2013-01-21 at


A chap on Twitter, who might have seen some of my written interests on optimising the language layer of mathematics, sent me a link. It was to some work by a Raymond Boute, who works on formal methods in quantitative fields, ranging from mathematics to electronics. It uses Haskell to implement tools, which I am therefore thankful for having learnt last year. (He also sent me some other links to writings by Djikstra, which I have saved to Pocket. Thanks.)

In the first chapter of the Boute PDF, I am looking at Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation for defining context-free grammars (CFGs) again. I remember first engaging with BNF when I was reading the Golang specification in 2010/2011. Later, I remember reading it in the context of figuring out the Erlang compilation chain. I'm not sure if I encountered it in studying Haskell.

Anyway, no point me trying to tell you what BNF is, except that it's a pattern used to summarise the rules of a language('s syntax). You can search for it on the Internet if you're into that kind of thing.

I am no expert here.

Update: Hoare Triple... Pre-Post Formula... emergerd... how many more of these funny names do I have to remember? (why do I do this -_-) No serious complaint of course - I guess if I stick to this, I'll get it allll eventually.

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