2024-09-19 at

Active, Reflective, Passive

I haven't been resting actively, enough. So recovery has been slower. See notes on increasing haptic stimuli during rest. The act of R&R at the neurological level is actually a controlled feedback loop of increasing efficiencies of operation, it is a learning process. Most people are focused on generating input data to this process during gross exercise, and the output learnings are applied in future iterations of gross exercise - so they do not think about generating inputs and outputs during rest ... rest is very passive for them.

Whereas a more active approach to resting uses the lower risk environment to study how the body reacts to motor commands and imagined states of mind, generating output learnings during the rest state. Perhaps it is appropriate to qualify this not as "active vs passive" time, but as "primary active vs secondary active vs passive time", or "active vs reflective vs passive" time.

Thus one "sleeps faster".

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