2023-10-14 at

On The Value of Life ( Content Warning #suicide #marketing #purpose )

M : Wear a mask! ( it's 2023 )
N : My own policy is to get sick as often as convenient.
M : Getting sick is not convenient!
N : It's more convenient than having low immunity. ( discussion on acquired immunity redacted )

M : 
N : Do you care if you live, or die? For example, do you buy health insurance?
M : Yes, because [ genre of ailment ] is not sufficiently covered for most [ ... ] citizens, despite the extensive support we get from the public health system.
N : I don't buy health insurance, because I'm not wealthy enough to care if I live or die. As far as I'm concerned people with my degree of wealth are common and disposable.

M : Someone in the world loves you.
N : The feelings is probably not mutual ;) or in like proportion.
M : How do you quantify proportional love ...
N : That leaves you with a riddle.
M : Well, I love myself, so no comparisons are needed.
N : Then that is all you need, your life is fulfilled.
M : ... hence I buy health insurance.
N : I don't love myself thaaat much. :P If someone else wants to buy my health insurance, they're welcome to. But even I might not appreciate it.
M : Either (1) you don't know how much treatment costs, or (2) you know, but in proportion to your wealth, it is minor
N : (3) I know; I also know I won't be able to afford it, and I am satisfied with the option to suffer until death.
M : I accept, that you don't love yourself.

N : Most people are incapable of (3). I chalk it up to their weaknesses. The economy depends on weak consumer choices. We make people fear a loss of pleasure, so they eat more junk food, like sweet desserts, and greasy brunch. We make people fear a loss of relationships, so they buy insurance and healthcare, both scientific and quackery. There are many fears to be instructed -  that is the operation of marketing ^_^
M : I pay $1,000/year for peace of mind; for health insurance, from a fear of having my assets wiped out.
N : It seems like your peace of mind is easily bought. Perhaps there are other contingencies you have not considered about how terrible life could be, despite having health insurance.
M : OMG, give me a list, I will see if I can buy insurance for it!
N : Likely you will run out of money first, or find that many terrors are not insurable by third-parties.

M : I believe in risk-mitigation for my terrors.
N : The point is, the threats don't actually matter - one just decides to fear them. Those who disagree discover that they have risks. However those who agree, have nothing to lose all their lives, and it is just a matter of passing time.
M : There is an issue of suffering in life - death is not all that worrying.
N : There is always the option to self-terminate - however that's taboo, and a delicate subject for many.
M : It's hard to self-terminate.
N : It's really not hard to self-euthanise if someone is educated. But most people are not, and that makes t  hings so very messy. The subject moreover involves criminal liability in aiding people with self-termination, so one does not say anything that encourages another to self-terminate. Since it is a matter of criminal liability, it should be considered an adult subject in the parts of the world which have laws against suicide, or against abetting suicide.

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