find an objective way to calculate portions to modulate glycemic load ... without a lab ... so I will simply skew my feed timing towards the GL-framework recommendations, by eating only half my rice portion at a time. I make brown rice 100g with 150g water, so that's 50g dry brown rice per sitting.
I fucking hate food, it is so complicated to do it properly on a budget 😛
Speed of mind is no good these past two years of social work - I must improve myself. Perhaps it is the company I have kept, and our habits. Anyhow, I can only blame myself.

jan 22
James has been making the same movie for forty years in a row, right ... Mother, baby, robot, boom!

24 jan
MREs : ten plus dollars, a thousand plus kilo calories, thirty to fifty grams protein, not worth it on Malaysian wage
They could tabulate the cost, it would probably make sense around the range of :
Between X0 and X1 kg:
- lose Y kg, consistent over multiple weigh-ins over 10 years
- get RM Z per kg, discounted for inconsistency
Different Ys and Zs for different Xranges.
On the ministry of health, paying people to lose weight.
2pm, enforced feeding, it is late
I tried to restore a chipped glass funnel, by filing it down, today. It was a failure. The experience would have been improved with a finer, round, file, or more patience.

25 Jan 
Risk on. Full throttle (almost).
Punctuation style : I notice that I've started to take very pessimistic assumptions, that "standard" punctuation is not optimised for reading. Perhaps it is a matter of font kernings whatnot. Mainly I find that I now add spaces everywhere. Before colons, after colons, before and after each opening-or-closing-bracket, before ellipses, after ellipses, etc. 
I'm not sure if this results purely from my work with corporate communications, or software maintenance, but perhaps it is both. Probably more the latter.
Feels like an offday tonight

26 Jan
1M23 is almost over. I have not clearly, and overwhelmingly succeeded in moving 4x faster, as compared to the benchmark period of the first third of 2021.
Business mistakes I made yesterday.
- 40 RM making non-specific drink orders
- 1,500 RM misreading emotions
Time passes quicker than it used to. Means my APM is still too slow. Wayy too slow.
Me : I can't believe people change cars to look successful.
Also me, yesterday : I got pulled over by cops in Subang because they couldn't see past the dress jacket hanging over the tinted window of my paint-chipped 26-yo hot hatch.
Also also me, today : if this car was human, it might have grandchildren. Registered in 1997, its engine model is the carbureted ED-10, originally developed for the 1985 L80 Daihaitsu Mira.
In order to target APM improvements, I had to narrow my focus on a minute to minute basis throughout the day, to pipeline short-term memory appropriately.

Me : I can't believe people change cars to look successful.
Also me, yesterday : I got pulled over by cops in Subang because they couldn't see past the dress jacket hanging over the tinted window of my paint-chipped 26-yo hot hatch.
Also also me, today : if this car was human, it might have grandchildren. Registered in 1997, its engine model is the carbureted ED-10, originally developed for the 1985 L80 Daihaitsu Mira.

27 jan
Fatigued. Overbudgeting on social work. Probably time to claw back some allocations for commerce.

28 jan 2022
to-date, over the past half century, in AI design there is generally too much focus on syntax over semantics, and unsupervision over supervision. After they fix this, the robots win everything. Nothing has changed, yet. Disappointing. It's like, 50 years of this, and the designers still don't get it.
Eating out on conservative nutrition targets for all meals : 30 to 40 MYR/d, call it about 1,000 MYR/mo
Eating cost-optimised 300g grains and 500g soy gel per day, and supplements : 10 to 15 MYR/d, yielding some 650 MYR/mo spare cash for reinvestment into R&D
Khairy Jamaluddin's meme today, is that high school hottie with an attitude problem, who's just broken up with the sports captain, and now everyone just wants to know who they're going to date next. Poor thing la
He should grow the required pair to start his own party from scratch and grow it over three terms. He has the track record now. He did not in 2006.

