2024-08-25 at

Ordinary Parenting

You're a lump of a meat, crawling on a rock, whizzing through space. A lump that tells itself stories, and trades them with other lumps of meat. Aside from the trade in stories, you have some notion that your meat is valuable beyond your lifetime so you seek to propagate it. You devote a life, or some fraction of your life to this. What are you? Merely normal, nothing to see here.

And yet this political reality drives much of the world economy at any point in time.


I was once on a date with a drop-out consultant who had become fairly successful as an entrepreneur. At some point I mentioned that I enjoy developing people, and they asked what sort of development I meant.

There is no external reward for investments in development. A portion of development funds will never be recognised as productive by anyone but the portfolio manager. 

Development is fraught with political interest ... and the manager's role involves balancing the rates of failure against the elasticities of satisfaction, such that the net result is positive.

Once developed, a subject may choose to maliciously enrich itself at the expense of the developer. That is a common, and ordinary risk. So the developer must be prepared for this also.

Such is the parenting of our peers.

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