2023-10-18 at

The Market for Mental Health

I think the market for mental health services is going to be huge, over the next decade.

1. As a premise, the industrial economy has shaped the definitions of adulthood and sanity over centuries. People follow the money. So when their professional lives define them as competent/mature, they may be satisfied with that ... without developing competency/maturity outside of professional environments. I often observe infantile behaviour in people who bear this dichotomy ... a sharp distinction in executive function between the office and at home.

2. The top-down solution is always better governance, education, public health policy, definitions and programs. None of this is going to change quickly unless we have an excess of resources in the economy. But we may, because ... (4.)

3. The bottom-up solution is just a lot of conversation, therapy, verbal and physical intimacy, and generally helping brains to improve their memory management. And the cost of this is getting cheaper, because ... (4.)

4. Artificial Intelligence is upon us.

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