30 jan
Ceiling sounds at flat : I figured out how this works. 
Issue : apartment is sealed up with few air gaps. Wind causes a pressure imbalance between the ceiling gap and the room. This pushes the ceiling and causes all the supporting brackets to creak.
Temporary solution: open the ceiling manhole to allow quicker pressure equalisation.
Later : replace manhole cover with a vent cover.
Focus on APM conditioning, turns out to require an exercise I used in college, which at that time I referred to as "zeroing my imagination", meaning focusing on recognising live data and pruning out imaginary mutations and other recollections as much as possible.
Day job is ...  progressing slowly.
Home economics are ... in good shape.
Home improvement is ... gradually being addressed.
Social relations are ... being punched and massaged into place.
Short-term trading studies are ... rough and tumbly, as expected.
New business development is ... barely happening.
On with it ...
So my dumbass crypto fund after 2.5 months is at 12% TWRR (?), which is quite poor against the benchmark - but I should check the MWRR to see what I'm actually making.
Lotsa coffee today.
grindy grind grind kinda day
Sometime my colleagues call me a consultant. That's probably inaccurate because I'm primarily a technician. But many parts of the world are lacking in management resources ... even a technician ends up taking over the management of people. First things first ... get good managers first, get good technicians later. This is why my technical hobbies will probably remain at home for a while. I have been doing this for about 14 years now.

31 jan
I was afraid that I didn't understand my Cardano trade, so I did some prodding and poking around, and convinced myself that i certainly didn't. Serendipitously, I'm also doing alright based on my new understanding. It's in a fucking linear growth pattern ... until it isn't. Next pop within six hours ...
I need to get my shit together and start applying for real jobs. But who knows if that'll be this year, or next, or never. Weird decade.
- 6g rough ceylon / black tea
- thermos steeped overnight in 300ml hot water
- mix infusion in 3:1 to 5:1 ratio with orange juice
- ice, please
#uifails every mobile app publisher in Malaysia changed their icon to a red packet, and I can't find anything anymore

1 feb
Resting a bit. Reviewing sensory data processes, and calibrating memory gates. Eating in bed, while reading (news). Air temperature moderated.
- Sleep data indicates a 25% deficit over three months. I have been been rushing to improve my business standing in the comprehension of financial markets during the past quarter. 
- Meat management ... I should refer to it as meat management ... has also been considerably improved by measurement.
- Social standing has not improved by much. The circles I am in are not aggressively geared to engage with global business processes or economic activities. I remind myself to improve this deficit.
- Studies of technology have not progressed. Only a lot of housekeeping has happened this quarter. Some home improvements.
- I find I am not ready to focus on my (narrow) career, due to the situation above. But I am working on the above, in order to eventually focus on my (narrow) career. Of course, the (broad) career is doing fine, as that encompasses everything.

My friend was asking me about the reasoning between market entries and exits. I told him there were dozens of variables, and it boils down to tactical concerns - just like the signal for washing your hands, is "whenever you hands get dirty", and really not much else. We're presently about 2 hours from the Fed's next interest rate update - 80% of the market is betting on risk-on, and 20% is risk-off. So far, I haven't had much luck betting against the market ... so this time I figured I'd just go with the market, come-what-may, which would be a potential 50% loss.
"So for example, switching from ADA to SOL would be a risk-on move, because SOL is generally more volatile than ADA. My last trade was around 2023-01-30-0400 MYT, where say I had X units of ADA ... and I would be able to get 100 units of SOL at that time, versus the present price at 2023-02-02-0045 MYT, I would be able to get 106 units of SOL now due to fluctuations in price. This includes 0.88% trading fee ... 0.44% in and 0.44% out. So I just executed a risk-on move of converting my ADA into SOL."
coffee desk time

3 feb 
Any of your kids ask what to do with a #philosophy  major in #commerce, and you can tell them to work in 
(a) #governance / #strategy  - ( #ethics, "what should we do?"-questions )
(b) #audit / #databases - ( #ontology, "what exists?"-questions )
(c) #risk management  - ( #epistemology, "how do we know that we know, what we think we know?"-questions )
et cetera, forever and ever, amin

4 feb
Slightly exhausted. Studied, then slept.
Awake. Fed. Soap prep tests. Laundry tests. First year playing with weird chemicals and I still get my protocols al wrong.

5 feb
Market volume has been extremely low since the feb 1 rate hike.
I'm risk-on in all asset classes : FoF is maxed out at 36% yoy-VAR; Crypto is all sitting in SOL. Still not as risky as putting everything in one asset. 
Perhaps 66% chance of 10% up, 33% chance of 20% down, so call it evened.
Added beta-alanine supplements to diet. Figured out weekly scheduling limits with some partners. Things shaped up a bit. Keep iterating.

