2020-08-12 at

Yawn #63

 Jun 14 - Aug 12

Software development makes me anxious. Particularly when there's a small pyramid of risks involved. And you have to think through all the layers before every file save.

- are we in the right industry?

- are we positioned correctly in that industry?

- in that industry are we supposed to write our own software?

- is it the right time to write this software?

- ok, now we've bet on software, did we pick the right business process to automate?

- are we on the right strategy for automating that process?

- within that strategy, did we pick the right architecture?

- within that architecture, did we pick the right vendor for each layer?

- within each vendor's layer, are we customising the correct parts?

- if we choose to write our own layer (in-source) are we picking the right tools?

- assuming we have the right tools, are we prioritising the right features?

- within the feature, have we laid our our options so that the feature architecture is appropriate, and the tooling is correctly utilised?

- ok, now we have the dreary work of actually writing code ... by this time I'm usually out of memory when it comes to actually debugging

- this is why CEOs usually don't write software :P




Coffee and yellow/red/black teas tend to stimulate the SNS disproportionately more than the PSNS. Green tea is much more balanced.

B complex should be ingested immediately before the target period for neural stimulation (including CNS). Creatine takes a bit longer, perhaps 30-60 minutes.

AWS: Fargate is almost as cheap per vCPU as EC2's t3a.>nano, but Lambda is 6-7 times that.


Incomplete algorithm for sorting lovers:

1. Do I love her? No, stop. Yes, goto 2.

2. Is she available to me? Yes, stop. No, goto 3.

3. Has she been communicative with others? No, stop. Yes, goto 4

4. Deprioritise lover. Stop.


Process log, while planning a period of work (chores of business administration, really):

0. Awake.

1. Checked list of priorities.

2. Simulated execution of tasks by priority. Simulations indicate emotional reactions will occur, which will slow down execution.

3. Examined mechanisms of reactions. Subconscious subsystems are fairly cooperative today, so information is forthcoming when queried.

4. Subconscious subsystems adjusted.

5. Rerunning simulations. Simulation outcomes favourable (relative to earlier outcomes). But friction anticipated still not quite zero.

6. Check time. We still have time. Reiterate 3. Reiterate 4. Reiterate 5.

7. Reiterate 6. More information available.

8. Reiterate 6: Reiterate 3. Identified theme of concerns: I retain too many criticisms of my work, from critics, in my short term memory, while continuing to bet against them. Reiterate 4. Reduce parameter controlling rate of active recall for such criticism. Make explicit note that resources need to be diverted to primary operations, and away from risk-management design operations. Reiterate 5.

9. Noting in metadata, 1-8 are a good example of how to deal with anxiety, with or without labels such as "Imposter Syndrome", "depression", "discombobulation", "avoidance", and their ilk.

10. Reiterate 6.

11. Evaluate probability of positive outcome from sharing 9 to different audiences. Map of results is informative. (This can be modeled as a subroutine of applying 2, 3 to 9.)

12. Reiterate 6, 11.

13. Noting in metadata, this sort of process is executed by billions of people daily, yet with less rigour, often without self-awareness of the process, usually without the capability for verbal transcription, and thus certainly with less public celebration.

14. Reiterate 12.

15. Noting in metadata, various weaker operators will stumble at various steps in such work, and so coaching should always seek to first assume (a) model as a benchmark, then identification of errors between benchmark and coachee operation, then recommendation of iterative improvement based on gap analyses and systemic prioritisations.

16. Reiterate 6.

17. Noting in metadata, often 3 indicates that 4 can be achieved by musculoskeletal actuation, so you know, actuate a smile or a stretch or a growl, whichever is relevant for the current target pattern of neural stimulation.

18. Reiterate 6.

19. Noting in metadata, this is a good exercise. I haven't done housekeeping at this level in quite a few years. Testament perhaps to the notion that while you can quickly set up housekeeping processes, they will decay into various states of process disrepair unless maintained.

20. Reiterating 12.

21. Reiterating 6.

22. Established a mutation (4) which seems to provide satisfactory outcomes at 2.

23. Exercise terminated, proceeding to execution.


Klang Valley - please suggest some Food Sales Groups on Facebook. I have to post an ad for frozen beef sausages. (This is a real question! Help!)

## Version 2: *clears throat and turns on cina accent* Hewo, u cn suggest me some FB group? Wher I can sell sausage plis?


Jalil quites PNB: Well, most people are susceptible to social pressure. And that's what makes them easy. Nothing to be ashamed of. Tis an ordinary thing.


A floofy day. No coding done. Nap first. Try to do some later.


Compute resource comparison. Executive summary - Fargate may be even cheaper than EC2, since it doesn't have OS overheads. EC2 spot prices here are the cheapest for T3a family - cheaper than Savings Plans. Lambda looks expensive, but it's transparently scaleable (up and down), making it better for volatile use-cases. Generally our plan based on (this, ignoring other information) would be to prototype on Lambda, but write code that is portable to Fargate for cost-savings at scale. Lambda costs can also be reduced with Savings Plans.

***Updated with Graviton2 / ARM / C6g pricing***


Jun 16, 2020, 11:07 AM

Probably should get back into the practice of juicing on water (optionally plus protein) between first and second sleep.

Awake. Running simulations. Deploy time 1455; rebased at 1714; adjusted workstation - airflow has been in the wrong place for months, argh. I have adjusted my table by 90 degrees so that the aircon blows at the back of my head instead of from the front or side


Non-technical co-founders looking for a team, your proof of capital is literally being able to persuade the technical co-founders to collaborate. Otherwise, failure is self-selecting.


Interesting week. I learnt from observation, that one of the daftest things to do in a discussion about Imposter Syndrome is to tell participants that they don't have Imposter Syndrome. That almost (but not quite) amounts to the definition of gas-lighting. If it happens in a professional context, it would certainly be gas-lighting. LMAO.


So part of the process involved, in getting over subconsciously originated physical reactions to X, is simply to think about X until the peripheral nervous system reacts and puts the musculoskeletal system into Y state. Then you consciously actuate the antagonistic musculoskeletal activity to get the body out of Y state. Psychosomatic solutions indeed.


It's due process to have your statement recorded. Are these snowflake MPs unaware that it's a clerical protocol triggered upon filing of a police report? How about you encourage your constituents to follow due process and file more reports against others?


AG versus Malaysiakini on comments slandering the judiciary: (Personal opinion ya:) I think this is a fabulous example of an absence of precedent, such that there's still wiggle room for cases like these to be raised. There ought to be more public proceedings on things like this.

The time to complain that the courts are out of line is precisely AFTER they have created precedent that citizens are not allowed to host comments. Let's say we imagine today there is already precedent that says in Malaysia courts will generally rule that X is not allowed to do Y. Every single public complaint about this ... should refer to the relevant precedent, such that there's a structured graph of complaints, that tie all related complaints together systematically. Otherwise it's just a lot of noise loh.

From discussion in a local civic tech group.


What are the chances we can actually find enough people who brain cognitive science to run such a product oriented company in Malaysia?


Mahathir's role in policitics this year: I am loving the reification of wawasan 2020.

(Meanwhile Lee Kuan Yew snuggles up in his grave and smirks "I regret nothing," rolls over, and goes back to sleep.)


Sometimes I find it hard to tell people I have zero intellectual interest in stuff I spend 98% of my waking hours on. But it's true. Commerce is boring. Most silly industrial things like building web frameworks are boring. But these all ... pass time. And time is something I have too much of. It remains a good life, devoid of much urgency.

As for positive statements (about why I believe that all AI projects will converge at some point in the future, whereas I don't really bother myself with when that happens or who makes it happen), I have thought for nearly half of my life now that people build really bad AI because they have really horrible models of what they are supposed to be building. Most people have this horribly fuzzy intuitive culturally defined notion of what a human being is. To be able to write a good AI, you have to dig below the entire conscious structure of what it means to be a common sense member of society, because common intuitions are almost always ill defined. So if you go back to zero and rebuild your entire conscious experience inside your own head from sense experience only, like lego, then you come to this point of view where there really isn't much complexity to human consciousness. People too often are arguing about artificial categories and so the operations on their data don't get very far because the data structures are wrong. The only data structures which have fundamental longevity are structures defined in terms of sensory qualities. So my two-bit point of view for the past decade and a half is basically, at some point in the future ... it will be normal for programmers of machines to think about their target model in that way. Because there's nothing else in the human mind - I can't find anything else to think of; the low-level qualities of thought are limited, even as their combinatorial permutations are infinite. People just have a weird misapprehension of themselves as complex beings, prior to sitting down and deconstructing every thought in their head. hehe.


Done with business meetings at odd hours. Time to resume work on myself. P/SNS balance still a major concern. More simulations, i.e. thinking about work in advance of work, required.


GKP dole moneh is IN. That's like 2-ish months of living expenses, I think.


Documentation day is my favourite day. (no joke)


1204 potato up.

1319 fed. Still feeling hung over (no alcohol was involved) from yesterday's exertions - I believe, a period of short sleep, malnutrition, and over-caffeination compounded are the factors for this neural damage. Accordingly, I am shoring up food supply operations, and have arranged to have my own space for food storage in my residence. Thanks landlady! This should clear up quality, quantity, JIT supply fit, and bookkeeping all at once. No more communal budgets for the time being. As a kid I was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis; as an adult, I tend to rely on dietary protein to keep my immune system stable, to reduce cytokine stressors, to maintain cognitive processes. Maybe my metabolism of protein is just a bit more demanding than that of my peers. IDK

1447 automation of data-entry. At this point I am reminded that it would be nice to take a few months off and nail down linear algebra once and for all. And study knots - I've been putting that off since primary school.

