2023-08-29 at

Handling Tantrums : A Cognitive Modelling Approach

Napped. Reflected somewhat on the social work altercation of the day. Belligerent foot stamping is generally both easy to ignore, but amusing to unravel. What is its structure?

It is a matter of truth-seeking, energy exerted in sense-making, and it triggers the survival instincts of its host. What a gnarly subsystem. In different hosts and situations, the justification sought would be based on a vendetta model of some sort. A missing piece in the model building operations of the host which leaves a hook (callback) embedded in the host's threat or risk management system.

The solution for handling the host is typically to provide the missing piece, or to restore the missing balance, which terminates the hook. This requires building a model of the host-and-the-host's-own-mental-model, a process which may loosely be referred to as empathy. It is a sort of cognitive forensics.

A large priority in reducing the probability space in modelling the host's inner mental model is, heuristically guessing the domain of the broken model which the host seeks to repair. It might be a physical model, a business model, a social model ... moral models are social, and then figuring out their currently impinged sense of morality, ah, there's the rub.

What a gnarly subsystem.

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