6 feb
Really tired. Need to refocus on food, and sleep, a bit.
After feeding, I look out over the land beneath me. I find that my breath has become untethered from conscious control, so I move control back to conscious memory. Any activity that is half-consciously executed needs to be tidied as much as possible into fully-conscious or fully-subconscious memory. Furthermore breathe is also most efficient when synchronised with other cognitive assertions in imagination, or the motor neural system. Sync, sync, sync, to clear the head.

Feb 7
Feels slow, but maybe is fast, the YTD. Am I managing 400% speed? 2021 was a more enjoyable experience, but perhaps 2023 is just more complex, hence challenging. I don't think I'm at 400% ...
I guess being a strategist is only useful if you have an operational reification guarantee. Not my favourite field of work, because the latter is often hard to come by. But if it all goes together, that's great.
Omg. Never been to Sg Buloh before. So jammed.

8 feb
Reminding myself to be grateful. 
The year moves quickly, and is expected to be weak on cashflow, so a great variety of throttling must increase.
Much of my resource deficit is computational - and that seems to be mainly due in turn to a deficit of sleep. Perhaps it will soon be time for a hard reset. I have all the necessary nutritional tools, but I have not deployed them on this issue. The avoidance of such immediate solutions can be attributed to an allocation of time to dawdling for the sake of mutation/ innovation. I am reminded of a model I wrote for work yesterday. Perhaps the R&D phase of occupancy in this residence will soon come to an end. Then I can reallocate those resources to other developments.
Also notable : my body generates too much heat while idling, as I have not expended enough kinetic energy, this week. Ah no, on reflection it is just too humid.
I tried a local brand, Pharmanutri's creatine - and found a fraction of insoluble white powder in it. ( Completely insoluble, and unreactive with citric acid ... so probably not carbonate, guessing it's a silicate. )
Any similar experiences?
And their Vital Whey isolate product (non-hydrolised, apparently) appears to contain a lot of gum ... such that a 8g net protein mass requires over 100g of water to liquify. Otherwise it tastes ok, so maybe I need to consume this as if it is gello ... further testing is needed.
Gymmed after 12 days off. Acute muscle soreness / AMS ... probably due to new tissues being used for the first time, and the recent lack of stimulation.
Burnt a batch of rice and melted a PP container in the microwave. Cleaned-up, and trying again. Forgot to throttle the heat.
Not healing fast enough.

I tried a local brand, Pharmanutri's creatine - and found a fraction of insoluble white powder in it. ( Completely insoluble, and unreactive with citric acid ... so probably not carbonate, guessing it's a silicate. )
Any similar experiences?

10 feb
Monthly cashflow is still quite negative, but some if these are cashflows for investment. Prepaying for supplements comes down to amortisable costs, but that is up to future discipline.
Gotta start saving money to pay taxes. Also gotta do accounts, to prepare for such.
Does not look like I am going to make much money this year, so focus remains on study. 
Gotta get sleep, exercise, food, and social stimuli in line. Basic infrastructure.
No metrics to chase at work.
So at home :
- most gains this year : chemistry targets - home ec is low-hanging fruit
- food : a moderate success : beautiful plans and prep do not guarantee a successful campaign
- physiology : already half-way to target, but not consistently improving
- commerce : so-so
- social political : major failures, but not clear if I should try harder or softer
I started using a radio alarm clock app : international languages radio - woo hoo! It also helps with my shortage of social stimulation.
Banning cryptocurrency staking is a good step towards their regulation as fiat. Crypto is fiat.

11 feb
I think, I need to start referring to popular food as pleb food. It reminds me that the best food is often ignored.
Life is temporarily rich, and after a flurry of business I must sit at my table and meditate on further optimisations, before ground is lost.

12 feb
I think diet is as optimised as ai can get it. Any poor quality of sleep under these conditions ... I am going to blame on poor exercise. 
I do think it is time to study prolactin. An incredibly complex actor.
Refocusing the day on feeding.
Not healing fast enough. Increasing dosage of multivits and fish oil.
A good day for charity, some studies of generosity, appreciation, illness in reaction to generosity, and setting boundaries between the ill and the happy. I guess people will make what they want out of life. It is not complicated except when people try to square circles, and then it becomes quite interesting.

