2020-08-12 at

Butthurt Part III: recognition of butthurt

Taking more time to review my prejudices. A list of categories of people who tend to score lower on my intuition about whether they are smart or not, in no particular order:
- worried about money
- worried about losing friends or family
- worried about what neighbours / co-citizens think of them
- worried about death / pain / illness
- debate is more than a game to them
- playing games helps them destress
- they depend on special stimulants for social intimacy
- they depend on special depressants for relaxation
- eating, sleeping, and travelling make them happy
It just goes to show that I am a hypocritical bigot. Wait, I don't actually think I am very smart ... I just tend to why wonder why these classes are so stupid ... so maybe I am less hypocritical, and more bigoted than I initially modelled at the beginning of this paragraph.
I show one friend some of my thoughts as is, and they say this can sound rather butthurt. I am wondering what there is to be butthurt about. Do I perhaps prefer to be regarded as smarter? Not really, given that I wholly accept that my standards for "smart" are not the same as the standard of "smart" employed by many other people. Do I wish I was more normal? Yes. I always say, I wish I was more normal. But then I realise it would mean being dumber. But then I make it work by doing things which I consider to be dumb. Not because I believe they are smart things - but because I want to fit in with dumb people.
Some dumb people are ok with this. Some just want me to go away. That is life - you can seek to be tolerant, but your company may not be equally so. Such is life ... and butthurt. 

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