2024-10-15 at

Smart Filters

Since college, I've found my comfort-zone for "what is a smart person?" to be roughly along the line of "they'd rather do or discuss physics than get drunk or high or otherwise naturally stimulated", whereas in my view physics is any application of abstract reasoning to the delineation of concrete data including experiences. Most of my college-era issues were with the lack of structure in the syllabus of the entire university.

When I graduated and proceeded to study commerce, I was very actively pursuing activities outside my comfort-zone ... intense condescension to socialise with people whom I did not, and still do not, consider to be "smart".

It has been an interesting lens. Not sure if I can do much better for myself. Haha

I suppose it is necessary to remind myself of this fact, otherwise I sometimes go for days wondering why I am tactically successful but generally unhappy.

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