13 feb
Diet is fairly stable, and I'm moving about 300% the mass I moved at workouts a couple of months ago. Got to keep testing and tuning.
Social interactions are up and down. I am trying to iterate as quickly as possible through personal development, without letting my environment slow me down.
More hydration while daydreaming, less hydration while tunneling, perhaps.
As I was telling my friend, I am at peace with the futility of my days, and so every morning I begin anew by reprioritising any outstanding obligations.

14 feb
Axia 2023 : they took the Prius C's rear bumper. Four variants, top one is a lot better than the other three, difference in price between top and second is 5k, so overall ... they're pushing the top one. Top Axia + 5k => second Myvi 😑
Disappointing options for the bottom three variants. They should have removed more things and dropped the price lower.
It's not that I don't like cars. The protectionist car industry policy in Malaysia is shit.
Alibaba software is just full of it.
- their IaaS is buggy AF
- their corporate IM mixes different organisational chats on the same screen, and requires QR login, but doesn't recognise phone front cameras, and there is no client for web, or Linux
- they happen to be affiliated with TouchNGo, but let's not go there
Never in my life have I been so disappointed to be Chinese.

15 feb
Slog away.

"Looking for some sort of AWS sys-admin, or cloud engineer role, 20-40 hours/week, at MYR 6,000/mo net ( say USD 20,000/year net ) floor-price (got a mortgage, and cost of living, no savings factored into that).
I've worked on different sorts of businesses for 17 years, and am considering taking a couple of years off to build a SaaS ERP on OpenFaaS and Node, which bills per API call.
Really short on time, so just gonna put myself out there with a reverse ad. It's about a 70% pay cut from what I can get doing other stuff, but I haven't found anything interesting to do recently.
Appreciate any conversations on funding, or just gigs. Thanks."

16 feb
Daily reset before bed. Doesn't matter how poor life is, tomorrow is a brand new day. Reset all expectations to negative one, and warm up the contingencies. Then sleep.
4pm : an empty day. Ok, done eating tofu! Back to keyboard.

Lenovo Ideapad Slim gen 6, AMD - excellent value #workhusband

17 Feb
Went off to work without eating enough. Ended up on the wrong highway, haha.
I guess it's a life.
TFW you realise the funny phenomena you've been looking at for weeks is due to software mis-scaling issues.
It's good to talk shop about business. I don't get to do that often enough.
I am quite worried about work today, but that is probably a good thing - better something to worry about, than nothing to think about.

18 Feb
49th day into the year. I'm not sure that I'm on target (400% speed of last two years.) In some ways I'm clearly short.
11% under sleep target today, but reached the threshold for dreaming in the final two, I think. Better than most days this week.
Overcommitted to underperforming counterparties. Need to rebalance portfolio. But first, maybe fix a plumbing situation.
1206h, enforced eating, before saturday disappears

19 feb
Next food optimisation: the role and cost of instant soup in my diet should be replaced with meat. It's about RM2-4 per day at the current rate.
Blew a hundred bucks on curtain stuff. Let's see how this pans out
Conclusion : ok for testing. More hooks later

20 Feb
I've been talking to many business leaders, lately.
I guess it's a law of the universe that companies will instinctively focus on Financial Close, neglecting Financial Planning & Analysis. After a while Finance starts to mean FC, and FPA is unnamed. When performance issues rise, the awkward efforts to pin the blame tend to fall on individuals instead of the system, and Talent Management comes to the fore. However TM will never progress beyond confused dorkiness unless performance management is rooted in FPA. Seems like a common affliction among small companies everywhere.
The companies that start out focusing on FPA, tend to outsource FC. Often enough, this leads to incoherent documentation, and someone has to go out and un-F the Fs in general. Ah, commerce, always trivial, but never failing to entertain ...

