2013-03-15 at


Day 1

Balmoral Park. Orchard. Newton. Bay Front. Bueno Vista. Dover. Right.

Camping at the cousins' in Singapore, again. Using the same bottle of soap I bought for business travel, two years ago.

Day 2


After a day spent half in traffic, and half in coffee shops, I'm on a train home for the evening. Colleagues have gone drinking - I can't be arsed to get into that. I've got ten stations to go till my stop. Briefcase in one hand, railing in the other, I close my eyes, and feel the train beneath my feet, analysing the sounds around me, trying to locate their distance and orientation from me. It is a game, or a sport, and one I should play more often. But I have not been on trains much, these past few years.

I am going home to study Haskell. There is not much else for me to do at this point. Maybe if we get into roasting coffee, I will volunteer. Some do not think it will entertain them, but I do not foresee it boring more than any other work. Sensual work is a good complement to my conceptual studies. It is humbling, because I am insensitive to sensual details, and must make more effort to understand sensual arts. Commerce generally bores me - it is an unchallenging, unsophisticated, game of human emotional dynamics and demi math. There are harder things to play. But one has to earn a living. So nevertheless, I remain grateful for opportunities to participate in commerce where I am welcome.

Day 3


Multitasking between three highly random projects can be stressful. But fortunately, at least one of them is social. :P

Got some constructive feedback on our internal planning documents, and on our outward-facing comms/pitch documents, from friends.

Day 4

Got a tour of some places in Chinatown. I suppose... there's something to be said for boring, but classic and polished, designs in any field. There's a nice antique shop here, too.

Bye Singapore. Our biennial affairs have been fun.

Other take-aways: CSHH - everything also got; Nylon - nano-sized indy roaster run by ex-financiers; Toby's Estate - Australian invasion; China Town has a couple of cute cafe/diners that say they're coffee places, but are really just neighbourhood hangouts. I did get a good sense, of what difference a bunch of couches makes, to loungify an otherwise pure-dining setting, from Group Therapy.

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