2024-08-03 at

risk and folly

How I am engaging with risk. Like most fools, I am greedy, and I am okay with losing money.

All fools will part with their money, if they can get something in return. For some people, it is sex, for others it is children, for some it is friends, for some it is the public ... and these are just the varieties of social stimuli. There are also varieties of asocial stimuli : travel, food, living conditions, toys, etc.

For me, it is mainly learning which I find difficult to obtain - everything else above, is rather straightforward and unchallenging in comparison. Learning is a variety of computation - computation's economic concerns are memory hierarchy and the naming of things. So, my language is often foul, and my memory of redundant daily events is porous, for good reason. Reasons good, of course, to me.

I have now been 71 weeks without commercial employment - so I have been wary of my few assets, and I have been studying the development of these, besides various efficiency improvements which will enable high growth, with lower operating expenditure. Take on too little risk, and the crowd will simply kill you via inflation - take on too much, and you might not have to wait as long, for sickness and death.

More risk requires higher expenses to manage. So to clear memory for other tasks, while maintaining high risk positions, I sometimes execute write-offs in advance. That is to say, I have a tendency to gravitate towards binary financial outcomes, with steadier and slower gains coming from learning alone.

Sounds foolish. Probably is. Not really thinking too hard about it. Lazy as/s fuck.

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