21 feb
Gotta fix up my old AWS hobby code for show and tell... Again
Also gotta update daily SOPs
And learn how to seal grout
Looks like I can replace 6 supplements with enriched beef protein isolate, for a reasonable price. Ok Q2, we'll see you then ...
My colleague saw someone on Malaysian Pay Gap getting 20k as a quasi-regional product manager at an ASEAN unicorn, and asked if our company might pay the same. To break it down, I explained that a unicorn has a valuation of over USD 1 B, probably on a NIAT of tens or hundreds of millions in USD, on GMV@sales of tens of billions in USD.
Our little company does about USD 100 M in sales, nevermind profit ... so we're probably 3-10% the valuation of a unicorn at best. Lol.

23 feb
Time to do some trader math before the next news hits the market. 1am
Sideways all year la
Awake. Drug and grind.
Dopamine meditations.

24 feb
More dopamine meditations. Otherwise, just boredom in a noisy environment for now.
Time to hit the markets.
"uncertain year for me. but generally on the upside"
Moved more robo-FoF funds to the highest ( still remarkably conservative ) risk level.
Risk-on, standby for black swans.

25 feb
Caught up on market studies a teeny bit. Going to circle over to AWS studies next.
Catching up on a whole year of Lambda and Graviton news.

"I want to take a couple of years off to write and maintain an open-source ERP platform, from scratch. This includes every layer from k8, up through storage, app framework, and UI. This is just for fun - but the possibility of turning it into a revenue-generating project remains.
I'm not sure if I should be hunting for a CEO or a CTO ( I would be happy in either role, but I can't do both - tried doing that at my last startup, and ran out of steam after 5-years. )
What should I do? Does anyone want to be my CEO / CTO? LOL"

26 feb
My friends were telling me about this job ad, and that people with 30 years of experience have been rejected. As if, years of experience is critical for any job ... sure, it is useful, but only as a cofactor to intelligence. As a hiring manager and nerd, I find that 98% of the population lacks the basic intelligence required to make any amount of experience interesting.
Savings account 1132
Credit card oustanding 1134, cycle ends 16 March
This is a good month. Big numbers scare me.
Fixed my phone case with melted plastic; wondering how much that shortens m life.
Got the old ruthenium code running. Updated the runtime. Haven't debugged. Haven't ported from x86 to ARM.
Haven't done taxes. Haven't got new business to stick in the old entity. Bunch of stuff to do.  
Haven't met all the people I want to meet. Well. Just gotta keep poking at work.

27 Feb
Reminded that 10 years on, I still haven't gotten around to mobile dev. I guess one day.
Cheap food is trending. Maybe I should compile a small post on my home economics and publish it later.
SDK migration refactoring on Lambda.
Increased rep load from 50 to 60 lbs at the gym.
Discovered danau kota park

28 feb
Still struggling to improve my productivity. Exercise, diet, and sleep remain the fundamental anchors for improvement. Boring social circles, jobs, etc. are unlikely to be improved soon. Dangling projects aplenty ... just gotta keep punching.
Maybe I should set up a page Unfriendly Neighbourhood CTO

1 mar
I am supposed to have progressed as far as Jan-Aug 2021, in the last two months. It is not clear I have as such.
Not sure how to work smarter, so the only option, as usual, is to work harder.
Still making asset allocation errors aplenty! Social life unoptimised. Commerce unoptimised. Diet and exercise somewhat improved. Let me check my goal sheet. Quant studies ... near zero.
So i find myself trucking spare parts for my flat around an emerging market city in an $800 car. On a drizzly day the mists are everywhere. I do not have a clearer grasp of any future. It is a simple life.
Hm. Shit. I think the last remaining camera on my phone has stopped working. The way the world is now, I probably have to buy a new phone to function as a citizen. I hate carrying phones around. 
Perhaps an opportunity to try Ubuntu Touch.
And once again, I have to do the feeding chore. So I will make a tofu and miso soup.
12-year-old keyboard also seems to be failing its spacebar springs. I guess even hoarders give up at some point.
Updated my LinkedIn headline to Governance Technologist since that seems to unify my work these days. Governance technician it is.

2 Mar 
Too many silly chores. Enforced feeding, then sleep. Then enforced waking, etc. But that is the nature of work - one has to stay focused on the outcomes, regardless of one's inability to effect them. 🙃
Literally nightmares of poop. Incontinence - that's a new one. Real shit not found. Up and at'em.