1625 hours. Third coffee. Cleared some bookkeeping queries. Enforcing a bit of rest to read the news - perhaps this week is not destined for depth of productivity, given the breadth involved.

2325 hours. Some social activity. Caught up with a friend I made over the last couple of years. Then watched a podcast by local dev-ops people. And dropped some advice on how to start programming in answer to a question. I was reminded that my main commercial motivation to learn programming is to know how to be a better board member. There are also intellectual motivations, but those don't pay the bills. Tomorrow needs to begin with a supply run for the office. Before I sleep, I will look at my software and see if I can add anything to it effectively.

0336 Time to rest. First, feeding, and washing.


At the end of time, I expect most teachers, counsellors, consultants, and developmental psychologists to be managing students via automated expert systems. The human role has to be promoted, whereas the automation of machine familiars will do most of the minute to minute coaching. (Nah, this should be the norm in some societies within 30 years - after that the machines get even smarter.)


TFW you're 37, and have never been able to defend the integrity of your nation. (Frankly though, probably most 37 y.o.s)


I wonder if my strategy of waiting for the world to max out its research into unsupervised learning techniques until they're considered normcore ... before I start refocusing on writing AI is ... is going to be lossy or profitable in terms of how much time I'll save, waiting for baseline infrastructure to stabilise.

/ comment / I'm just the guy going around telling people that emotion and empathy are, neither unquantifiable nor unique to meaty people.

Reflection: some people will find it hard to let go of that notion that their experiences are important, that their indivduality matters. Some of these will agglomerate into speciestic fuckery and these are the folks who are going to be punching robots and organising walk-outs when that cycle of job losses hits really hard in one or two decades. The uncanny valley is going to be staring everyone in the face every time they step out of their sheltered homes, for a while, before technology graduates beyond that.


property rights = capitalism

= ableism = jungle law

<= #changemymind 


1230 on the road. Social chores combined with work errands.

1455 second meal. Tea and rest to reduce brain metabolism. After that, at some point, back to desking.

1606 still thinking, to make up for absence of metacognition, over past weeks and months. More tea.

1705 then I proceed to reread some of our documentation which I have not read in months, and years. I shall shop for running shoes in a bit. It seems like the economy has dropped prices temporarily.


- First, electrical maintenance & repair notes.

- 1729, refrigeration notes; skipping, because most familiar.

- Proceeding to air-conditioning notes.

- 1753, staff manuals.

- 1812, break. More tea.


2229 back at a desk, after getting basic hightops for running. Landlady has adopted a baby rat. I hope we don't die of lepto. She is probably still afraid of lizards. Besok is vet day, I guess. Did a bit of social stitching between the techies podcasters and some dating app users. Now, time for a staring contest with my codebase. Also reminding myself all day that destructuring the spatio-temporal model of the business as a long-term entity ... should be part of daily R&R. Sometimes I just leave the model running in conscious memory for weeks / months ...

2326 break. Always a pleasure to discover what the next design problem is then have to pause to think about it later. Never a pleasure to slow work down, however.

0053 reflections. It generally feels like a waste of time. But this is the strategy, so the point of discipline is to complete it.


(Semi-facetious post about being a pig-headed businessman, in Malaysia they'd say a real "babi".) I guess I will never understand co-workers and stakeholders who worry about what other people think about them. I tend to do things because I am interested in those things ... and while I generally empathise with the sufferings of fear, uncertainty, and doubt that others may have about this or that activity, I generally am able to just switch off those concerns and focus on doing what I want to do, with a general acceptance of the consequences, often knowing that they will be impactful, for better or for worse. This puts me in a bit of a tight spot during every social interaction where someone tells me they're worried about this or that. Usually I will do the developmental thing and try to encourage the worried person to take a break, or reflect upon how their concerns are prioritised, or tell them how someone else has got their back and will support them. But typically I do this in a constipated fashion because most of the time (certainly not always) I have zero fucks to give about their ineptitude in managing their FUD, and I am just trying to figure out tactically how to improve their efficacy in the moment. So maybe that is my main challenge as an entrepreneur - I have no interest in building organisations out of waffly people, and I am generally trying to filter them out of my way. Meaning that I take great pains to avoid working with a great majority of the population, as I seek to take advantage of that majority by working with those who are able to cooperatively oppose it.


Tukarnamaje: Pajakan Harapan versus Parti Keparitan Rakyat


I believe in diversity of reasonings, come on already. Don't say suicide is not this, or not that. If I were to commit suicide, I would very likely be doing it for thoroughly selfish reasons ... the same way I commit non-suicide. :p


1234, GTFU, enforce feeding.

1400, making notes on software design for work.

1443, data entry and scrapbooking for work.

1615, bookkeeping forensics.

1730, scrapbooking receipts.

1835, generally I am proud of my colleagues and their work, however I am not pleased with my own.

2158, done with forensics. Done with bookkeeping. Getting back up to speed, and need to try and get this down to two says a month, tops. Kicking back for a second to reflect on the state of work. A bit of deadlifting.

0108, refactoring is in progress.

0315, winding down.


Frankly, at my office, this pandemic thing is nothing compared to the four years before that ...


Oh, Rails was distributed by Apple, that actually explains a lot.


1104, supply run for office. Looking forward to a cleaned up food supply at residence, in the coming week.

1326, rebased.

1900, break from writing code, before significant refactor.

1945, supped, adjusted clothing with a hoodie thrown over the shoulders where cold air has been distracting. Tea. Code.

2035, break for shower and nap. Slow day. Waiting for household structures to move. Chipping away at work. Rather distracted by non-technical structures in conscious memory, like accounts, and investor relations, and various business networking entities. But chip away at code, we shall.

2132, spending time actively deleting memories of work. Proper memory management is crucial for healing of tissues. Healing of tissue is crucial for increasing productivity at work. Ah the perils of wetware.

2330, repair and morale check at the office.

0118, fed and back to desk work.

0331, draft of layout-markup-wrapper pipeline complete, saving for later tests and debugging. Off to the downstairs to find some food.

2329, housekeeping begins. Attempt to improve IDE for Lambda console.


0516, last record of consciousness.

1002, awakened by a business telephone call.

1118, somewhat anxious about my state of organisation. Remaining focused on rest.

1234, discussion with significant other, about distance.

1321, up for groceries. Time to rebuild.

1545, fed, grocered, stocked fridge. Reviewing social commitments and business networks. Preparing for design work.

1630, debugging begins in earnest.

1730ish, nap down.

1936, awake from nap.

2047, stablised a crucial, but really tiny bit of code that for rendering markup layouts the right way. (One can hope.) Off for a jog to find out if new shoes are a write-off.

0003, shoes are good, fed, washed, back to code. APM is up.

0412, various housekeeping items addressed in code.


I've got nothing personal against Anwar Ibrahim, so come on guys - if you believe Anwar Ibrahim has the political clout to defend the prime minister's position, then give it to him. But giving it to anyone who can't defend it is a bit of a question mark. Same old quagmire, but that's growing pains for a little baby country I guess.


I think I have zoomed in on my probable end-of-life occupation. I am probably going to be maintaining software for people the way the old guys in the car workshops repair cars. I suppose it is the probable outcome ...


OMG. I can't believe it took so long to figure out how to ERGONOMICALLY implement a "wrap markup in some outer markup" function. Definitely an unanticipated cost. Nature of unanticipated cost: the HTTP response rendering pipeline has multiple potential states by the time it reaches the almost-final-in-queue middleware which wraps the response body in the extra markup. All of those states have to be checked before this middleware can decide to wrap the outgoing response; and once that's determined, the architect has to figure out how to enable upstream interaction with the final wrapping, within the idioms (design language) of the pipeline as it already exists.


I think my productivity in 2Q20 was halved by a lack of exercise. I should really fix up. I'm glad I have cushy running shoes again.


12xx, up.

1347, inboxes clearing up. I need to stop worrying about APM (except during live ops), or APS (manual ops), and focus on APD (business style).

1516, fed. Desking.

2023, following a networking session on game tech, ML trends, sausages and coffee ... traffic jams, then dinner with bestie before she starts a new job.

2158, rebased, back to desk work.

0302, feeding, after a long phone call. Way too many social activities today. Horrible fortnight for getting code done. But slow improvements are better than none.

0440, published, a spot of consolidatory reflection on some drama I observed today. Going to try to nap, and if that fails, I guess, it will be back to work.

0646, more readings and a little writing. Old Quora answers helped me remember more of my past. I still haven't had time to unify my personal journals. Maybe one day.


1422 uppity.

1450 inboxes clear, active recollection of recent FUD to avoid losing track of FUDobjects, administration of networking, a few strategic priorities loaded into APD/tactical memory, time for a shower and feeding.

1548 desk.

2001 break, having done a bit of code tidying (enabled debug levels, and performance monitoring toggles), and set up one networking event for Monday, and trying to ... See More


1422 uppity.

1450 inboxes clear, active recollection of recent FUD to avoid losing track of FUDobjects, administration of networking, a few strategic priorities loaded into APD/tactical memory, time for a shower and feeding.

1548 desk.

2001 break, having done a bit of code tidying (enabled debug levels, and performance monitoring toggles), and set up one networking event for Monday, and trying to ... See More


Yesterday's annual challenge from a friend: should I establish a policy of ending conversations as soon as people start disagreeing with my act of prioritising my current work over other opportunities - or should I maintain the policy of entertaining their complaints, and adding it to my daily reflections?

