2020-08-12 at

Butthurt Part II: chemical bondage

In general I regard drinkers and smokers as a sort of cognitive subclass, and I'm still happy to date them, but I wouldn't bet on finding the smartest people in those groups. So that is my inherent prejudice / lifestyle profiling. Whenever I do date one, I review these trading strategies for merit or the lack thereof. I also make a point to communicate my views to my dates. So far the sentimental responses are about 50:50 ... some people are horrified by my bigotry, and just don't like being viewed as part of a category that has lower ranking in my segmentation algorithm. Others actually understand the nature of segmentation.
Someone asked me what I thought about public pickups, like in bars or night clubs. So I was trying to think about it, but I realise I have no point of reference. I've generally never gotten the hang of public pickups. (1) I've spent very little time in it because I'm not targeting it (2) when I do talk to strangers I generally have no budget for small talk and will usually ask if they want to chat, or get a drink / coffee, and usually the answer is no. Basically I make near zero effort in this space. It is a mystery to me until I spend more time studying it.
I fully understand that most people who enjoy chemical stimulants bond with strangers over alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs. But as those are generally discomforting to me... usually I don't press those buttons, even though I know they work.

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