2024-09-10 at

How Should Anyone Pick Their Certifications?

The discussion needs more dimensionality :

D1 : 

does a profession pay well?

- economics : will there be a constant demand for this profession? or reduced demand? or increasing demand?

- economics : will there be a constant supply of professionals? or reduced supply? or increasing supply?

- only with that, can you forecast the future earnings of this profession

D2 :

 does a profession pay within a narrow range, or a wide range?

- economics : narrow : then one doesn't need to be too worried, as long as one can get into the profession : consider [ commissioner of oaths ]

- economics : wide : then it depends on one's expectations within the range ... consider, in Malaysia, 40yo doctor pay is 10k to 100k depending on [ quality of planning and execution ] 

D3 : 

does getting into a profession, and competing within the profession, depend a lot or a little on cert?

- economics : do your professional earnings change, if your grades are poor or good in college?

- economics : do your professional earnings change, if your cert-institution is different?

D4 : 

what are the other benefits of attending an institution, besides impact on professional qualifications, and professional earnings?

- economics : learning, fun, social networking ( arguably the largest predictor of future earning )

D5 : what are the opportunity costs of attending any institution, or entering any profession?

- economics : is the degree expensive, or free of charge? are there other professions which doesn't require degrees?


This is the MINIMUM discussion to be had with ( twelve-year-olds ), as they already have to start aiming for what happens ( by the time they are seventeen ).

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