Half a day later: I guess I should remain with the policy I have enforced since the early 2000s. I am not actively looking for new opportunities outside my ongoing operations, however I never turn down an exploratory conversation if the seeker sees enough value in my work to make me a decent offer. Around 2008 I was pricing my time around $40-60,000 for Malaysia-based work, and simply ignoring most jobs that didn't fit that rate. I guess now I should be scoping myself at $60-85, however, I anticipate that no one will ever take me seriously, so I generally keep to myself and do my own little thing.

Most people will pay more for a compliant person who tells you nice things about yourself. I prefer to save my compliments for my bedfellows, and generally seek to deliver complaints in business settings. So there is a fundamental mismatch between the product, and the market.

Pax ...


(on people asking me to take more breaks)

Reflection: the same crowd handed me more work in 2017, then vapourised and don't ask me about things like this anymore. I spent most of 2018-2019 working even longer hours, with an even smaller team, and taking a far huger hit to the amount of time I had for personal wellness. It goes to show - push comes to shove, people don't really concern themselves with what they may say they have a passing interest in. Alternatively, people may just give up trying to understand what they don't understand. Probably the latter. Haha.


1526, up and at the inboxes. Much to do. While showering, I think about pace. I'm used to spacing out my daily efforts across 18-36 hour stretches on this job. In the current season I have to compress my efforts to a desk worker's somewhat. Today I am going to aim for a first sprint to end at up+six hours. Spending the whole day on the Cookie specification. HMU if you are working on similar stuff perhaps inclusive of cookie session handling.

2136, work pauses, and I go for an enforced run. I also write a bit. And reflect on today's things.

2256, rebased. Feeding.

2342, desk work resumes.

0516, break for food.

0553, third shower, and winding down for the day; taking a second test run with the Honeycode product.

0714, done with a bunch of reviews and social media marketing. So much indirection. Such a pain. I don't feel like a good person, or even an admirable one, but if I forget about what other people think, ah, then life is easy.


/ comment on stress management, leisure, generalisation in personal branding, and cognition patterns /

I focus at unspecialising.

That is actually related to the nervous system dynamics I referred to earlier, I think.

But I am not sure.

One thing is for certain ... there is a correlation between fight/flight systems coordinated by the sympathetic nervous system, and analytical processes of cognition.

On the other hand, as architects ... one might seek to take a broad view first to have context, and that is generally only possible with the minimum amount of analyticity, so more relaxation is good for such parts of work.


14yo: most of my friends are 18-22.

18yo: I decide to avoid peerage with people my age, as it seems we have misaligned interests. I learnt more from the staff at the institution.

22yo: I return from a boring place to a boring place, and here I begin my study of strange people, it is time to stop avoiding commerce for personal gain.

27yo: my friend quips, that I was born old. I do not disagree.

37yo: I truly feel that this must be what it is like to be a old person. Details of that aside, I wonder what sort of asshat I will feel like at 120yo. Probably, I will not make it. Haha


On snowflakes:

Since college I've basically tried to train half of me to be completely insensitive to social input, and I deploy that tactically... upon reflection it is perhaps something I wield too dependently like DSNY's Mjolnir and Thor. I guess from time to time one hits someone, BOOF, and you're like "omg, I'm so sorry, did I hit you too hard?" Maybe I should discard the hammer, and just zap people.


In the grand scheme of things, AppSheet and HoneyCode are encouraging developments. The various APIs from public clouds eventually get integrated into codeless app builders. This minimises the role of code plumbers for things that don't really need a human involved. The little bit of work I get done in software tends to walk along this line of thought - hehe - pretty much why I bothered to start learning backend dev in 2009 ... could never find the software that I thought should already exist given current available tech. No it was 2008 ... I paid John Lee a hundred Ringgit or something like that to explain PHP syntax to me. Took about 30 minutes IIRC.


IDK man ... call me a noob, but on close examination, the entire design of Set-Cookie including its current Attribute Values is confirmable as a shit show of angel-haired proportions. Capellini shit show - I like the sound of that. In the land of gods and monsters, you were an ...


1552 up, inboxes.

1637 done with community management tasks, news reading, miscellaneous counselling, bits of social networking, and general productivity fails (good). Targeting sprint to end at 2200 (6h).

1920, emergency break to check on meatworks. I fucked up. False distraction due to a misreading. Haircut.

2100, rebased. Rush back to desk. I don't feel smart at all this month - too much time spent revising rudimentary web security concerns. But hey, I chose to build infra, so here we are.

2321, break point. Going for a run. I am coming up with a hypothesis about quality of thought. Let's just hogwash it with the arbitrary metric of APM, and call it factor X. From the time of waking, factor X rises and falls across time, based on rhythms which may be referred to as circadian (for the purposes of discussion); so no matter when you wake at T=0h, the rhythm progresses similarly for all T0h->T6h. So then if you're finding that factor X peaks at T+Nh, regardless of distractions between T=0 and T=N, you should just get back to work, so that you can sync work with peak X at Nh.

0130 back at desk. Cooked greens, garlic, rice. Boiled, no condiments. Cleaned up bits of landlady's leftover kitchen mess. Left part of it right there. Did laundry.

0829 another meal has passed. Didn't quite get enough stretching done today. Nerves and muscles a bit janky. Wondering how to recreate. Figurex it's time to get back to high school math. Hello linear algebra. :)

1036 napped, woke, back to nap


I will be quite cheerful if Anwar gets his time as PM, and manages not to screw it up, then goes down in history as the flawed leader whom no one would put their trust in until the eleventh hour, who eventually brings balance to the force. Well, it's a good story, right?


1901 awake. Before falling asleep, considered the intersection of ASMR, frisson, PSNS behaviour, and conscious control over how much sensory nervous system data hits the conscious buffer.

2226 eaten, coached staff at the office, preparing to mend some clothes.

0717 a third meal, having tested out Honeycode and found it to be lacking in usability, then driven to the office and home again a second time to coach a second staff, while thinking about the gambles at hand. For nearly three years I have woken up daily wondering if I can save my shareholders from their own stupidity, and I am never sure - if I was sure, I wouldn't bother to think about it, and I probably would just outsource it. I don't think I am interested in any business whose outcome is certain. Two more social networking gambles today: cognitive science orients, and two friends. I hope each set coheres within itself. I wait for the noodles to cool a little more. Dosed B12 and creatine.

1025 time to get up and roll out.

1717 rebased. Nap before next meeting.

2335, long day. First thing tomorrow is another networking lunch. Dosed B12 and creatine.


2003: I make yet another conscious decision to trade financial privilege for its intellectual counterpart. It is halfway through my undergraduate studies, where I am on scholarship, and I have the option of bailing out or simply collecting the benefits of two more years of board and lodging. I choose the latter. It is incredibly tedious, but I maximise my opportunities for independent study by picking the official course with the least extra homework. Someone else is paying for me to have access to any content I want, so why not. I sometimes move entire boxes of books between the library and my room, then move them back after a quick survey. It is a fruitful exercise. And I anticipate life will be harder in the future, when I finally begin work on commerce.


2013: I complete a second stint of independent study, this time, at home, self-funded. The past decade has involved various interactions with businesses of different sorts. The year immediately before this, I had been again acutely reminded of my complacency, as trading public equities seemed too easy. I then raised my risk profile, and torched the portfolio, because I needed to grow. This is the beginning of a decade I had planned to spend uninterrupted in the pursuit of commerce ...


2020: ... now I am 75% in.


2023: is anything going to change? We shall see.


0326 awake, and reading about car CVT designs. Slightly antsy/itchy/sensitive from creatine uptake, I think.

0343 watered. Moderately alert, and weighing the pros and cons of starting work in a temporarily alert state. Since all alertness is temporary, proceeding with work. I think I have learnt that I don't like rotating chairs, or chairs on wheels.

0813 nap time.

1700 up, inboxes clear. Running simulations of work, in my head. Trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, ahead of time.

1813 fed. A lot of FUD. End of first sprint should be 2300 at this rate. Back to work.

2202 break for second coffee. An hour off end off up+6h ... let's see what we can get done by then.

0044, done with second coffee, and clearing inboxes. Time for a run.

0523, significant progress on getting cookies to work in the framework; almost done; but it is past up+12h, so it is time for an enforced break and food.

0845, human pest control - another sterling example of sales people who can't shut up. I don't enjoy making examples of them. But, it seems, they invite it. Now at up+16h, a normal length day for most people, but a little over my 14h preference. And that is how my days drag longer than 24 hours I suppose. Time to eat, again.

1058, up+18h. Winding down for the day. it is too late


OPP is stupid.


Explicit consent:

<< Set-Cookie: name=value; SameSite=Lax >>

... should never be used for any website which serves sensitive content. Instead, explicitly warn users attempting cross-site requests:

1. use << SameSite=Strict >>

2. note the (intended/href) URL

3. read the (referer) request header, and note that URL

4. read the user's current (session) state, and note that state

5. display the noted URLs and session state in a clear !!! WARNING !!! to the user, beside a continuation link


I just realised that a bunch of junk I uploaded on SlideShare previously was in PPTX and not properly rendered, so I reuploaded some of it in PDF :P

So back then I was working as the general manager for a tech company, and I wasn't really involved in their programming work. But they did go for a hackathon, so I also went just to hang out, but I just sat by myself in my own team and played with my own computer for fun, and thought about things that had motivated me to get involved in software development in 2008. I got involved in software development for two key reasons.

Primarily, I didn't think it was worth my time, and I still don't - however I wanted to have the competency of understanding software development so that I could play a better corporate role in managing real developers / people who are actually IT professionals.