3 mar
Finally circled back to a command prompt at the day job, after being tasked with other things since ten months ago. Fingers crossed for productivity within a few days.
New tablet costs 664 MYR with monthly discounts, but I don't need it so meh
I ran out of rice a few days ago and just got it back in stock. I might have been on a sugar crash the whole time, I'm not sure. It's not like I didn't eat other stuff - I just didn't eat so much rice throughout the day.
Also, swallowing rice with less chewing is probably a decent way to reduce its glycemic load, but probably this is good only if one has enough fibre to hold the goods in the tube for long enough. I hate eating, it's so complicated.

4 mar
Need a crash course in PHP and CakePHP for work. Flame on ...

5 mar
Hours and hours of social chores later, and some homework done on trading, it is time to get back to work. I think it's a good time to dial back on the activities I don't particularly enjoy. 
Hm. That's weird. We got paid early this month.
Took 26 mins to get to OUG Parklane from park to park. Traffic ok on Sunday. Business meetings are a superset of dating. 95% of them will be useless, but you gotta catch'em all.
1930h hung up the laundry, after more entertaining. Time to read code.

6 Mar
Need a home security framework.

7 mar
Back to coding. It has been determined that CakePHP still works more or less as expected versus two versions ago. Only scaffolding on the fly has been dropped.
Writing raw SQL in bulk is a novel experience!

8 mar
Writing raw SQL in bulk is a novel experience!
Half-day of silly meetings. I just want to go work on my code editor

My Christian friends have been busy. There are a few useful idioms from this tradition.  
"Blessed Are the Meek, for They Will Inherit the Earth" (Matthew 5:5)
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.” (Matthew 22:21)
And that pretty much sums up corporate governance and social responsibility. 😋

Diet design :
1. I want food to be as quick as going to McDonalds.
2. I want nutritionally complete food, athletic output.
3. I want to fit this on minimum wage. While everyone is eating expensive shitty food, I will need to eat with them for social reasons ... so to fit that XOB expense, I want to keep my OB as low as possible.

9 mar
The DOD and DOJ are separate agencies of the US federal government, respectively responsible for foreign and domestic concerns. The CIA is under the DOD, and is said to exercise weird and wonderful powers such as gaining access to the (US app) location data of targets, in real time. As for how the agencies cooperate, notes such as this are informative.
Time to upgrade Dockerfiles to HEREDOC syntax
Never thought I would have to use Perl, but it turns out (perl) is the standard multi-line file-in-place regex operator in CLI scripts.
"Traditionally Judaism credits Ezra with establishing the Great Assembly of scholars and prophets, the forerunner of the Sanhedrin, as the authority on matters of religious law. The Great Assembly is credited with establishing numerous features of contemporary traditional Judaism in something like their present form, including Torah reading, the Amidah, and celebration of the feast of Purim.[7]"
- wikipedia

10 mar
Looks like OpenFaaS ain't so open. Switching plan to Knative.
Terraform > Knative, ScyllaDB > nodeJS > developer UI > user UI ... heavy sigh.
Probably gotta study tf and kn on the side, in parallel to prototyping on lambda

12 mar
Non-absorbent coasters are the plastic spoilers of F&B.
Biggest cock-up of 2022, rectified in three hours with half bottle of wine : did not put receipts in monthly envelopes.
Alright. Did my fifteen minutes of reading on SVB. Sounds like long-equities ... the Fed can't hike back to 50bips for another quarter at least, in this environment. So it's gonna stick to 25bip hikes for a while ...

13 mar 
There should be LRT lines ringing townships like Cyberjaya, Putrajaya, etc. which feed to MRT hubs. I guess that's the next 40 years of budgets.
When I got my first job in Malaysia, in 2005, the analysts told me that a hit costs only MYR 5,000 via Thai operatives. It can't have gone up by much - maybe now it's all BTC, hahaha.

14 mar
And the mandate returns to the firm as it was, and the spirit returns to the staff who gave it.

15 mar
Benchmarking 2023ytd against jan-oct2021. Hmm

Hospital Putrajaya needs a better facilities manager. Broken toilets, grimy food containers ... then again, if you were doing an industrial study of consumer culture in Malaysia, what better place to start, than the largest public hospital in the nation's administrative capital?

