2023-10-19 at

Civilisation, and the Architecture of Individual People

Weakness in people, is part of how humans are designed, in order to make the economy function. A future design of economies, would design people differently. Here are some individual weaknesses which stem from economic design at this point in history. My very long term hope for civilisation, human or otherwise, is that all of these weaknesses will have been well-documented, and designed out of the systems of normal individual people. Let's begin by acknowledging that not all people are human. Civilisation is composed of civilians who may not be human - but broadly we are all people.

1. Topical Fragility

People feel HURT, when their CHOICES are criticised : 
- clothing, 
- accommodation,
- tooling, 
- possessions, 
- methodologies,
- jobs, 
- relationships, 
- body shape, 
- interests, 
- clubs, 
- nationalities, 
- speech patterns,
- religions, 
- capabilities, and more.

2. Systemic Fragility

People who are HURT in one axis or component, become HURT at a fundamental systemic level, and lose the ability to function in general. This is due to architecturally poor designs in their internal structure.

3. Missed Economic Opportunities

Because of systematic fragility / 2, people studiously avoid topical fragility / 1, and therefore cannot even initiate conversations let alone co-operate with any other person who poses a topical conflict risk.

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