Secondarily, in 2008 it happened to be the case that the first "startup" I joined to seek experience in turned out to have a non-profit business model. So for better or for worse, they would be what you call a social enterprise ... addressing concerns in civil society and in commerce. Resourcing was always scarce, and the technology seemed readily available to have a search engine for crowd-sourced projects ... it's just that there was no dominant player in the market. So I figured I should at least learn enough about software development to be able to write apps like this. I actually had enough skill by 2010, but other projects had higher priority, and I never bothered to launch any software products.


CHROME WHY ... if you expire a SameSite=Strict cookie, you can't reset it without first navigating away from the page, and then coming back?!


1858, up, inboxes clear. Malnutritioned. Need to feed. Heading to office soon to do payroll and paperwork.

2157, rebased. Desking.

0035, software development paused at a stable place, time to catch up with bookkeeping. First, spending a few minutes unloading software development from my interday working memory.

0858, random AWS user group presentation prepped for 9 June, payroll prepped, off to pay.

1238, rebased. Winding down for the day.


/in a subtle X traits group: poll on whether you as a hypothetical business owner would hypothetically hire queer folk/

'Wow, 98% of respondants (sample size: 200+) said "only qualifications matter, personal life does not".'

'Someone needs to vote no, so that we can have an argument'

'I would argue no, but I am so woke that I can only find flimsy arguments against such hiring.'

/hold my coffee/

'Big skew towards "based on qualifications," so I came up with a better answer. I would assert affirmative action for LGBTQXYZ because they are systematically oppressed and therefore socially disadvantaged in general, at this point in time.

Refusing to offer affirmative action only perpetuates any systematic biases already in-place against such citizens.

Moreover, appeals to qualification are the modus operandi for people in a position of power to rule against people out of power ... simply by drawing the goal posts in ways that benefit themselves. (Closer to home for many of us, everyone can apply for procurement tenders, but tender requirements may often be written to favour specific parties.)

Of course, this is meant to exasperate some people, so now, you may /flameOn lmao.'


2022, up.


0438, various errands, some code, some conversations, no exercise, a shower, resting code-reading subsystems before the next task: going to pay a staff.


0528, monitoring neural tone, muscles are definitely a little tense, possibly from creatine intake; listening to the high-pitched whine of my nervous system, in a quiet bedroom - like the cacophony of bugs by a lake at night, just at far higher registers - like static, a multitude of cathode ray TVs firing up; or it's due to a low starch, low protein situation from the snack of a cucumber, and a grapefruit, chased with green tea; it's good to consciously review subconsciously maintained noise dampeners from time to time; otherwise the subconscious remains too bogged down by these structures, hindering realtime conscious cognition of data from hapti, aural, and other sense modalities.


0831, paid staff, diagnosed technical failure, contacted maintenance crew, fed self, rebased, video journalled, and now back to work.


1345, moderate amount of code documentation done. Bed.


Reminded of my privileges, and generally being unshy about it:


+ grew up with educated parents; my expectations of what administrators and housewives know is now rather high


+ grew up in Malaysia; expectations for healthcare cost now extremely low


+ went to school with pretty girls; um


+ went to college in the US; mindset now stuck on US payscales


End result, living in Malaysia always seems like this island holiday where you don't feel like putting on a suit because (a) there's no one you want to impress (b) the people you want to impress are trotting around in flip-flops anyway.


I don't think it's fair to blame Malaysia though - I'd probably be kicking back at the same level if I was a US citizen. Who knows. There are ladder-climbers everywhere, and there are slackers, and you just gotta know your place in the world, and embrace it.


IMHO, if your model has 600 billion parameters, your main issue is not knowing which ones matter, in advance. You're not supposed to reinvent an understanding of the English language with every new mind - that's how minds work, but that's not how English works. LOL


I watched an interview, where a chap said that learning Rails was useful for rapid development. Ten years ago, for me, learning how to go fast was pretty important. Nowadays I'm revising all the old work at a tenth of the old pace. I wonder if it is valuable. All I know is that, I still give fair warning to my prospective dates: don't hang out with me, unless you can tolerate someone who doesn't mind poverty.


Preamble: So the idealistic story I tell about how I plan my career is ... I'm too lazy to want to be anything but a board member. But in order to qualify for those jobs I need to be a really good operator, so that's what I spend my commercial time doing - learning how operations work. To the comment that politics has more to do with board appointments than operational experience ... well, you see, I don't mind politics, but not minding poverty gives me a lot of leeway to be blunt without much opportunity cost. I generally have to be paid a lot more than the next guy to make special efforts to avoid hurting the feelings of sensitive people (frankly, they mostly do not actually matter to me).


1 : I don't mind poverty


2 : given (1), therefore I profit greatly from being blunt, as it costs me little happiness (equivalently, I don't find comparative advantage at being genteel)


2.1 : given (2), I am often profit-taking in my bluntness (existential quantification)


2.2 : given (2.1), I demand above-market rates for pretending to be a genteel (equivalently, I don't seek to compete on gentility)


3 : given (2), my competitive strategy typically hinges on being performant (quality leadership, cost leadership, or value leadership)


4 : given (3), my general approach to developing my portfolio is to develop my delivery at (3), and to outsource (2.2); all of this hinges on (1); if I started to worry about being poor, of course, I would be like most people who act more conservatively


Damansara Jaya: Anyone looking for a 1.5 storey (1st, + lofted 2nd floor) office, store, or coworking space? My landlord is looking to rent out 7A Jalan Ss 22/11. Your neighbour downstairs is an all day all night cafe with WiFi. Neighbourhood parking. Walking distance to three malls.


1957, up.


2247, staff paid, staff coached, neighbouring business visited, rebased, working on content marketing operations rationalisation.


0129, bunch of pages and groups reorganised. About thirty minutes off Up+6hours.


0235, off for a wak.


0331, rebased, just shy of an hour.


0410, iterated on routine labour schedule negotiations.


0710, done with preparations to integrate OIDC Relying Party JWT Validator prototype into Web Framework prototype. Le sigh.


0752, time for another walk.


0848, rebased.


1021, prepped more integration code; time for a final feeding.


I'm really curious to find out how many people who learn unsupervised model plumbing now, will find themselves relatively redundant later. None? Some? Hopefully not too many ... what do I know. I'm not even aware of how this works ;)


I think my disability in the field of machine intelligence is that I don't find human intelligence technically mysterious. So while I don't think MI is a hard problem, I am disinclined to work on the problem which I view as dumb and tedious (because my view of people in general, at the information systems level, is ... we are architecturally dumb and tedious). There are things I have far weaker intuitions about ... such as how common people think about business, and that is why business is an interesting CULTURAL field to be in. I get to surround myself with all these people who think a specific way, and I can just hang out and learn the culture by observing them. It's all about memorising TRIVIA ...


Also, having now written a minimal OIDC Relying Party client library, and having reviewed what AWS Cognito does and does not achieve as an OIDC Issuer, I cannot for the life of me understand why AWS neglects to provide Relying Party client libraries which match its Issuers. Don't you want to make money? Ok, granted, it would just attract more freeloaders, and who am I to suggest they try to monetise that long tail? #productrants


Between OIDC integrations and cookie implementations, perhaps web security has become the largest distraction from core work. Repairing fridges and air conditioners is a little closer, but setting up cost-effective and maintainable web security has seemed a little tangential. Oh well, I can only hope that what has been done, is enough.


(4 days after Federal guidelines were approving, on 4 July:)

WTFF ... our community pool opened on 25 June in violation of federal guidelines?! Time for a swim, then. Paying rent without facilities is getting old ...


2150, up, it is already dark, scanning fields of data, first the imaginations of dreams, alternating with fresh traces of feeds from sensory nervous system, cold air, warm blood throbbing in my ear against some fabric, white noise of the nervous system whining, light switch at adjacent desk, mug of uncovered, water, comforter, non-flesh variety, clearing inboxes.


0140, social work iterated, I comfort a friend, then I counsel a staff on economics, then rebased.


0339, published a small piece of advice which I casually dispensed yesterday, cleared most inboxes, preparing now for work, and skipping past the six hour mark without a break, as I have technically done no real work today.


0410, desk work resumes. I guess this quarter-day cadence is not bad. qd1, qd2 for worky things, and qd3 is basically winding down. Since I prefer a sleep ratio of 10:24 anyway, for any cognitively synthetic work, this seems to be a decent target.


0655, more integrations prepared, time to feed, and then perhaps a swim.


0741, on the way to attempt a swim.


0828, rebased. Apparently I still remember the rough strokes, and I should focus on improving my combat side stroke.


1516, supply run for work, supply run for home, bunch of coding, bunch of more social work (observing parlimen digital), and networking with industry peers; horrible day for coding ... but non-zero progress in plumbing; bed, soon.


1757, bed.


Putrajaya: you can go to restaurants. Just maintain a 1 meter bubble around you.


Malaysians: oK, LAh, 25cm cAn Or NoT?!


Comment: KKM went AWOL. Sabri's message went to press in a completely unmanaged fashion. "You can sit more than 4 people per table as long as you maintain social distancing", got put into the press as "eateries can operate at full capacity", so messaging lari I think. Not sure if intentional.


Singapore's progressive wage model: Can't wait for Malaysia to get onboard with this. Regulations on work quality are absolute rubbish in many sectors.


Truly, I have never tried to take or send anyone a dick pick, but given what we know about current technology, I concede readily that there are probably photos of me being distributed which I know nothing of. Haven't seen any? Trust me, you ain't missing much.


Wokeness is a ladder. The funny part is that you can never explain your wokeness to anyone for whom such wokeness would be useful. No one can be told what virtue is, and they must see it for themselves. Therefore, societies of seers are like onions - they have layers. And if you gaze long into the pit, the pit gazes back, and eventually you all end up dazed and confused. That is what is meant in the classical sense, where you ascend the ladder only to throw it away.


