2022-11-09 at

Governance Protocols : Introverts vs Extroverts

(From recent coaching work.)

Regarding the concept, that a monoculture of "introversion" or "extroversion", in the leadership of an organisation, tends to fundamentally skew how that organisation is run :

- "introverts" may be described as having a stronger sense of in-group/out-group identity - whereas, the distinction is less pronounced in "extroverts"

- so a group of introverts may depend more on protocols depending on "trusting the people we know" (high-context) - whereas, a group of extroverts may depend more on protocols where "it doesn't matter if we trust a counterparty, we can control the work anyway" (low-context)

So we may see a shift in how work gets done, if/when we start to include new leaders from different backgrounds, in the leadership of an organisation which suffers from deficiencies, attributed to an absence of diversity.

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