2013-06-03 at


A surprisingly stimulating day.

Old clients featured in the news next to recent acquaintances. Economics all around... decisions, decisions, decisions...
I have in recently years been rarely miscible at non-professional gatherings. In the past few months, I've been working in a consumer-facing business, and have therefore made special efforts to attend more non-professional meetings. As the conversation that I make around non-professional subjects is of a much higher variance than the conversation that I make within professional domains, I am tickled to find folks wrinkling their brows, shrugging their shoulders, and shaking their heads in confusion at the things that I have to say. The thirty-year-old me laughs a little, and somewhere inside perhaps, the four-year-old me bursts into tears. Such is life. Perhaps. You live and learn...

Booze? Juice is for the weak of heart, as class is for the weak of art.

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