0040, up.


0223, fed, desking.


0900, slow rework; bad approach doing prototyping and integration separately; examining; time for a walk.


0945, rebased, snacked, redesked.


1332, OIDC tokens can validate! Bed time. Or at least, time to wind down for the day.


1914, bed after emergency social work.


I am always impressed by people who take their businesses personally. I could never imagine caring that much about something that is essentially a gamble. I suppose, we place our faith in different places.

While I have to constantly expense supervisory cost on watching out for parties that may provoke the sensitivities of my stakeholders, even if they do not significantly affect our operations, sometimes I must take a further gamble, and forget about those supervisions, in order to be able to muster the cognitive resources for detailed developmental work.

I estimate that I have the stamina for a few more years of watching out on a daily basis for people who aren't caring for me. Time will tell if we can make this work.


Implementing web security measures has been, by far, my least favourite part of running a supo coffee shop.


0200, up, fairly alert due to recent increase in physical exercise, inboxes cleared.


0322, fed, reviewed various weaknesses, hoping to address them with an organised frame of mind.


0546, auth basically done, now we need sessions.


0814, swim.


1031, desking; having cooked a pasta and eaten most of it, saving the rest for later.


1240, break, more pasta; implemented some sort of "skip the middleware queue until you find the right middleware" mechanism for the pipeline.


1725, break, maybe not more pasta; sessions kinda work now.


1846, patched up AWS presentation for Thursday, snacked, showered, resumed development.


2003, lights out, playing with phone, reviewing architectural considerations.


OKCupid is getting old. I'm starting to think browsing LinkedIn profiles is somewhat more stimulating. Good job, Microsoft. You done good.


0150 woken for a social work call.


0426 cleared social work calls; a bit of recuperation is in order to remove the voices of people I have talked to, from my working memory, so that I can go work on other stuff later.


0446 enforced feeding.


0515 desk; social work again - first time I'm reading regex documentation while trying to design a system, and doing relationship counselling on voice chat at the same time FML.


0756 we now have session-exempted routes! I am going to take a break to feed.


0838, back to work.


1051, break, sessions now seem to generally work as expected, but next we need to implement persistence.


1250, nap time, and reading on performance and cost.


1625, food and swim.


0037, done with meeting, maybe a bit of coding before bed.


0259, social work call, while I work out kinks in scar tissue around my fourth metacarpophalangeal joint, long neglected stretching.


So I hear migrant rights are trending again. I do think all rights are synthetic, but I also believe that Malaysia does a pretty sloppy job of anything process oriented. Migrants just happen to be sloppified. Feel free to attack this comment. Lol


I remember learning how to read. Mother was responsible. (Father always reminds me.) Learning how to read was a pain. But as with all un/semi-supervised learning tasks, brute force always wins. English was my first language. Subsequently I brute forced myself through Chinese - I didn't try very hard at Malay in school, I kind of just let sink in over years. I trained myself to be pretty good at reading in college - by the time I graduated, I was reading lighter texts (popular business books, for example) at over a page a minute. More recently I've studied many domain specific languages across various academic disciplines and computer runtimes. Reading is still a pain. I think one day, I will forget how to read. After all ... that's what computers are for.


In case you ever wondered about the relative CPU-time cost of validating an OIDC authorization code. Most of it is spent on IO waiting for the OIDC Issuer to respond. Since one of those responses, which is for the JWKS, can be cached, that should halve the CPU-time required for that layer of the process. This is running at one fourteenth of a Xeon core, for context.


0917, up, slept lateish after more social work calls, planning to do a documentation day at the office, catching up on accounts.


1442, done some data entry and heading back; need to swap batteries because I left the car lights on.


1535, rebased.


1900, walked with weights, ate, groomed, turned up for online community tech event.


2046, done with marketing activities via presentation, off for social life.


1100, fed, rebased, resting before resumption of work.


There's a special closet in hell for people who name a variable "time to live" and then use it to store a time of death.


Many people seem traumatised by Alias Tim Lee. Has COVID taught them nothing? Tim is a vaccine lah ...


1535 up, inboxes clear.


1614 desking, one of those days when my SNS and PSNS are both sufficiently stimulated that I can track over-caffeination and just drink water to stay balanced, probably means I really need to work out more.


2002 fed, erranding for work, social chores.


2350 rebased, nap.


Al Jazeera is shocked (Putrajaya's response to their documentary): 1. I think everyone is doing a good job here.


2. I don't know what Dhaka-Doha relations are like, so I can't speak to any hidden agendas. AJ is generally centre-left biased, so the messaging of the production was spot on.


3. The production is however, biased in representing both sides of the story - of course, no judgment on bias is without bias, and in my world "unbiased" means you have make an effort to equivocate to make both sides of the debate look equally appealing, even if you have interviews only from one side.


4. The Malaysian government's "professional approach to public relations" is pretty close to the way I run my own operations, so I agree with that. They're (4.1.) avoiding direct confrontation, (4.2.) announcing policy directions, without committing to any specific implementation, (4.3.) letting their fans do the fighting for them.


Disclaimer: please note that I have made minimal comment about on the subject of the controversial documentary. :)


0619 awake, lots of dreamful sleep, which happens only after I'm sufficiently rested, but results in more tingly happiness afterwards (probably not dopamine, since I always forget to target this ... maybe it is just blood sugar; tests required) - on average, when I keep 24-hour days, this tends to happen more during the second period of sleep, after 6-8 hours in the first almost unconscious period, and it tends to help if B12 or protein consumption is added before the first sleep, or even more specifically after the second sleep. Overall, this is a welcome experience, within each day, when it does happen. This is the case while I consume more caffeine and less sugar throughout the day. / When sugar intake is up, dreamful sleep and short term happiness are increased. Maybe I should be more liberal with my consumption of simple sugars - for this purpose only. Much testing to follow.


0829 made (instant) coffee and groomed media assets, time to open up software development and remember how that works.


0936 ok! Recovered my memory position for what I was working on. Here we go ... time to feed.


1132, attempt to Proxy an errorful vendor object, failed; reversing; time for a break; work is not in good shape, context switching this week has involved a half-dozen switches between social work and machine work, and both involve massive quantities of trivia.


1934, drank water only, further failures, not a productive sprint; lunched, met old contact for networking, completed follow-up; ate again; failed to compress future networking meetings into the same day; headed home to work on code; further failures; failures documented, stopping for break.


Showered, resting seated with legs crossed. Reviewing logs, and looking for locuses of easy improvement.


0051 refed, to bed, meeting at 0715; a horrible week for productivity at work, but an interesting week nonetheless; configuring social life to complement weird work is well, weird.


0122 watched the latest cannonball run talkthrough, bed.



This is the "green dot" on the Facebook Messenger web view. Presumably you can scrape it to monitor account activity of friends. LOL. So if you are trying to statistically decorrelate two separate accounts you are using ... please don't have them follow patterns that intertwine, e.g.:

- both logged on and off at the same time

- each takes turns to log on and off

- both logged on within the same time zone and time of day

- either logged on within windows near events that the other account posts about



Excute me, plis, can you not photography a "dev starter kit" and hashtag it #deeptech ? #deepfake


I thought the traditional food in Bandar Puchong was good, but Puchong Jaya is even better.


This week in F&B :

Contact tracing has gone out the fucking window.

(Not my office.)


0712, early for a morning run, afraid I would run out of petrol.


1155, made it home in time, refueled, and then to a meetup at breakfast, back to a desk now.


1405, more notes; nap before further work.


1826, sessions are integrated with OIDC provider and database sessions; time for a break and sort of mental reset.


2131, driving to a social; work has progressed a bit; I need to write down the separate roadmaps for Ruthenium as a FOSS project versus our internal app arc.


1056, rebased after work errands, feeding, and social work.


1412, break, after partial reconciliation of accounts.


1540, break, after first survey of residential relocation options for cost optimisation.


2049, napped, summoned for a meetup to discuss code ideas, fed, rebased.


0033, working on software architectural drafts; emergency update from residential overlords means I'll be on the move again, time to start searching - this project has been like 10 months of "fail", though probably not the largest failed gamble I've made since 2015.


0130, draft notes committed; time for a break.


0300, took a social call, but Internet landline borked halfway through, slept.


Today's Constitutional "Crisis":

✅Constitution.57.2.c for vote to fire Speaker, ok ;

❎Constitution.57.1.a for vote to hire Art as new Speaker, circumvented ;

❎Constitution.57 for Parliament may conduct no business without a Speaker - potentially renders Parliament inactive until there is consensus among MPs, on the legitimacy of the hiring of Art as the current Speaker ;


The defense (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2020/07/13/new-speaker-art-harun-taunted-by-opposition-after-swearing-in-boots-khalid/1884006):

➡ There was only one nominee for Speaker, and that nominee was automatically appointed;

➡ Standing Orders allow nominees to be accepted for 14 days, without any public declaration that such a 14 day period is open (therefore if no one is aware, perhaps no one will submit nominees);

➡ Standing Orders allow automatic appointment of Speaker if there is only one nominee;


Points for your consideration:

❓ What are Standing Orders?

❓Would the formal definition of Standing Orders (in general, and the specific Standing Orders invoked above) allow for anyone to challenge the interpretation+implementation of public policy (Parliamentary events, in this case) in today's events?


Personal opinion:

Bersih should now support a General Election,

at any cost.


Pada musim ini, tanyalah diri anda, adalah kebenaran sesuatu yang dicipta, atau ditemui?


