2024-07-28 at

Global wealth ladder gaming

Based on Credit Suisse's 2022 publication on 2021 global wealth stats, and injecting some stats about Malaysia. It would seem that ...

- most Malaysians are now born on track to be in the G-M34 ( 53rd to 86th percentile ) of global wealth ... which is a pool of about 1.8 billion adults, each owning between 10 K and 99.9 K USD

- getting from the G-M34 to the G-T13 ( 87th percentile ) is a bit harder, the G-T13 has about 680 million adults, who each own at least 100 K USD

- within the G-T13, the G-T13-2 ( 998th permille / "98.8th percentile" ) has about 62 million adults who each own at least 1 MM USD, and collectively lay claim to "45% of the Earth" ( pretending for a moment that only individuals have legal claims - while acknowledging that legal claims are based on arbitrary governance systems ) ; political economic power is more significantly concentrated within this group, and broadly they are referred to as "the 1%" or "my rich / well-connected friend"

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