2020-08-09 at

General update on framework development

General Update on work :
Since I now understand REST a bit more properly ( and I think the original Fielding dissertation is much more robust than many of the discussions around REST which don't refer to the dissertation ) ... I've decided to fork my toy framework development because I need to start actually building @#$%^& business logic already.
So I've been learning how one goes about doing that in Git. Plus the miscellaneous AWS plumbing (since AWS is my not-IDE / disintegrated development environment).
The rough plan is:
(1) Branch v1.0.0-alpha
- current priority;
- start building work stuff on this;
- has a working implementation of a simple RDB that uses DynamoDB as the backend (I know this is offensive ... but previously I was trying to implement virtual tables on RDB, and now I have virtual tables on DynamoDB specifically because this has the finest resolution of billing, hence optimised for small data);
- runs on Node.js on AWS Lambda (again finest resolution of billing, optimised for startups); also theoretically migratable to self-hosting since Node.js+ScyllaDB should replace Lambda+DynamoDB entirely;
- implements the meta-RFC target that I want to use as my general target for any future web applications I build in any language; because I don't like how different languages have different frameworks that track RFCs differently;
(2) Branch v2.0.0-alpha :
- low priority;
- go back and fix REST properly;
- model text as a tree-data type, whereby fragment updates are text/x.tree, text/x.branch, etc.;
Just getting this far in sorting out my thoughts on the subject has been a good motivator for me today. I've been a little troubled this past month or two because of frequent interruptions to work, and tactical rearrangements of my residential and social infrastructure.
I am generally of the sense that few people will read notes like this, which is why I don't write about the subject daily. I also don't think that very many people who read this will get very much out of it. So anyway, it is mainly for the organisation of my own thought + marketing collateral that I throw out in an effort to be social. (If you read it and see anything interesting, please come and talk to me ... I don't have time to evangelise my work much :P let alone socialise outside of work.)

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