"Safe spaces" are inclusive of weakness, but exclusive of hurt. By definition, they are then exclusive of (excluders of weakness), but inclusive of (excluders of hurt). This is just to show that naive use of language leads to pitfalls and confusion.


1022, up, not well rested, perhaps due to thoughts of trouble in the lives of various friends, yet the Internet is reachable again; consolidating thoughts, many things to reorganise.


2339, most of the day was spent on a forward survey of residential options, then some groceries.


0133, rebased.


1056, up, somewhat angsty about moving again; inboxes cleared; need to weigh between work now and plans to move again.


1134, thought process: software is at a reasonably well-encapsulated point, so it has less priority for now; moving is generally the main issue, so that is on elevated priority because it gets in the way of work; then there is actual work, so that should be done on the next highest priority level while waiting for moving to get figured out.


1851, feeding near base; more market surveys done; delivered some social work; delivered some groceries to office.


2114, after more chores, grooming, made it to a social; this was quite chatty.


1320 fed, rebased, washed, napped, cleared inboxes, and need to move now to administrative priorities, given yesterday's 1134 note; a friend reminded me to get breathing variables under control - I am grateful foe that; next order of business is mostly finance related : sorting out books at the office, and ensuring cashflow there, and payments of my past wages, so that I can get this move over and done with.


1631, reviewed contracts, downloaded bank statements, might fail a credit check, on to accounts.


2140, rebased after: feeding, social feedback on important decisions, and exerting a gamble; as the night wears on it becomes more evident that the gamble will swing one way rather than the other ... meanwhile, it is inefficient to swap too many things in and out of memory, so we will focus instead on sleep, which is a form of repair.


0400 ballpark: bee, having done May reporting, sealed up the booking for one room placement, and caught up a little on reading.


As a 37 y.o. high-risk small-business operator, should I move into a frat house where everyone is working on tech startup things? My intuition is that this would be a good networking experience. My business serves the technology industry. Pls like and share so I can get some opinions. Haha.


The alternative is to move into a cheaper place within walking distance of the office. So this option is cheaper, more boring, and more focused on the wrong parts of work.


There is a folk saying, that you have to pay money to make money. I am never sure that is true. Given my standing in life, I generally feel unprepared to make financial decisions. But it is part of my job, so I do it anyway. After all, I have a policy of doing exactly the opposite of what I feel, if I can afford it - so that part of my life is predictable.


Hm. Looks like we were nominally profitable in May, so that means I should be able to start charging the company a fee again in June. LOL


1230, up, inboxes cleared.


1253 time for a spot of cooking, i.e. food on a budget.


1627, credit scoring failed to secure zero-deposit insurance, proceeding to negotiate via other avenues; renewed certain subscriptions at the office; adjusted general brand collateral online; commented on public affairs - this is social work; preparing for data entry.


For the record, I have not in my short life found myself personally convinced that rule of law is common in Malaysia. You may call this contempt of court, or sedition, or treachery, but it is myself that lacks conviction, I am not recommending that anyone else have the same opinion. :p

Commented: "Hi, I need to point out a common mistake. "The government may remove your citizenship," means the government is provided with an option, therefore, it is not "illegal for Malaysians to have dual citizenship".

It is only executive branch policy that Malaysians are almost always prevented from having dual citizenship. But the constitution does not forbid it."


"deep tech" - maybe this is the next gag phrase (i.e. something to vomit about every time it appears in local news) for the next decade. I'm narrow-minded. If it doesn't involve specific knowledge of one of the four fields below, it's not that deep in my mind ...


+ mathematics

+ physics

+ chemistry

+ biology


Yang menggelorakan tugas..


"artificial intelligence" - even your god damn kids are artificial intelligences. They weren't born like that, they had to be taught. Therefore, I have preferred to say "machine/d intelligence/s" when discussing microprocessor/software models. :P


(surrounded by idiots) Why is everyone ex-Bersatu posing with this book?! First it was Masz ...


DynamoDB has many idiosyncratic performance limits; we shall need a monitoring tool eventually - I can't be arsed to remember all of this. https://github.com/jerng/aws-studies/blob/master/dynamodb-notes.md


2227, gonna try to squeeze in an hour of design work before bed.


0150, completed draft 4 of the ghetto RDB on DynamoDB


On the subject of machined intelligence architectures ... perhaps it's time I stopped starting arguments that I don't have time to finish. After all, I have a little cafe to build. :) I don't think this is a decision to shut up completely, but I think, I will remind myself to waste less time on arguments. In any event ... I am so very happy that after a 15 year wait, I get to see more people take an interest in these things. From the standpoint of morality, I'd prefer for now to take the viciously amoral point of view that it's not better to spend a life solving civilisational problems, than it is building local communities - there should a bit of both in one's schedule. Sometimes more of one, sometimes more of the other ...


Officially sending everyone I know who is suffering from heartbreak of some kind to chat with each other, because it would be a fun club - which I am too busy to be a part of rn. It is good to counsel friends, but several months of concurrent case work on a volunteer basis is a bit taxing.


Then again, maybe it is only taxing because I try to juggle a frugal life, a social life beyond counselling cases, a small brick and mortar business, antagonistic stakeholders, our entire industrial research operation, and arbitrary social engagements on the subjects of cognitive science and constitutional law at the same time. FTS. Priorities ... the counselees have to go.


1303 up.


1420 inboxes clear, runtime.


1450 one of those days where I end up spending more time on lacing adjustments than on running, only 1.3 loops of 1.8km so far.


1533 rebased after 5.4km mostly walking and fuzting with laces; low energy stock, should probably carbo load a bit, time for breakfast.


1859, concluded some transactional obligations, now waiting for counterparties; kicking back a little in my head, to check on how social networks are doing.


2036, snacked, breathed, swiped a few profiles, going for a second workout, can't wait to resettle infrastructure.


0334, moved the needle very slightly on framework development; still actively reducing counsellees from my schedule; bed.


Oh, someone brought this up on the AskLegal thread, so I had to research to answer ... Penal Code (Act 574) has a clear definition of Offense and Illegal. Constitution appears to not contain the word "illegal" at all.


This is over-thinking to the maximus ... a guy does a semi-competent job, and you say "we think he was pretending to be a professional".

"Initially, a law enforcement official had described Mr. Saleh’s death as a “hit,” but some investigators now believe that Mr. Haspil may have tried to make the killing look like a professional assassination in an effort to trick detectives into thinking it was linked to Mr. Saleh’s business deals."


I think full-stack hackathons should really take into consideration the number of active users and user engagements an app can get within the stipulated time period. The bar must be raised about just product deployment. Sure you could rig this based on pre-gamed userbases, but there are ways to anonymise participants also. It's just like F1 racing, and barista competitions ... the really good competitions have lots and lots of rules, and that's what makes it fun.


Let's try a tactical rehoming operation before the 10pm meeting.


1149, inboxes clear, time to feed.


1353, grocered, desking.


1551, prone, thinking about one very specific structure and the problems which surround it; grateful to have the presence of mind required to focus on an unergonomic situation which lacks any acceptable solution statements.


1651, still prone, still processing; I think part of what my brain needs to do before any redesign process, is to search through the subconscious intuitions and to delete any subconsciously maintained pointers to the old design, before I start trying to build the new one; time to feed.


0151, small potato is on track to being repotted with the china potato; I discovered that I have fucked up again in database design, and am reviewing query patterns before proceeding to Draft 5


0250, at least a couple of hours of productive work were accomplished; more fixing personal deficits of comprehension that writing new code; better than naught; survived another day, I think.


Today's work is very hacky. It feels like sculpting with shit, but that's just the gamble, I suppose. One goes through life with a notion that most human objects are rather simplistic, easy to read, and rather trivial in the grand scheme of things - and a similar view with respect to food, activities of entertainment, tools, organisations, and nationstates. So most things are boring. Yet one watches many other people rushing around in attempts to protect or acquire interests from these boring domains. Then one tries to play along, and quickly discovers indeed, even when money is available, the items available for purchase remain quite boring. What would you do with more money if there is nothing interesting to buy with it? After all, interesting things can only be constructed, not purchased. So after all, one constructs any part of one's business which one does not find available for purchase. That is, I suppose, the problem with being meticulous - you will not find other people clean enough to work with.


I previously proposed a canonical comment feature for Facebook, to reduce the need to copy and paste comments that are the same. I just realised this is easier if you just make Facebook Comments work like Tweets - everything is a top-level object, but threadable


I miss having work where I go to work, and I know what I am looking at. In R&D, every hour is an exercises in loading and unloading uncommon items from memory. Don't get me wrong, I like R&D, but R&D part-time while running a high-availability operation at the same time is rather stressful.


If you would all stop complaining about "cancel culture" as if it is anything new, already. This is just a mechanism of force - as old as the law of the jungle. Capitalism enforces jungle-law ... Meritocracy enforces jungle-law ... Cancel Culture is no different ... damn it, kids, I'm going to be old before you figure out the basic things in life ...


I wonder how much BLM propaganda was .RU funded. Any would seem to be paying in spades, in terms of COVID case counts.


1317, awake, unwell, but functional, inboxes clear.


2010, electrical supplier concerns unaddressed on account of the weather - hope to sort that out tomorrow, more code clean-ups, more talent management, enforced feeding next.


2224, haircut, fed, rebased, fed, washed, redesked, looking forward to a half-day of productive work, unless ...


Ramped up networking a lot over the last year. The usual. Meet people, exchange notes. Haven't found anything too useful, so it is time I think, to reduce networking asset allocation, and to turn the next year towards building things. I'll leave open any channels I've created, I suppose. No use in regressing. (2Q2015-2Q2019 I basically did zero networking. So it was long overdue for a rebalancing.)