"Captain, we've received a congratulatory message from the mirror Terran Empire claiming their first Oscar win ... it's for a Her Most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo'noS, Regina Andor, Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius ? /  sir, I've got a vision from the ghost tribe, they want their honour restored, in identification with THEIR first Oscar win ... hold on ... I've got Arcturus IV on the other line, and THEY want to be identified properly as the birthplace of Ms Ogord ... SIR, we've got two more universes hailing us, which line would you like to take first"

17 Mar

正GPT :
治理。孝道也是一种治理机制。 虽然我不孝顺,但我想知道爷爷会如何看待今世的治理。我从没遇过那个老人,但据说他曾经管理广东。家族传统中保留的似乎是控制系统,行政。至在我他妈的名字 ... 哈哈哈。天下无道;像如傻瓜; 祈祷和笑。快速整理 ...

Mar 18
Routine discussion with my best friends. Some people let their happiness depend on other people ... others do not, as it is an unlimited liability. Some people enjoy such relationships, it is a beautiful thing, but it makes no sense to everyone else. That is why they can industrialise love : it is a popular concept.
This was in the context of which people have top priority on my schedule at any time - I think it is only ever myself. So greedier counterparties need to be regularly warned away. Sometimes it is a matter of "the smaller the stakes, the more vicious the arguments, and the more viscous the process". Say my top priorities in life have nothing to so with socialising - yet among the people I socialise with, some are unhappy with their relative position among the social priorities - moreover they are already receiving the highest net volume of welfare from among all social priorities, and yet they believe they are disenfranchised. Well, I think the board is pretty clear, so the pieces will move as reasonably needful. In this particular case, I think one of our main differences is, roughly
 "Well, labels are vague. I don't prescribe specific labels. Unlike some, I don't expect to be understood; so my expectations for relationships never include being understood; this results in our operations having very different risk profiles; under this is the need for them to discuss things until they are in less pain ... for me I don't even try because it's a pretty safe assumption most people will not get me anyway 🙃"
Meanwhile at the office, 5% of one year has passed, and we are still watching paint dry. So i clocked out, and painted my home instead - all the same anyway. Looking forward to new orders, ASAP.
Perhaps soon a break.
Wow, I have almost door to door MRT to Dewakan. #falseSenseOfSeniority

Mar 19
I am very tired. But not much has changed since 2013, I guess it is a good life. Mostly as planned.

Mar 20
I will be productive today, even as others impede my production. 😎

Do you sometimes see government agencies banning the use of gel pens for signatures?

Mar 21
The decade draws to a fitted end.
At this point, the Fed would be foolish to jerk money supply in either direction, so constant acceleration at 25bips on 22March seems like the most VIX-off thing Powell could do ...

22 mar
Today may be a nothing, or something, and I can only fix the parts I can control. 🔧

23 mar
Ok, I've showered at the pool for three days now. I just want my bathroom to dry up. Lol
Signed a divorce. I should now catch up on sleep.

Mar 26 
John Wick 4 : the duel appears to involve hollow-point ammo, if I remember correctly ... so the damage from being hit should have been much greater than portrayed. But these movies have huge budgets for professional review, so I am probably remembering wrong.
As usual, the script is terse. This installment is mainly focused on visual composition.
Any semblance of realism is dropped as soon as Osaka's archers fail to execute their targets in the pit. Then the visual gags begin, Caine winds-up a punch like Popeye. Some other shots need to be seen in slow-mo to be fully appreciated.
Caine ultimately seems to be rule-proof.
1. He fails to deliver the name given by the Table, but walks free - ok, that depends on ...
2. His sponsor is killed in the duel, but he is not buried with the sponsor.
3. He does not actually win the duel, but his sponsor frees him from obligations to the Table. Under what rule? Seems like the sponsor either refers to previously unmentioned rules, or just makes things up ...
Maybe time to visit the alma mater. Haven't been to the gosh dang embassy in some 22 years ...
Reviewing recently set objectives, at 3am. I think today, Sunday, is a good day to focus on reducing time spent around unproductive people. That is one way I should improve myself.
Finally got around to groceries after a week, so looking forward to basic rations.

27 Mar
Tomorrow is my last day of spending. After that, I will not be working on other people's work for the first time since January 2013. So I have to check my rate of expenditure a little. But I am prepared, so it is ok.
Maybe I will write down my decade of past work, before I return focus to my own.

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