2024-08-27 at

Phenomenology of Housing

689 square feet. The only reason I have such a massive residence is due to my financial situation of not considering myself rich enough to rent perpetually ... and because a bunch of my accumulated projects over the past decade have been hardware oriented, so now this flat is a garage in the sky. Also, I had to figure out how to make it nice enough to not piss of people whom I see.

Anyway, a strange balance of form and function. Sometimes when I wake up on an ordinary study day without company, I am quite convinced that I have overcapitalised, as I need none of the things I see. This puts me in a bad mood and reduces the efficiency of my studies. So, I have studied the problem. 

Hormonal control systems requires that I draw pleasure from the sight of the physical appearance of this flat as a thing in itself. The phenomenological dynamic then improves memory functions, and my affinity for studies. However, risk management is appropriate. I must also bear in mind, at the same time, the tail risks which would incur expenses or a write-down of the asset.

When I was in college, I lived in dorms : co-living, with public showers, and 100+ square feet of private space. If my lovers were not to be offended by this, I would only need as much for personal life. As an extrovert, my heart is never at home.

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