FINAS discussion today: This is a step backwards, in terms of civic freedoms. But it is unsurprising for Malaysia, given Malaysia's track record. So just cover your ass and prepare for jail, as usual.


To put it in the context of trending topics ... in Malaysia, cancel culture has been the norm for a few decades. It's kinda like this chronic illness that we just keep tabs on but presume will never go away lol


Oh prediction : someone mentioned Pavithra (MY cooking Youtuber) ... so after the political saber rattling dies down, perhaps they will return to business as usual ... and given any activity, they will "pivot" the messaging to "we need to understand how to tax this video production thing", and it allows for peacetime rulings of all kinds to become entrenched: within those, you can sneak in clauses which grants hugggee overbearing emergency powers to regulators. Again, just got to monitor continuously.


Software architecture is fun. But recently I find myself skipping overarching rules in order to work bottom-up, beginning with detailing. I need to improve my agility in moving between top- and bottom-level scopes.


`Rendering options, to be REQUESTED by the client:

(a) all server responses are HTML

- (a.1) a HTML response can INVITE the client to switch

to protocol (b)

(b) all server responses are JSON

- (b.1) a JSON response can INVITE the client to switch

to protocol (a)

We need to investigate how the history API achives simultaneous:

- display of URI-x in the navigation bar

- no request of URI-x from the client

- actual request of URI-y from the client


0954, up, inboxes clear, much rumination on my quality of work, just the usual FUD - I think I should maintain a focus on my personal health, at the expense of short term work gains, as the long term gains are already shown to be suffering. Hm. That is not saying anything useful, as it is rather vague. A directional affirmation. Off to work again.


1330, rebased after a supply run; about to start desk work, but called for a social service engagement; will take my reading with me.


2019, sitting out a traffic jam with a cup of coffee, on a bench, the girls are pretty, I'm goo for now; studying; it turns out that SPA SEO is still a shitshow because there's no consensus on how to gracefully upgrade/downgrade between pure HTML and script-loaded pages.


2047, TIL sessionStorage, localStorage, UTF-8, UTF-16, History API, network socket (address triad).


0606 pensive. Bed.


Guys, research has long-established than pouring away cooked-rice water is a way to remove soluble arsenic. You are not saving calories with this ... omfg ... get a calculator ...


1450 up, inboxes clear, review of yesterday's work from memory, seems like there will be a lot to do today, but I am slightly unwell, so I must plan to improve myself first.


1729, fed, restocked protein powder, did a bit of cleaning; during an earlier shower, considered halting all software development on the framework anyway, but decided against it; on with work.


2127 napped, time for a work out.


0354, did a little design work, figured out a thing or two, chatted with blokes in the industry; not that I have produced any work worth discussing yet; to bed.


I think I will complete the draft design for an SPA, then see if it is possible to get it going quickly. Otherwise I may have to skip this entirely.


So what are the chances the entire police report - retraction - request for no more awards, is: (a) a glorious self-pwn by the husband (b) orchestrated wayang by external parties to dim the couple's star (c) an implementation of (a) using the modus (b)? #tinfoilhat


Rayhan Kabir kicked out: Malaysians are are a bunch of useless snowflakes. :) I myself have expected to be kicked out without notice at any time.


"Server-side rendering" seems to have become a thing because at some point people entirely stopped developing websites to be "HTML first". I'm not sure if this breaks any protocols. Thinking about it. (context: deciding on architecture for a web framework)


Day 0: literature review.


Day 1: learnings & conclusions: on the server side, the routing table should not merely map the URI to a [code block], rather it should additionally map to all [resources] touched by that code block.


Day 2: ongoing study: the fundamental mistake that most SPA frameworks appear to make, is to decouple the server's knowledge of the resources in the SPA at the exact moment when the server ships the SPA as a blob, without knowledge of the blob's internal structure. In such a case, you actually have two logical servers, a SPA-shipping server and an AJAX server which interacts with the SPA. Then they go and fudge the difference by housing both servers under the same application. Everyone knows that this makes it easier to separate the developmental concerns of Presentation Context / UX and structural data integrity. What I'm trying to figure out is how to unify these two servers on the server-side without reducing the ease of development in practice.


Day 2: learnings & conclusions: I was amused to find it possible to apply concepts from Kant's transcendental idealism in delineating the separation of concerns between "concepts" and "media".https://www.instagram.com/p/CDHfYHdp-HW/


Day 3: learnings & conclusions: this is an old, familiar, thought, but I think now it is properly written: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1624568337723867&set=a.100219230158793&type=3&theater


Day 4: conversations: I'm [-] interested in the absence of a protocol surrounding SPAs. The only thing glueing a SPA to the API-server is this relationship inside the developer's head that says - This thing is supposed to be used with That thing. That doesn't know that This exists! This isn't good enough for me, because I always want to get humans out of the equation. I don't trust humans, and I don't want any dependencies on them. Why is this possibly progressive? The more protocols we have that get the developer out of the equation, the easier it is to explain those protocols to a machine so that the machines can have a more formal target for understanding how they work.


At the end of the day I don't really care whether a human or machine is the developer ... but I do think that giving the system a formal definition that is INDEPENDENT of the developer, is quite important for the developer's ability to work on it and then walk away. In a way, this has to do with code being self-documenting.


TIL: pygmy and gnome have the same root.


1644, awake, did some social work, cleared inboxes, time to force feed, so I think I will make a pasta.


0335, wrapping up documentation and publishing intermediate results before bed; Day 2 : thought process on fixing the architecture of so-called SPAs. I was amused to find it possible to apply concepts from Kant's transcendental idealism in delineating the separation of concerns between "concepts" and "media".


TIL: the URL standard was deprecated in favour of URIs in 2001


1130, back at a desk, not quite enough sleep.


0146, most of the day was spent moving; there was an interruption from regulators at the office, but that has not escalated yet; I am blessed to have people who look out for me and provide me with good things; I must complete this move quickly so that I can refocus on work; perhaps a little coding before bed.


0714, decent progress, will credit a lot of beef pasta and B12 supplements for that.


Thanks to the 7 people who signed my petition :P

 (52 as of 2020-08-12)



It has come to my attention that I have been excluded from Subtle Malaysian Traits: Inclusive Edition ...


Driving around a school is rather stressful. It's like: manslaughter warning; warning; concurrent manslaughter warning; life sentence; life sentence warning; three o'clock; two meters; one o'clock; three meters; manslaughter warning; brake now; urgent warning.


That moment when you realise that the cool kids still think that other groups thought they were the alphas. #growingold


In case you are unaware of how politics is played, please understand that renting a crowd to cause a resurgence in pandemic case counts, to disrupt the economy at the expense of a few human lives is ... normal, in the grand scheme of things. Nevermind the balance of power in parliament :)


0118, rebased for the second time since 1459ish waking after two transport runs, and the anchoring of a storage unit to the wall, some social time, and research into tomorrow's massive transport.


0524, iterated on community chat with technologists, twiddled with code; figured that any time I need to run an operation on data, I should ALWAYS IF AFFORDABLE : encapsulate all the structural validation steps up front, and then encapsulate the business logic subsequently; I've run into the benefits of doing this twice now on the current project ... once in regex, and once in object literals.


Well done my love, I'm happy to hear of that next move.


Slow hour in a slow day, in a slow month, in a slow decade, in a slow life. A lot of dead time this week. Non-work-life interrupts work-life significantly. And this is already with work-life being prioritised ahead of non-work-life. Enforced boredom means enforced accumulation of energy, I suppose. Just looking at the software design issue in front of me makes me horribly stressed, but, that is to be expected ... after all, it is non-trivial. I suppose this is the best I can do. What to do. Patience is a ladder. Just gotta wait out the week. Actually, I think it's time to reinsert an exponential backoff strategy in dealing with cognitive load. Problems which can't be loaded in x minutes, should be deprioritised until R&R bubbles to the top of the queue.


Airlines and hospitality have a really interesting 5-year strategic opportunity window. Figure out industries which are vertically integrated, and invest in those for 3 years. When tourism recovers, mint.


1020, sitting on the steps of a mamak trying to get a lorry driver across town to the right remote pickup point.


Two trips of stuff. Whiskey bar with bestie and her book reading.


0152, feeding time; getting the last of my stuff from the old room.


0405, done moving for the most part; will return keys to previous landlady tomorrow, I think; much interior design to do.


0525, showered; from the moment I step in to the room, till my head hits a pillow, the room smells like roach; I can't find an honest complaint - I'm doing pretty well for a guy who hasn't been paid on time in four years, and hardly at all in four months.


1423, up, in a new home; much home building to do; in terms of sheer scale of entropy, this is probably the greatest mess I have ever achieved; a Russian doll of chaos ... that's what there is to worry about, but fortunately held together by a few layers of order, some more frail, some less so; taking stock of my day, and month, once again, I can only goad myself to focus on the nearest tasks at hand; how many days did a Juggernaut spend clawing through the earth? First things first, a quick wash, and feeding.


Year five, month one, ends today.


0001, spent half the day doing grief counselling for a friend; about an hour scrubbing mildew and food off doors and walls and fittings in the bathroom; on the bright side, the acoustic insulation is fantastic, and so I suppose raves can now begin.


0533, room mostly sorted; potato tells itself stories in my bed; time to shower and chit chat - hopefully to wrap up floor patching, food station, and key returns tomorrow.


1521, up, fed, off to finish room setup and repairs.


0017, the Puchong asset has been effectively disposed: keys have been returned to the landlady, and no further trips seem necessary; meanwhile I have barely made progress at PJ; a bit of time was spent on social work; otherwise I have acquired the furniture which will support a small pantry, but I have not yet assembled it - these items are furthermore refugees from the office, where we continue to have a shortage of storage due to sars-cov precautions; I also made a failed attempt to grout key areas in the bathroom - the wrong type of grout was used, so tomorrow I must correct this mistake; it seems also that the bathroom floor is uneven in several places, so I muat acquire a squeegee for daily maintenance; for monthly concerns I am afraid I may have to get a pumped spray bottle for bleach, as the tiles may be the sort that easily accumulate mildew; plumbing for improved water pressure, and a bidet, may also have to happen; I plan to retire early today, and to start early tomorrow.


So doesn't anyone want to know if Will and Jada had, or had not, previously agreed to not see other people? The criss-cross of accusatory memes seems to hinge on whatever the answer is to this question. 🤷🏻 #noonecares #whydoesnoonecare 🤣


1341, up, enforced work; hopefully the cognitive burden of of this new residence is lighter than the previous one.


0139, grouting trial two, executed; pantry established; housekeeping storage optimise; fire hazards minimised; finally, sitting down with some semblance of possible return to work; met up with a contact established during lockdown; more work to do; payroll tomorrow; perhaps early to bed today; the toilet light has died - I suspect the water filter cartridge has expired also - I will have to look into these this coming week; I end up working on some design notes for the web framework.


0316, soon actually to bed.


0416, ok, to bed for real.


0612, in bed, played a little music to displace generative imaginary signals from hitting conscious inputs; thought my friends, close and distant, past and present.


Perhaps useful for comparison - this is just my own take:

I graduated in 2005. I prioritise my mental acuity, and generally deprioritise financial gain, as I would tell a dumber/too-dumb version of myself to go kill themself (of course, that other version might not like the current version, but that's not the current version's problem). So I soon learnt to plan my entire life around minimum wage.

That gives me a lot of freedom to focus on maintaining my mental acuity, with activities such as physical exercise, and by working on technical design problems, rather than by simply exercising social intelligence in order to climb a payscale while spending my verbal computation on some corporate tasks that someone else needs done which carries no direct benefit to myself.

And after ten years of looking for ways to make a living in Malaysia which paid enough in either (a) cash or (b) education ... I simply ended up running a cafe.

Yes, Malaysian ... but you may draw parallels over the causeway, perhaps.




I'm happy to not have to worry about babysitting for the time being.


It is a 35 minute walk from my office room to the production floor. #onedatapoint


New cheap-ass kettle - my coffee is going to taste like plastic VOCs for a few days.


Glad to have read up on REST's original dissertation, and to have draughted some architectural improvements accordingly.


I just realised Andrew Ng and Andrew Yang are different people.


On high functioning anxiety: I don't consider myself anxious as much as I consider most other people to be both naive, and overly delicate. :p Pick a mode.


People who wish to be thorns in their neighbours' flesh, while remaining unprepared for retribution ... are fascinating.


Wow, that looked like a kiloton warhead went off ... underwater micronuke? Probably not ... fire apparently started 15 minutes before the blast ... maybe a huge gas tank




Caught up on a little procurement for work.


Ran a short distance with company. Still out of shape - more training required.


Mounted a mirror for grooming ... just enough to shave with.


Strung a clothesline, and did laundry. (Making a note to modify this later so that I can shower AND have clothes hung without getting them wet.)


I do not feel productive. But all of this is work. I skip between bits of design review, and productivity review ... and I note that my productivity is unsatisfactory (subjective). I suppose it is one of those reflective moments where the entrepreneur must seek a balance between doing what only they can do for the operation, versus distributing tasks to others, versus abandoning tasks altogether. I am in a state of relative luxury - I must make the most of it for all of us. Let me reflect a little longer on what must be done.


Firmed up a new routing architecture proposal for the framework ... going to move that to a DEV branch, while stabilising sans-new-proposal for a PROD v1.0.0-alpha


It's time to start shipping client-facing applications >_<.


Lunch meeting on software subjects with acquaintances. Off to bed now. Tinder maybe for a while.




Networking meeting.


Procurement for shop.


Wifi, ventilation, and spray shielding infrastructure adjustments.


Patted friend on the head.


Going back to look at work now.


0008, Revising Git basics, because half the time I don't actually know what I am doing. After a protein dose.


0227, will take some creatine and hit the sack.


0307, jotted done a riff that could be song at some point.



Today I aim to work only on accounting and administration.


I ended up also insulating two doors, and after a shower I may work on code a little.


0438 bed time.  



Plan: Clean AC, do accounts.


Implementation: fed, cleaned AC, cleared drain, remounted cable trunking, cleaned up after myself, fed, cleaned myself, made a coffee, napped, generally evaluated my social relations throughout the day, swiped through quotas on some dating apps, and TBC.


Perhaps the transition of residences brings up past traumas associated with such moves in the past.


0230, worked out; back to a desk.


So it seems the optimal share path for integrating Facebook Page and Group brands is ...

1. Post on Page.

2. Page manages Group.

3. Page shares Page Post in Group.

4. Anyone who shares the Group Post may then insert: link to Group and link to Page


Wah lan ye ... -_- so complicated.


0659, shit, it is late. I should be going to sleep. Partial split up of the framework into version 1 and version 2.


0733, completed notes on work in social chat groups, and copied them to Facebook wall; notes on work posted separately from this meta-note; oh yes, the last-few hours work has been benefited by a dose of B12, coffee, protein powder, and cranberries (which were gifted to me, and I haven't bought a plate yet for my room, so I didn't want to make toast).





My current analogy for the complexity of writing a robust web development framework is ... it's approximately as much work as stitching the clothes for a small wedding.


dev-v1 and dev-v2 forked, and independently deployed by hand. Need to get into infrastructure as code at some point - or only after beta? IDK..


Otherwise, little was accomplished today besides the installation of a bidet and a lot of social support for a friend.


Fish oil consumption has resumed.


2020-08-10: this was a bad day - because work is my top priority, and I got so little of it done; I guess I'm lucky that my bad days are pretty colourful


1445 ish.


Accounts are higher in priority today.


Study of git merge, rebase, etc. would be the next technical subject for late night work.


I have a maintenance issue to address at the office. AC2 is too warm. But first, food, perhaps.


And I check on the health of my friends.


I worry that this is too much to think about, so the adjustment with fish oil (on pause for a year or so) is a good study of the practical effects of this item.


Housekeeping: bought a plate from IKEA. It shall be my only plate for a while.


Head still cluttered from the number of opportunities we are missing in our weakened state as a business. Having a coffee, while sitting at the foot of my bed. Thinking about thought: reviewing little business issues as they pop up (reviews, notifications of goods delivered, comms questions), reviewing my investments of time and memory in various individual people, reviewing my model of my own body temperature control, reviewing my model of physics with regards to materials and their behaviour over time in simulation.


Added creatine to last of the coffee.




Iterated the git study. Fixed a desk lamp. Thought a lot about finally reaching a place in life that is on-target for goals I set years ago ... however, with knowledge that the future may be unlike the past. And the present is probably going to be disrupted, as things in this part of the universe are never very stable.


Dinner time.


Made a new friend. Not sure if time spent making friends is ever worthwhile.


Walked around the neighbourhood streets a bit with a 10kg weight.


Protein supplementation.


Coordinated with another friend on studying git data structures.


When in doubt, rest and do less.




Turning in early. Head definitely not fully engaged with work today, but not sure if due to dietary or business or social events. Or is it the recent ingestion of alcohol from a few days ago. Doesn't really matter given the lack of controlled inputs: keep iterating.


In the dark, with my head on the pillow, I miss chasing a certain pretty girl down the street. Then one gambles on the ethics of telling her this, and pulls the trigger. in any relationship, any day might be the last day of coherent speech - that is what time has taught me. I miss her hotness, and the look of her eye on the street.




We chat about sleep, and work. Perhaps it is time I kept a lamp on in my room, as a stimulus source against which to calibrate my autonomous imagination ... as perhaps I did, for a couple of years until i took a break in 2019.


Jimmy Lai-down.


When I meet people who expect to be treated with respect, I weep inside and wonder what coddled upbringing begot these pleasant minds.




1451, inboxes clearish.


Progressed to check on staff welfare and to adjust their schedules. Delivered coffee from supplier to shop. Reviewed some social interactions. Did laundry.


2117, time for a run.


After run: shops nearby no longer serving food; went home to make toast; half loaf of bread slices have frozen together; ate frozen bread instead; more social work, some of it with friends.


0114, more rest.


I have to tidy up my journals, as is periodically the case. My general fatigue continues to be a hindrance to productivity on the job. But having moves out of Puchong provides one less great distraction to my work. Perhaps the addition of exercise will help to rebuild my cognitive faculties, gradually. In the short term of course, more exercise is a net drain on the same. It is good to be staying focused on such issues of wellness for a few days.


Proposition, from a thread:


Suggesting that people should use the common tactic of "saying I am attached, in order to get interested parties to back off," is equivalent to suggesting that people should use the common tactic of "dressing less provocatively, to avoid being raped".


What sort of feminism do you prefer, really? I don't think there are hard and fast rules without specific contexts here: if you provide a specific context, you can articulate a relevant rule. Trying to shoehorn a specific tactic to fit the universe of unknown scenarios is rather foolish ...




  Please remember to mock this post in /r/iamverysmart when I do get in trouble from time to time. My entire life has revolved around the notion that #iamverysmart but #iliveinadangerouscountry so generally I have trained myself to be prepared for any sort of trouble that smart people get into, including mobs, jail, illness, hate mail, poverty, #otherverysmartpeople, and #peoplewhoarenotverysmart ...

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